Kratos Aurion
From my experience, developing a list for distribution is done entirely out of greed. Leaders tend to develop the list in such a mannor that they are nearly always at the top and is [the list] never totally random. If the list was to be recycled for each new hunt, would it be fair to the players in the group that always end up at the bottom of the list each hunt?
Having mechanical developement of the list is just an enforced method of greed. If you can't trust your guildmates then find a new group. Real bonds are made from trust and if you feel a list is necessary, talk with your guildies and develop your own method of distribution.
What does the poll have anything to do with your list proposal?
Having mechanical developement of the list is just an enforced method of greed. If you can't trust your guildmates then find a new group. Real bonds are made from trust and if you feel a list is necessary, talk with your guildies and develop your own method of distribution.
What does the poll have anything to do with your list proposal?