Greetings Everyone,
We have been keeping a close eye on EM events and player feedback regarding rewards. After careful consideration we have decided that everyone that does the event should receive a reward. This reward will be the same reward across all the shards, with small differences in text on the item or the hue of the item. We will, of course, take precautions to ensure that only people who take part in a specific event receive the reward. The 1st and 2nd place winners will have their names on the item along with the event name and a year added to the item. When rewards are given out by the Event Moderators it will be announced with the post of shard times that the EM will be giving the applicable reward.
For future events, all locations will be announced with the times to stop any confusion for future events.
The EM Program Dies. Yet Again.
Seriously I can't possibly explain to you, in words, how stupid this system is. However I will *try*.
First of all, this system was put in place so people wouldn't care about items however all this system is doing is
encouraging people to just
show up on MULTIPLE accounts for more items (yes I will bring every account I own down to an event just to receive more items now on EVERY shard's event, and yes I will do it illegally).
Second of all, this system is
NOT practical at all. People will be forced to queue up for HOURS before receiving and item and if they don't receive one they will inevitably pancake about it.
Third of all, you basically just killed the whole rare collector part of the game in a very, very swift and cruel blow.
Fourth, say one reward given out is a lamp post, for the winner it would be called something like this "A Lamp Post - 1st place Winner Petrify Loves Candle event 09". So you know what people like me will do (just to highlight how stupid this system is)? I am going to get a name change token on my character which wins most events and name it something like "qwokmlpolnadabsf", "useless Item", "Worst Event Ever" ect (im not in a creative mood at the moment but you get the gist).
Fifth, the people who were complaining about not receiving rewards or that everybody should get a reward are the people who do absolutely nothing in events, have never even come close to winning one and want
everything handed to them on a silver platter. You may as well do what one prominent free shard does and just have a button to drop the items into the backpack of anybody within the region of the event. Seriously EA I really didn't think you could get any dumber but yet again you prove me wrong and yet again you fix something that wasn't broken and was probably one of the
very best aspects of this game. It's a shame that Darkfall isn't going to be great for Australians for a very long time.
If I didnt know any better id say you should change the name to something other than Ultima Online
I'd try something like
Communism Online .