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EM's are back and they are giving it away



Greetings Everyone,

We have been keeping a close eye on EM events and player feedback regarding rewards. After careful consideration we have decided that everyone that does the event should receive a reward. This reward will be the same reward across all the shards, with small differences in text on the item or the hue of the item. We will, of course, take precautions to ensure that only people who take part in a specific event receive the reward. The 1st and 2nd place winners will have their names on the item along with the event name and a year added to the item. When rewards are given out by the Event Moderators it will be announced with the post of shard times that the EM will be giving the applicable reward.

For future events, all locations will be announced with the times to stop any confusion for future events.


I think this is a great idea. The event itself if fun and entertaining but I do agree that a little something as a reminder of the event is very nice too. :D

Uthar Pendragon

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Greetings Everyone,

We have been keeping a close eye on EM events and player feedback regarding rewards. After careful consideration we have decided that everyone that does the event should receive a reward. This reward will be the same reward across all the shards, with small differences in text on the item or the hue of the item. We will, of course, take precautions to ensure that only people who take part in a specific event receive the reward. The 1st and 2nd place winners will have their names on the item along with the event name and a year added to the item. When rewards are given out by the Event Moderators it will be announced with the post of shard times that the EM will be giving the applicable reward.

For future events, all locations will be announced with the times to stop any confusion for future events.


truely sad that it has come to this.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unique items were a way to mark important moments in a shard's history... Now we just get souvenirs instead thanks to the whining. How lame...

I also hope that this stupid method of item distribution will only be used occasionally... I don't want to spend EM events standing one hour in line with the "GIMME GIMME" spamming crowd.

How about this instead? If we can't have unique items anymore thanks to the whiners, why don't you let the EMs create more permanent unique additions (decorations, spawns, shops, whatever!) to the shard as "rewards" for the events, based on the outcome?
Or are you also afraid of the whiners that will immediately start accusations of shard favoritism?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After careful consideration we have decided that everyone that does the event should receive a reward.
I think this is a useful change: it still lets the people who thrive on competition and rares drive the events forward, but let everyone else focus on having fun assured they will still getting a keepsake to mark the event. Even if people sometimes go shardhopping just to harvest the participation awards and add lag, at least it will serve to provide a good crowd for people who sometimes feel a little alone.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I really don't like this.

It takes away the EM's ability to make the event unique to each shard. It also limits the way in which an EM could construct the event and the reward.

Cookie cutters suck.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cookie cutters suck.
Well, it depends on the shape of the cookie cutter IMO.

If it's a cookie cutter shaped like an animal or a pirate, that would be helpful. I'm not really good at shaping cookie dough in the shape of animals or pirates. Certainly round cookie cutters are a waste of time unless you are making 100's of em. Then it might be nice to have.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am holding my opinion on this because it seems like these policies are direct consequence from player's responses. In other words, let's see how this new change will affect the players. I am sure if majority of the people don't like this new change, we'll hear it here and EA will again respond to that. I guess this is what makes this game what it is, i.e. players didcates the direction and its future.


I strongly oppose this change, and can't believe they're once again letting the cry babies kill this game.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mesanna seriously just took the WORST approach possible to all of this, THE worst.

Yeah, let everyone have the event item except the first two get their name on it. Yeah, let's flood the market with named items with cool colors, but only PERSONALIZE two!

It's like if a teacher asked a question, let everyone answer it, give them all gold stars, but only give the FIRST TWO the ones with PRETTY SPARKLES! Get real.

I for one won't be taking part in the majority of events anymore, how do you expect people to strut their stuff if the entire bank is wearing the same robe...?

Dumb. :(


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh here, one more rant;

Don't you think it's just hilarious, that after attempting to "remove dupes" so many times, the damn developement team is now beginning to esentially DUPE? (Replicas, God knows how many event items will be handed out.)

God, how pathetic, disappointing, and so many other words I can't seem to muster.


If I didnt know any better id say you should change the name to something other than Ultima Online, cause I have a hard time recognizing the game I started playing (And loved) 10-11 years ago...

Ofcourse some changes are bound to be made over time, but why stray so far away from what originally got people excited about the game.

This change is yet another in a long line that just takes the game even further away from what once was and what once was great....

Its sad what it has come to.

I suggest if you make any more changes, it should be changes that make the game abit more like it used to be... Not all progress are for the better :-(


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
how do you expect people to strut their stuff if the entire bank is wearing the same robe...?

I can understand that they want to listen to the players, but each player has a different set of views and desires, and the EM team seem to have taken in a strange disjointed mishmash of those desires and used it to construct the new policy.

People want event items because they're rare, and special, and the chance of getting one is actually very low. People cry because the same people end up getting event items very often - THAT'S BECAUSE THOSE PEOPLE ARE GOOD AT PLAYING THE GAME. These are the same people who continually pip you to the +20 powerscrolls, the artifacts, the BOD rewards, and rares, and everything else in the game that they seem to have a lot of, and you don't. (when I say "you" I refer to the sore losers who get policy like this enforced in the first place)

Yes, there are cheaters, dupers, scripters, whatever, and they deserve to be punished, but this is a completely seperate issue. EM events are one of the few systems in the game completely uncompromised by ANY of these issues - most of the people winning event items are doing so out of sheer skill, teamwork, and ingenuity.

The thing is there were already events where everybody got an item - royal guard sashes for example. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with giving an item to everyone, if it fits the theme of the event. Of course everybody in the Royal Guard should get a sash - that's cool. It makes sense. Other events handed out large quantities of items (15-30, often), and that was great also, it meant most of the skilled players in attendance recieved a reward.

There's such a big difference between giving 15 of an item, on one shard (and having completely different items on each shard), to giving 50-100 of an item on all 14 shards. That's 700-1400 of the exact same item! Like Noxismos says, you're going to go to the bank with your new robe, and half the people there will have exactly the same thing! Bleh.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Greetings Everyone,

We have been keeping a close eye on EM events and player feedback regarding rewards. After careful consideration we have decided that everyone that does the event should receive a reward. This reward will be the same reward across all the shards, with small differences in text on the item or the hue of the item. We will, of course, take precautions to ensure that only people who take part in a specific event receive the reward. The 1st and 2nd place winners will have their names on the item along with the event name and a year added to the item. When rewards are given out by the Event Moderators it will be announced with the post of shard times that the EM will be giving the applicable reward.

For future events, all locations will be announced with the times to stop any confusion for future events.

The EM Program Dies. Yet Again.

Seriously I can't possibly explain to you, in words, how stupid this system is. However I will *try*.

First of all, this system was put in place so people wouldn't care about items however all this system is doing is encouraging people to just show up on MULTIPLE accounts for more items (yes I will bring every account I own down to an event just to receive more items now on EVERY shard's event, and yes I will do it illegally).

Second of all, this system is NOT practical at all. People will be forced to queue up for HOURS before receiving and item and if they don't receive one they will inevitably pancake about it.

Third of all, you basically just killed the whole rare collector part of the game in a very, very swift and cruel blow.

Fourth, say one reward given out is a lamp post, for the winner it would be called something like this "A Lamp Post - 1st place Winner Petrify Loves Candle event 09". So you know what people like me will do (just to highlight how stupid this system is)? I am going to get a name change token on my character which wins most events and name it something like "qwokmlpolnadabsf", "useless Item", "Worst Event Ever" ect (im not in a creative mood at the moment but you get the gist).

Fifth, the people who were complaining about not receiving rewards or that everybody should get a reward are the people who do absolutely nothing in events, have never even come close to winning one and want everything handed to them on a silver platter. You may as well do what one prominent free shard does and just have a button to drop the items into the backpack of anybody within the region of the event. Seriously EA I really didn't think you could get any dumber but yet again you prove me wrong and yet again you fix something that wasn't broken and was probably one of the very best aspects of this game. It's a shame that Darkfall isn't going to be great for Australians for a very long time.

If I didnt know any better id say you should change the name to something other than Ultima Online
I'd try something like Communism Online .


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I can understand that they want to listen to the players, but each player has a different set of views and desires, and the EM team seem to have taken in a strange disjointed mishmash of those desires and used it to construct the new policy.

People want event items because they're rare, and special, and the chance of getting one is actually very low. People cry because the same people end up getting event items very often - THAT'S BECAUSE THOSE PEOPLE ARE GOOD AT PLAYING THE GAME. These are the same people who continually pip you to the +20 powerscrolls, the artifacts, the BOD rewards, and rares, and everything else in the game that they seem to have a lot of, and you don't.

Yes, there are cheaters, dupers, scripters, whatever, and they deserve to be punished, but this is a completely seperate issue. EM events are one of the few systems in the game completely uncompromised by ANY of these issues - most of the people winning event items are doing so out of sheer skill, teamwork, and ingenuity.
I just can't understand, why they would take the one "pure", uncorrupted by any sense of "cheating" or "duping", and you sully it by simply giving every whiner and cross sharding horder who knows NOTHING of this game a chance to get a sort of UO Badge of knowledge.

It makes me rage.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People cry because the same people end up getting event items very often - THAT'S BECAUSE THOSE PEOPLE ARE GOOD AT PLAYING THE GAME. These are the same people who continually pip you to the +20 powerscrolls, the artifacts, the BOD rewards, and rares, and everything else in the game that they seem to have a lot of, and you don't. (when I say "you" I refer to the sore losers who get policy like this enforced in the first place)
I wouldn't even bother trying to explain this, the people who aren't in that group generally don't have an understanding of this concept.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm making a thread complaining about the changes... See if we can stop the moaners by moaning outselves about these stupid changes for the minority of the game...

Please all post and COMPLAIN, WINGE and MOAN about it!


If youre going to outfit whole server of event stuff (and their alts) bring back dread warhorses while youre at it.Oh and make GD´s ridable please.


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If youre going to outfit whole server of event stuff (and their alts) bring back dread warhorses while youre at it.Oh and make GD´s ridable please.
and dont forget to add a dye anything any color tub at the bank so the outrageous colors can be everywhere.

Meseanna, If I wanted to play WOW and wear the same **** as everyone else, I would have continued that, or even Warhammer for that matter


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Meseanna, If I wanted to play WOW and wear the same **** as everyone else, I would have continued that, or even Warhammer for that matter
So, so true.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sweet time to multi client at events to get mass rewards. What a wonderfull idea EA.

I'm sure now the rewards for these events will be as meaningfull as a holiday tree deed. Thanks all you fat crybabies.


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Greetings Everyone,

We have been keeping a close eye on EM events and player feedback regarding rewards. After careful consideration we have decided that everyone that does the event should receive a reward. This reward will be the same reward across all the shards, with small differences in text on the item or the hue of the item. We will, of course, take precautions to ensure that only people who take part in a specific event receive the reward. The 1st and 2nd place winners will have their names on the item along with the event name and a year added to the item. When rewards are given out by the Event Moderators it will be announced with the post of shard times that the EM will be giving the applicable reward.

For future events, all locations will be announced with the times to stop any confusion for future events.

Great idea. Thanks.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Rewards were tried the old way twice. Let them try this way at least once, then decide.

I find it a little odd that some who posted about all the great new toys they got from the most recent event are now against this. Won't your most recent new item now be even more rare? (ya "yukky" I mean you too, in good fun that is :) )

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Greetings Everyone,

We have been keeping a close eye on EM events and player feedback regarding rewards. After careful consideration we have decided that everyone that does the event should receive a reward. This reward will be the same reward across all the shards, with small differences in text on the item or the hue of the item. We will, of course, take precautions to ensure that only people who take part in a specific event receive the reward. The 1st and 2nd place winners will have their names on the item along with the event name and a year added to the item. When rewards are given out by the Event Moderators it will be announced with the post of shard times that the EM will be giving the applicable reward.

For future events, all locations will be announced with the times to stop any confusion for future events.

I can't believe this happened because of a relatively small amount of complaints on Stratics.

I suspect that there is now going to be a lot more people coming here to post how terrible this decision is.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The thing is there were already events where everybody got an item - royal guard sashes for example. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with giving an item to everyone, if it fits the theme of the event. Of course everybody in the Royal Guard should get a sash - that's cool. It makes sense.
Except that I got my Royal Britannian Guard sash personally from Jordan Jurrel after stopping by in his office for a short casual RP chat after the event. Which makes the sash (though identical to all other RBG sashes handed out on Europa) much more important for me.
Nathan Hawke will only be allowed to hand out sashes after posting an official announcement on uoherald and dealing with the hundreds of spammers who show up just for that reason.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can't believe this happened because of a relatively small amount of complaints on Stratics.

I suspect that there is now going to be a lot more people coming here to post how terrible this decision is.

Stratics is far from a good sampling of players wants. More than likely Mesanna got slammed with the feedback forms. People do you them ya know.


I just spent the last 15 minutes reading about how 20 cry babies didn't get their rare so they want to ruin i for the entire shard? They are called event rares for a reason..... THEY ARE RARE!!! I hope they change it back to the way it was. If people want to work their little asses off getting something thats worth 100 mil, so be it. If I want one, I will either do the event (doubtful) or find the person that got the rare and buy it off him. Either way its not fair that 20 people are going to ruin the entire EM system. Suck it up and do better at the next event. Rares make things worth while. Its like getting the perfect jewel, the perfect armor, or the perfect weapon. If you don't want the uber jewel or armor or weapon what do you do with it? YOU SELL IT!!! EM rares should be no different.



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just had an idea... people who DONT want these changes... Send in feedback... Get the DEV's, no MAKE the DEV's listen to the people and not the minority!


But for a great deal of players, (it could be argued the majority) the reward IS the reason they go to the event in the first place.
well, that's most probably because that's the way 'events' were set up for ages. Do something, get something. And up til now this new line of events didn't differ from that very much. But this is not necessarily the only way events could be created.

What I don't really understand is the bizarre notion that events should regularly involve any sort of items whatsoever.


This complaining has to stop. Do you people fight peerless and then throw a fit when you don't get a crimmy?

Unique items drop/are made all the time by players. If you hadn't noticed a lot of these sell for lots of money. Should we change UO to make sure everyone has the same of everything? No.

Quit complaining and PLAY THE GAME.



Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I will say it yet again...

I'am all for giving out items in moderation...but hey give out ''normal items'' like plain dresses or lanterns, etc etc...no super duper mods needed on super duper weapons .. just a plain item with event name on it....then the greedy shard hopping players will simply just not bother!!! because they aint gonna sell the items for huge gold ....Thus leaving the bulk of the R'pers and solo players to do there OWN shard event for a nice simple own shard reward!!!!!!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
None of the items given out should have mods on them.. Lets not forget the laughable trade in Vine Cords! Nothing with mods on it at all! I just dont think everyone should get one...

People HAVE to work for it, screw the moaners who want a silver spoon for just sitting there... Do something about it.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Well this new change has really showed the poor support that goes on in the ranks of ea... Almost like the person that changes the rules is also one of the cry babies that didnt get their reward.

These are the same cry babies that go to champ spawns and whine because they didnt get a trans scroll, or they didnt get a 120 scroll, or they didnt get an artifact.. whine whine whine...

Events, champ spawns, quests, you name it has the same purpose... you compete to get an item whether it be rare or semi rare from competing and enjoying playing the game (ya a lot of its luck but some of its skill). When you dont get what you were there striving for, you come back and do it again so you can try to get it next time... atleast thats the way its supposed to be played out... but no you have this batch of whiners that everytime they dont get their way they come and set on the board complaining.

Its just rediculous... what fun would it be to go to a champ spawn, knowing that just because I am here fighting the spawn I will get an artifact, get a powerscroll, get a trans scroll.... go to an event and know that hey great I know I am getting a new spiffy item (now I can log on a character from the 8 accounts I have access to and get 8 items)

And the player base that responds to the EA forums (whatever that is)... do you really thank that those with no issue are going to get on and waste valuable time saying they are quite content? No... its going to be those that have to whine about everything that gets on and rants. Common sense... use it...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
aw!!! That is so darned cute Bman!

Already spent the 65 million huh? :)

Wish ya well though!


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Too bad your ignorance shows right through... if you would have read through the posts, you would see that I was not the owner of the robe and it sold for well more than the 65 mill listed as thehigh bid.

As for myself, the gold is not important to myself... Most that know me, know that I have plenty of cash to support my habits. My post was only related to the lastest topic at hand... "EA changing things just to please the whiners out there" Players wanting things hand fed to them, then cryinging and whining to anyone that will listen as to why its unfair...grow up, get a life, see the real world then complain about something being unfair...

The only thing that is going to come out of this absord change is they will see less and less players coming to the events.... which in turn will get the EM Events removed from the game as it will be a waste of time.


I have an end of an Em Arc Event Reward. There were 12 made. There were also 12 of 3 other items made and given out.. This and a few other things I won are my most prized possession. I would never give it up for money. I have been offered 600 million for one of them and still I keep it. I don't go to events to get something to sell. I guess I have finely grown up and realized that some things are worth more than money in game or in real life.
I feel that in the Lead up Em events, everyone should get something small and the winners of the Lead up Events should get something like they suggested with their names on it. But for the End Arc Event there should be True Rares that are Account bound when given out. It keeps True Rares in the game and still every one who comes and makes the event more fun has some momento.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For those that want change to this, I would send in feedback. I know I have, several times already.


Second of all, this system is NOT practical at all. People will be forced to queue up for HOURS before receiving and item and if they don't receive one they will inevitably pancake about it.
Perhaps they could do it the same way they handed out the 300th anv plates; have a gate that each participant can go through that places the item in their packs, only one trip through the gate per account. There should be an automated method of distribution rather then simply handing them out.

Rotgut Willy

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I fail to see what the problem with handing out trinkets to preserve a unique UO memory is.

Who cares if some people sell them?
I agree. I really don't see what all the fuss is about. I kinda like the idea of there being only one of a particular item. And as long as the events continue, there will be more unique items in the future. *shrugs*

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Greetings Everyone,

We have been keeping a close eye on EM events and player feedback regarding rewards. After careful consideration we have decided that everyone that does the event should receive a reward. This reward will be the same reward across all the shards, with small differences in text on the item or the hue of the item. We will, of course, take precautions to ensure that only people who take part in a specific event receive the reward. The 1st and 2nd place winners will have their names on the item along with the event name and a year added to the item. When rewards are given out by the Event Moderators it will be announced with the post of shard times that the EM will be giving the applicable reward.

For future events, all locations will be announced with the times to stop any confusion for future events.

Another lie brought to you by UO.
03/21/09 Fire and Ice Event
Your event rewards have not changed. We just had an event on Baja and at the end of the event some crystal shards fell to the ground. Most people could not see them, so a few people got more than 1 shard while others got none. I thought you were going to fix this. Guess we can not believe you even when your senior people said they would. If this is the way your new events are going to be run (just like the old ones) then you can count me out. Events are supposed to be about community building, not who can get the best reward. If you are going to give out rewards then all, not a few, should get them.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Another lie brought to you by UO.
03/21/09 Fire and Ice Event
Your event rewards have not changed. We just had an event on Baja and at the end of the event some crystal shards fell to the ground. Most people could not see them, so a few people got more than 1 shard while others got none. I thought you were going to fix this. Guess we can not believe you even when your senior people said they would. If this is the way your new events are going to be run (just like the old ones) then you can count me out. Events are supposed to be about community building, not who can get the best reward. If you are going to give out rewards then all, not a few, should get them.
They were available for everyone to get. Many who missed out were too busy being smart@$$'s, spamming nonsense or crowding the EMs. It seemed as though those who were too close to the EMs got teleported back and may have missed the crystals. I'm not saying you were one of these people, but perhaps it is possible that those who were more cooperative got to see the crystals fall and obtain them. I know I got one. Where were you when the crystal was shattered?


I called it. I KNEW someone would complain. One item to one person is stupid. An item to everyone is stupid. The fire and ice event was done fine.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Another lie brought to you by UO.
03/21/09 Fire and Ice Event
Your event rewards have not changed. We just had an event on Baja and at the end of the event some crystal shards fell to the ground. Most people could not see them, so a few people got more than 1 shard while others got none. I thought you were going to fix this. Guess we can not believe you even when your senior people said they would. If this is the way your new events are going to be run (just like the old ones) then you can count me out. Events are supposed to be about community building, not who can get the best reward. If you are going to give out rewards then all, not a few, should get them.

Curious. What do you want with the crystal shard. what would you do with it.
would you post this if you got one. Does this actuall affect the game in any way other that some people making 20mil in change, and some people having unique items that can be used to enhance the ignored world of roleplay, adding to museums of items from 1997-now ect. People who like to build community can, and item collectors can collect items,
best part: We can all do both.
as long as people dont pancake EMs out of existance. there will eventually be enough for everyone.


Stratics is far from a good sampling of players wants. More than likely Mesanna got slammed with the feedback forms. People do you them ya know.
Maybe, but it was stated by Jeremy when she was the UO community co-ordinator that due to complaint threads on "the forums" (which means stratics*), the decision was made to stop EM's from giving away items.

*As far as I know, these are the only forums they read with any regularity and there are no internal ones for Event related discussion.

Ah, after more digging, I found the quote, it's when UOForums was doing a competition sponsored by Ea, we asked if we could get a named sash in game as a prize.

In-game unique items, not so much – that’s something we’re moving away from overall, just because it’s impossible to be evenhanded when giving them out. (Witness the bickering about EM items in every. Single. EM Thread, if you want evidence :p )


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I called it. I KNEW someone would complain. One item to one person is stupid. An item to everyone is stupid. The fire and ice event was done fine.
The trouble is not everyone got an item SwordBlaze. I got lucky and got one, but I know of others that got several (11 for 1 person is a bit excessive don't you think?) The crystals fell to the ground and the fastest connections got them all. It wasn't fair for anyone with a slower connection or that got lagged out when the bigger Crystal blew. I'm not sure how I got mine as lagged as I got, and my husband right behind me didn't get to move til they were gone, most people said it was like slow motion, you could see them falling to the ground and never seeing them hit the ground.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They were available for everyone to get. Many who missed out were too busy being smart@$$'s, spamming nonsense or crowding the EMs. It seemed as though those who were too close to the EMs got teleported back and may have missed the crystals. I'm not saying you were one of these people, but perhaps it is possible that those who were more cooperative got to see the crystals fall and obtain them. I know I got one. Where were you when the crystal was shattered?
This is BS. They were NOT available for everyone to get. I was there when the crystal shattered and using control shift I saw maybe two of the crystals on the ground for an instant. And it's BS that the EM playing Casca's guard got snotty with the folks who asked about what was going on. It's also BS saying that "those who were more cooperative got to see the crystals fall and obtain them." I was standing there quietly, not saying a word. Saw two of them actually visible on the ground for a split second. I didn't care if I got one or not, but I saw very very clearly that there was no way that everyone had a chance to get them.

If Mesanna meant that everyone who attended the event was going to get one, then they should have been handed out to everyone, not dropped them for anyone to grab as many as they wanted and so that there was a good chance that some would miss out on getting anything.


The trouble is not everyone got an item SwordBlaze. I got lucky and got one, but I know of others that got several (11 for 1 person is a bit excessive don't you think?) The crystals fell to the ground and the fastest connections got them all. It wasn't fair for anyone with a slower connection or that got lagged out when the bigger Crystal blew. I'm not sure how I got mine as lagged as I got, and my husband right behind me didn't get to move til they were gone, most people said it was like slow motion, you could see them falling to the ground and never seeing them hit the ground.
I guess it could have been handled better, but I still think everyone getting an item is a stupid way to go about it. Like others above mentioned, people will come with multiple clients. Also how is it UO's fault if someone has a bad connection? That should not be an issue.