Alright, so lets take a look at average monster hit points; a Rotting Corpse has about 1200 hit points, so you need to be able to do a good amount of damage to him, lest you sit there and fight him all day.
A Baracoon, while I'm not positive after the champ spawn upgrade, probably has around 10000 HP. Thus, again, if you are a tamer it is nice to have a pet that can do sufficient damage to him. This is well and good.
A player-character, on the other hand, does not have this many hit points. I run on a high-end PvP suit, and thus have around 120 HP. HP range on a player-character can run anywhere from 100-140 , or a bit below or bit above. Thus, let us take a look at the damage output of a Greater Dragon or Dread Mare compared to the hit points of a PvP Combatant player character.
So, I am walking along and say I see a Tamer, and I get bola'd. The pet is on me before I am off mount, I attempt to heal myself or run away but then I get smacked with a bola. The dragon is immediately much faster than I, and automatically hits me with a bleed and 35 physical damage. By this time I am on foot with tamer chasing and Super Dragon chasing and I have no chance to invis or hide, especially since I am bleeding. At 120 HP, I am already down to 85. Now, I get hit immediately after the claws by a fireball. This thing does anywhere from 45 to a whopping 65 damage! Keep in mind , I am wearing an ALL 70s suit and am not even cursed. Also this fireball can hit me two screens away, due to a combat bug with player pets. Now I am down to 25 HP. Now, imagine that the guy who attacked me did not just bola me, but also dismounted me with a bow, doing another 25 damage with his heavy-xbow dismount. I am dead in literally THREE seconds with ZERO chance of survival. In no situation in UO should there be ZERO chance of survival in a 1v1, aka you can't even run away! A pet cannot be fizzled like a mage, nor does it have to take time to cast a spell, it can literally pump out a flamestrike and 65 damage fireball at the same time.
The same is true of a dread-mare, its physical attack doing less but the fireball still doing 45 damage to me, with a mage or archer atop it firing at me non-stop.
So, here is my proposition. Like I mentioned , tamers need to do mass damage in PvM, to monsters with A LOT of hit points. Player characters, on the other hand, do NOT have a lot of hit points. In most cases they have 10-20% of the HP of a monster. Yet, I will add in human-intelligence and difficulty to the situation, thus humans are a bit harder then monsters. So, against human player characters pets should only do 50% of the damage that they do to monsters. This applies on both facets, yet the damage done to monsters on both facets by Player tamers' pets will NOT change. The damage done by a PvP tamer in fel or a tamer fighting around with guild mates in tram will be halved from his pet. The fireball won't hit for 65, but rather 33. This is still a large amount of damage, especially for a spell that can hit players from TWO screens away (which is a bug that also needs fixed)
A Baracoon, while I'm not positive after the champ spawn upgrade, probably has around 10000 HP. Thus, again, if you are a tamer it is nice to have a pet that can do sufficient damage to him. This is well and good.
A player-character, on the other hand, does not have this many hit points. I run on a high-end PvP suit, and thus have around 120 HP. HP range on a player-character can run anywhere from 100-140 , or a bit below or bit above. Thus, let us take a look at the damage output of a Greater Dragon or Dread Mare compared to the hit points of a PvP Combatant player character.
So, I am walking along and say I see a Tamer, and I get bola'd. The pet is on me before I am off mount, I attempt to heal myself or run away but then I get smacked with a bola. The dragon is immediately much faster than I, and automatically hits me with a bleed and 35 physical damage. By this time I am on foot with tamer chasing and Super Dragon chasing and I have no chance to invis or hide, especially since I am bleeding. At 120 HP, I am already down to 85. Now, I get hit immediately after the claws by a fireball. This thing does anywhere from 45 to a whopping 65 damage! Keep in mind , I am wearing an ALL 70s suit and am not even cursed. Also this fireball can hit me two screens away, due to a combat bug with player pets. Now I am down to 25 HP. Now, imagine that the guy who attacked me did not just bola me, but also dismounted me with a bow, doing another 25 damage with his heavy-xbow dismount. I am dead in literally THREE seconds with ZERO chance of survival. In no situation in UO should there be ZERO chance of survival in a 1v1, aka you can't even run away! A pet cannot be fizzled like a mage, nor does it have to take time to cast a spell, it can literally pump out a flamestrike and 65 damage fireball at the same time.
The same is true of a dread-mare, its physical attack doing less but the fireball still doing 45 damage to me, with a mage or archer atop it firing at me non-stop.
So, here is my proposition. Like I mentioned , tamers need to do mass damage in PvM, to monsters with A LOT of hit points. Player characters, on the other hand, do NOT have a lot of hit points. In most cases they have 10-20% of the HP of a monster. Yet, I will add in human-intelligence and difficulty to the situation, thus humans are a bit harder then monsters. So, against human player characters pets should only do 50% of the damage that they do to monsters. This applies on both facets, yet the damage done to monsters on both facets by Player tamers' pets will NOT change. The damage done by a PvP tamer in fel or a tamer fighting around with guild mates in tram will be halved from his pet. The fireball won't hit for 65, but rather 33. This is still a large amount of damage, especially for a spell that can hit players from TWO screens away (which is a bug that also needs fixed)