He speaks well (which in itself is disconcerting as such things have been said about other such leaders that I tend to find distasteful), and tough to corner on a given issue.
From an ingame perspective, Dermott finds him VERY worrisome in his idea that he feels he can "negotiate" with the Shadowlords and expects an emissary to parley with him (this after the "negotiation" with Andrew that Dermott had in which the only Parley was "join or die"). Also he seems VERY quick on the conscription issue to bring it up, yet pin any blame of it on the captain of the Royal Guard (which hasn't even been named yet), a kind of pre-emptive projection knowing how conscription is often percieved. He spent a long time going over the various cities and facets and how they are considered either a part of the Kingdom of Britannia or not. His thoughts on Felucca were muddled at best, I think he really may not understand that world.
Out of game, from a player perspective, I give big kudos so far to the new EMs. Not only did they appear for their "scripted" events, they each (as Sherry and Casca respectively) attended post-event meetings between the forming factions of those wanting to meet Casca further, and those who are mistrustful of him (Casca at the former, Sherry at the latter). Sherry did not stay long, however, Casca continued taking questions at least until 12 midnight EST/11pm CST and maybe later (I had to leave by that point as I had to retire for the evening).
All in all, if this is only the beginning, we're in for a fun year in UO.