I don't consider myself passionate about UO. It's a game I play and I spend enough time on it that I attempt to influence what happens in it, in whatever small way I can without going nuts.The funny thing with this attitude is that since you are so passionate about the game you should do your level best to keep people who are undecided.
As to encouraging people to stay? No. Why should I? It's a game. If someone wants to stop playing Chess I'm not going to try to convince them otherwise.
I respond so flippantly usually because a good number of the people who leave do so in a manner that suggests the rest of us should care. Also, people who leave and who post about it have a habit of leaving over a reason I find stupid. Doesn't make it stupid in objective terms, mind you, just a reason I personally find stupid. (This is a distinction I feel most U-Hallers would benefit from recognizing in their own posts. And most don't. So far, your posts on this thread are excellent examples.)
I left UO for awhile some years back. I posted on message boards for the shard I played on then (Europa), but I did not arrogantly assume that my leaving would be of general interest.
If I ever leave again and post on U-Hall about it, feel free to point out the irony; it'd certainly deserve the remark!
-Galen's player