I've decided against paying to play until Disarm, Dismount, actions, item(as in consumables and others) and skills counters and Evil Omen along with Stone Wall and Energy Fields ALL get looked into.
In fact I'm very displeased even with the very basis of UO combat which is running endlessly everywhere without a way to properly lock into battle, with ranged attacks having every advantage possible and Magery templates being multi-purpose.
Throw in that PvM is far from fun and requires specific builds, loot and selling or buying from NPCs is beyond repair, Events are about getting more items to dupe and cheating is rampant along with scripts and speeders.
Now add endless farming actually REQUIRED to refreshing your stock of items, and inconsistency of how half the items wear out or work or are obtained.
To top it off I refuse to pay for so little GM Support and although I've been assisted in the past by a couple of kind souls, it was just drops in the ocean. Oh and they clearly did not resolve my issues, so it was just that they were kind.
If all that is not enough, I have the graphics, animation and sounds to drive me off and KR being ditched for something I'm not sure caters to anyone but the most hard-core elitist pre-WWII computer owners.
Some tid-bits I've encountered and am fed up with include : Ghost cams, lack of skills present in every single RPG game out there from before UO up to the latest AD&D implementation and Darkfall Online, problematic Account Management site, Developers taking a road with Ultima Online which I clearly don't see myself walking on.. Forced aspects of game-play to receive rewards REQUIRED to compete in every part of the game to the point of either doing something you don't like or being left behind... It's really too long a list.. Let me see, UO is also the most connection-based MMO out there with 1MS making a world of difference especially in casting. The Dev Team keeps getting changed and there's no solid staff and communication is scarce(or I should say it's a FARCE) even now with that LAAaaAg issue.
And when the client itself "masks" speed hacking you have to start worrying.
Note there's also the feeling the Devs could do a lot of things right but they simply milk us. Or EA Mythic does, I don't care. I feel I'm being milked of my money, to put it fairly then.
Lastly, UO's community? What community.. Look around you both here and in the game. The very people mentioning community are often just traders belonging to trading circles of obscurely acquired items and gold checks.
So if you're coming back good luck and I wish you the best.
*EDIT* Did I mention how whining from certain players (the cheating majority perhaps) gets things done and affects the game? Nerfs of templates that never needed it, boosts to others.. And all taking too long to revert or balance.. Whether or not we're getting Anti-cheating measures.. Bah. I won't go on.