Yeah, to be honest, that was about the size of it. But I mean I've died in UO plenty of times and lost a heck of a lot more than that. But the thing that set me off is that the nature of the invasions makes absolutely zero sense. There should be a presence of guards fighting back the invasion, and it shouldn't be this "let's spin the wheel of fortune and have one random city a deathtrap for a few hours" business.
What they should do, in my no-so-humble-opinion, is to stage the invasion from a single point (instead of just suddenly making every inch of the city monster soup), and have them spread out, with npc guards fighting them along the way. Plus, once a city falls, it should stay conquered -- that would motivate players to defend it.
You see, I remember the invasion of Trinsic -- that was the last really decent invasion (also the first I believe). Players all over the shard banded together, and on Napa at least, we really put forth an organized effort to fight the invasion, which didn't just spawn undead everywhere -- the undead had to occupy a region for X minutes to start spawning there.
The invasion of Maginica showed the really bad side. First of all it was made clear at the get-go there was no way to win. That alone is pretty stupid -- why play when you know you will lose guaranteed? So instead they used the idea of items to lure players... and players were a hell of a lot more destructive to the city than the monsters ever were (to get the precious rubble).
But the invasions right now? NO point. They are gonna inexplicably pull out if you wait, and they don't drop any worthwhile items, so it's pointless.
Yeah I was pissed because I teleported into a deathtrap, but more so because it was completely meaningless deathtrap. I mean, are we gonna GO anywhere with these stupid invasions? Give it some direction devs, or turn it off. It's not novel or exciting, it's tired.