I've done all the steps necessary. I go back to Darius in Moonglow, let him go through his speech, and then get the message asking if I want to become an Elf.
At this point, I verify all armor/clothes are off, I am dismounted. I click yes, and I get a buggy dialog window. It looks like it has 3 fields with scroll bars I'm supposed to select something on, they're empty. When I click OK to continue... nothing happens. I can then walk away, go back to Darius, and it all repeats itself.
Has anyone has this problem before? Is there a solution to it?
At this point, I verify all armor/clothes are off, I am dismounted. I click yes, and I get a buggy dialog window. It looks like it has 3 fields with scroll bars I'm supposed to select something on, they're empty. When I click OK to continue... nothing happens. I can then walk away, go back to Darius, and it all repeats itself.
Has anyone has this problem before? Is there a solution to it?