Devs I would like a response to this one. Jc pointed this out on the TC1 changes thread but I felt the need to elaborate a little on it. With so many DOT spells and specials out there it is almost impossible to play a mage without using pots/faction aids against anyone who knows basic game mechanics. But then again you can put on protection and not be interupted but you will be poisoned everytime and have your casting slowed down way to much. This makes you completely cure pot reliant and slows your casting to the point of not being able to deal enough damage per second to kill anyone who knows basic pvp. I think it would be a very good idea to take your med or magery or eval skill to determine how much damage you have to take to be interupted IE 120 med= 12 dmg mabey if you where 120 mage eval and med put in some kind of diminishing returns system where you would have to take 15-20 damage to be interupted. Same system with necromancy. And maybe chivalry for those 4/6 chivers even though I think 4/6 chiv is way overpowered as is.