Arch Magus
Come on Emma, this doesn't punish anybody.So to balance pvp your answer is to punish pvmers?
I am a mage and I like pots for pvm because when I get poisoned can not concentrate and my spells fizzle. Although it is mainly pvpers complaining about pots pvmers use them too. Monsters can cast feebleminded, clumsy, weaken, blood oath, evil omen and a variety of other spells non stop at pvmer mages. If there are a lot of monsters in the fight the spells mount up quickly rendering the mage helpless so often the only way a mage can survive survive is to chug a pot. I am not talking about having 20 pots with you at a spawn but a few pots are helpful. In addition, I am tired of hearing how wonderful mages are and how they should be nurfed or their casting should take more time. As it is mages are constantly short of mana and can not cast at all when monster spawn gets heavy. When stamina gets low dexers can not hit quickly, when mana gets low mages have no weapon at all. How would dexers like to have their weapon disappear during a fight or stop hitting for a while? A mage template is very difficult to use and mages die very often to spawn. If mages become further nurfed their template will become totally useless in pvm.
Mages constantly short of mana? if mages become further nerfed the template will become totally useless in pvm?
what game are you playing?
learn to cast through damage, stay out of huge caster mobs, learn to use invisibility.
A timer on cures would have no effect on pvm mages. enough.