I figured I would start this up; so "EVERYONE" has somewhere to post and rant. 
But in light of someones recent posts; I would like to start up with this...
Tuesday February 3rd; 10:10 AM
~~> REWIND!! <~~
February 1st, 2009, 08:03 PM
SO! Here we go with the lies and hypocrisy again!!
But in light of someones recent posts; I would like to start up with this...
Tuesday February 3rd; 10:10 AM
hey truth hurts EACH FIGHTWE WOWZ HAVE had here you guys have fielded 2x - 3x our numbers.. 4x havnt happened yet =/ but im sure they will soon... your getting new faces but dont worry we are too i actually got some friends coming from off shard not many cuz well stay thru 10 - 12 we hardly field 10 right now.. i dunno the stratics guy got over 50 screenies i guess PVPERS consider pvp killing a baracoon with 6k hp... instead of fighting... we represent pvp.. we left baracoon up JUST TO FIGHT... hah. we love it. Killing the champ isnt a win to us having 4x the body count as the other guild and only 3 of us DIEING ONCE EACH the WHOLE HOUR fight... is winning. ( o and include having a good time.)
~~> REWIND!! <~~
February 1st, 2009, 08:03 PM
"..WHy would we fight when we get them 16 stats and we get 16 stats.. its simple 30 mins we make 40 mill + ez as pie..."
SO! Here we go with the lies and hypocrisy again!!