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Would you tolerate a player harassing another player?

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Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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I think we are done until you start to care about the game as whole and not only what fit you.
NO one does VvV... Until it is something that isn't completely for griefing and Exploiting in Tram then no I won't support it..... and no one uses it now hardly... so why in the heck would you want it everywhere??

Talk about people wanting things for themselves. Sounds to me like you are the one promoting your own agenda and getting mad because I won't agree to the insanity... and you don't want to admit that I'm right. I would ruin the one thing that people DO enjoy and do participate in regularly and that's EM events. WAY more people do those and participate in them than VvV.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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She's useless to have a conversation with.

She has complained many times about EM events in how she no longer does them case she can't deal with x-sharders/scripters/multi box clients..no she claims she still does but dislikes those things.

She complains VvV ruined her recalling into fel cities for roleplay purposes or what the hell ever, now it's she never goes to fel and could care less if there's no fel.

She continually complains how buggy the EC but swears it's a better client..

All while threatening to cancel subs if something happens. I'm sure if I really has the time I could find 100's of posts/threads where she contradicts herself over and over again. Don't waste your time..I stopped awhile ago


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have NEVER complained about not being able to recall to a stupid city in Fel.... I have complained that if you aren't in VvV you don't get messages about it and have no clue that the reason your runes don't work is because of that....


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hope I win that damn lottery......then I would buy UO and cancel All of MalagAste's accounts to solve the issue for her!

Ohhhh then you would hear the pancakes and moaning begin!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have NEVER complained about not being able to recall to a stupid city in Fel.... I have complained that if you aren't in VvV you don't get messages about it and have no clue that the reason your runes don't work is because of that....
That is a lie...recently I hear you pancake and moan about not being able to recall into certain town to shop for additional resources.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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That is a lie...recently I hear you pancake and moan about not being able to recall into certain town to shop for additional resources.
Prove it. Where is this post?

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Didn't say anything about Visiting Fel Cities and/or crying about VvV ruining that.... it has become somewhat annoying to not be able to recall into a city but there are ways around that if you really wanted to get there.....

Wasn't crying about any of that. I'm just saying leave FEL in FEL don't be trying to take your crap to Tram... If I wanted VvV I'd be in VvV and all... and it is just fine staying in FEL. I don't want it in Tram.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am not sorting through all your BS to find it.....I have better things to do. I know what I read....others read the same thing!

Just stop this self important....self serving crap.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
That's not complaining and female doging that's pointing out the obvious. As I said there are ways around that.. so no that's not a complaint. You are searching for a beef where there isn't any.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it is a complaint however small of one it is, sorry my ocd would not let me pass it up

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is intresting. this thread seems to have deevolved into attacking poor MalagAste. I really don't understand why or anyone's agenda. Let's try to have a CIVIL conversation without the personal attacks.

TimberWolf - I don't know why you are so damn cranky, did your significant other kick you off the nookie train? Go apologize, buy them some roses, champagne, chocolate covered strawberries, and make up! Stop taking your foul mood out on whom ever is in front of you.

Cazador- Well I think the trolls in you forum Sig banner speaks volumes. I don't know what your problem is but if you need to vent some aggression might I suggest the heavy bag? Its pretty easy just punch/kick it till you no longer feel aggressive.

Victim of Seige- Serious what is you beef with MalagAste? Is because she's a RPer? A Trammie "Carebear"? Is the simple fact she doesn't play Seige? You have been on her like a lion on a gazelle. A word to wise: the predator can become prey. Lions can get eaten by crocodiles, or if they are cubs hyenas. Go pk someone in game, there's no satisfaction or loot from "Forum PvP".

It's intresting how predators pick on the lone prey, yet are smart enough to steer clear of large groups. Take the lion it will kill lone hyenas, but no lion will challenge an enitre hyena clan. Maybe it's time those who are trolled ban together and send some trolls packing.

Just some thoughts.

Seriously ...Lay off MalagAste already.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Campaign Patron
This is intresting. this thread seems to have deevolved into attacking poor MalagAste. I really don't understand why or anyone's agenda. Let's try to have a CIVIL conversation without the personal attacks.
MalagAste made her/his bed. There is no attacking, we are just trying to make her/him understand, because he/she wish something for UO, that do not need to be, what is best for the game or what all want.

TimberWolf - I don't know why you are so damn cranky, did your significant other kick you off the nookie train? Go apologize, buy them some roses, champagne, chocolate covered strawberries, and make up! Stop taking your foul mood out on whom ever is in front of you.
Because MalagAste are telling all, his/her way or the highway. She/he hate reds and orange VvV is almost red in his/her mind and do not belong in UO. Second, she is more or less calling all PvP'ers for hacker, cheater, scammer, you name it, even when it have nothing to do with PvP or not. He/she may even believe if all PvP'ers was kicked out of UO, felucca deleted, you would not see scammer, cheater, hacker, scripter, etc. in Trammel.

Cazador- Well I think the trolls in you forum Sig banner speaks volumes. I don't know what your problem is but if you need to vent some aggression might I suggest the heavy bag? Its pretty easy just punch/kick it till you no longer feel aggressive.
He do not troll the forum but MalagAste is attacking his playstyle and he have all right to defend his right to be in UO and keep his playstyle.
Victim of Seige- Serious what is you beef with MalagAste? Is because she's a RPer? A Trammie "Carebear"? Is the simple fact she doesn't play Seige? You have been on her like a lion on a gazelle. A word to wise: the predator can become prey. Lions can get eaten by crocodiles, or if they are cubs hyenas. Go pk someone in game, there's no satisfaction or loot from "Forum PvP".
First it is spelled Siege with i before e, second, as MalagAste is attacking the PvP playstyle and wish it out of UO, that include Siege too. Being a roleplayer have nothing to do with being PvP'er or PvM'er, it about playing a role and alot PvP'er and PK's do that. Victim is not a PK but he do not mind the interact with PK's and like being the victim. The loot from Forum PvP is, you get your point out. If MalagAste had mod power, he/she would kick all, who don't agree with her/him and make it a Trammel forum. Scary IMO.

It's intresting how predators pick on the lone prey, yet are smart enough to steer clear of large groups. Take the lion it will kill lone hyenas, but no lion will challenge an enitre hyena clan. Maybe it's time those who are trolled ban together and send some trolls packing.
The lion here is MalagAste, trying to be the one who set rules and eat all, who dare have a different opinion than her/him.

Seriously ...Lay off MalagAste already.
I know it is your thread Jirel and you can ask to get it locked but I believe there is a good and respectful debat in it and it should stay. When someone tells other, that their play style is not wanted, they do make them self to target. MalagAste is not the victim here, he is the PK!
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Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Thank you Freja for putting words into my mouth and reading between lines that don't exist. I can tell you right now that it is a proven FACT that the "Wild West" playstyle of old is NOT what most players want.

I can also say that I don't hate PvP and I am not asking to completely rid the land of it... PvP has it's place.... in FEL or in RP even. But that is where it should remain. But I also wouldn't cry if they just did away with Fel all together.

And when you are talking about defending playstyles and all that crap well WTF do you think I'm doing. I'm defending Trammel and insist that Fel stay in Fel. I am 100% against anything that brings Fel to Tram. If people want Fel they would be there. Which if you looked around you'd see that there are very FEW people there. So why would they ruin Trammel where a the vast majority of players stay and enjoy to satisfy a very few?

People like to PvP when they want to but for the most part most players just want to have fun... and fun for them is not looking over their shoulders all the time.... fun for them is not doing 2 hours of work to have some punk bunch of gankers come and take away everything they have worked for. Most of us don't want that...

And most of us don't want some thief coming along and taking things we worked hard for either. If we did we'd be playing on Siege more.

Yes I play on Siege some.... Yes even go to Fel and do champ spawns. When I want to and feel like it...

But that's not the playstyle I prefer you are right about that. And I am not alone. 10x more players agree with me and stay in Trammel...

Do I think they should get rid of Fel... No. I do think they should find a way to make PvP more fun... and to make VvV more fun... but I also think it should STAY in Fel. I am completely against having it in Tram.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Yep Capt. Lucky really should try PvP so he can get rid of that anger :sword:
I am seriously never angry on these forums or in game. I just got opinions. Doesn't mean I'm angry if I think someone's ideas are nonsense. I do admit I hold a special place in my heart for people that like to post personal insults, use words like "crying" "whining" etc. Nonsense words that have no bearing in a debate. You know just being completely insulting and not debating at all. Those folks are always fair game to be messed with ;) But angry? Nope, not me. That's a problem with the internet, you read it anyway you want from your own experiences in life. I would think "angry people" read things as angry.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am seriously never angry on these forums or in game. I just got opinions. Doesn't mean I'm angry if I think someone's ideas are nonsense. I do admit I hold a special place in my heart for people that like to post personal insults, use words like "crying" "whining" etc. Nonsense words that have no bearing in a debate. You know just being completely insulting and not debating at all. Those folks are always fair game to be messed with ;) But angry? Nope, not me. That's a problem with the internet, you read it anyway you want from your own experiences in life. I would think "angry people" read things as angry.
I read this as you're hungry. *goes to get a sammich*


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
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I am seriously never angry on these forums or in game. I just got opinions. Doesn't mean I'm angry if I think someone's ideas are nonsense. I do admit I hold a special place in my heart for people that like to post personal insults, use words like "crying" "whining" etc. Nonsense words that have no bearing in a debate. You know just being completely insulting and not debating at all. Those folks are always fair game to be messed with ;) But angry? Nope, not me. That's a problem with the internet, you read it anyway you want from your own experiences in life. I would think "angry people" read things as angry.
I know, there is a lot we do not agree about but I respect, that you do listen and understand others opinion.
I was just teasing you a little, you are ok :grin:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think we should end this thread with a simple answer to the original questions.....

Depends, on the person and the situation. Now someone please lock this thing....lol


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is intresting. this thread seems to have deevolved into attacking poor MalagAste. I really don't understand why or anyone's agenda. Let's try to have a CIVIL conversation without the personal attacks.

TimberWolf - I don't know why you are so damn cranky, did your significant other kick you off the nookie train? Go apologize, buy them some roses, champagne, chocolate covered strawberries, and make up! Stop taking your foul mood out on whom ever is in front of you.

Cazador- Well I think the trolls in you forum Sig banner speaks volumes. I don't know what your problem is but if you need to vent some aggression might I suggest the heavy bag? Its pretty easy just punch/kick it till you no longer feel aggressive.

Victim of Seige- Serious what is you beef with MalagAste? Is because she's a RPer? A Trammie "Carebear"? Is the simple fact she doesn't play Seige? You have been on her like a lion on a gazelle. A word to wise: the predator can become prey. Lions can get eaten by crocodiles, or if they are cubs hyenas. Go pk someone in game, there's no satisfaction or loot from "Forum PvP".

It's intresting how predators pick on the lone prey, yet are smart enough to steer clear of large groups. Take the lion it will kill lone hyenas, but no lion will challenge an enitre hyena clan. Maybe it's time those who are trolled ban together and send some trolls packing.

Just some thoughts.

Seriously ...Lay off MalagAste already.
Is that still my sig?? Sweet! I don't have anything personal against malag at all honestly. She is very helpful to community members. She takes out of her free time to teach people the EC all the time whenever asked. My issue is the conflicting statements I read all the time not just from her specifically. I'm very adamant in almost all of my opinions when it comes to UO. I would gladly give up any of my own possessions if it meant the betterment of UO as a whole in the long run. The self absorbing doesn't work for me attitude is old, and this community is small enough as it is. A small compromise would go a long way in securing a bright future for UO..not an oh it Doesn't fit my agenda. However it does go both ways...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought you quit Stratics?...la
No, because it would give you, Aran, and the rest of the agitating pot stirrers exactly what you want.
Do I look like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny? I will give you one gift that keeps on giving. . .my continued
presence on Stratics. Toodles! *Waves and Blows Kisses*

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Huh? You are the one that came to UHall to proclaim that you were quitting. Just wondering why you lied?...la
Have you ever had a moment in your life where you felt like throwing the towel and saying "to heck with it"? Then you chill a little bit, have some clarity of thought, an epiphany, or whatever you want to call it thats makes you realize you are making a poor choice. So you change your mind. Apparently my continued presence has some sort of effect on you. I'm flattered Rico, I didn't think you cared! :lick::smooch::banana::danceb::lol:
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let me fix this for you...

Have you ever had a moment in your life where you felt like throwing the towel and saying "to heck with it"? Then you realize that you have no life and cant survive without Stratics.....so you swallow your pride and self respect and drag your sorry butt back to uhall...and pour yourself a stiff one! :lick::smooch::banana::danceb::lol:
Now that makes sense!!!
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