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Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I agree with this - I can't even imagine playing with - what? - only the stuff in my backpack? What's the point (for an honest player)?
I believe they are going to be able to have a limited storage of sorts in that area they made in Britain... and if I recall what I heard that storage box if they stop playing will then go up for sale... if memory serves.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If they are only allowed in fel then, nope. Though the way they laid it out was very unclear, since they listed ONLY fel, none of the other facets... for some weird reason. :/

Really though, if you can do it with trial accounts you can do it with these, this really shouldn't be a surprise at this point.
They are allowed into every land that the expansion they are on and also
Felucca Dungeons & Felucca T2A Yes
Where 14 day trials were not allowed into the champ spawns.

Publish 99 – Ultima Online


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Regarding IDOCs, just add this:

House Signs:
  • Veteran - Can see full info on a house sign.
  • Endless Journey - Cannot see decaying info on a house sign.
Also, double check and make 100% sure once again that Trial/EJ accounts are not allowed to pick up items from a collapsed house.

Damon Beasts

They said that EJ accounts caught multiboxing would be banned... Subscription accounts would get a warning........
IF they do get caught, all they need to do is make another EJ account. EJ is going to encourage people to script and multibox. There will be 100s of Ej accounts made a day just to do this. Here Comes The LAG.

So now all of a sudden they can tell when someone is multiboxing and before this Pub they could not.:thumbsup:
Had to LOL at this. Why? Because I still dont see them doing anything that would actually make multiboxers learn. If they get caught they will just create another account and continue. Way to go.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Make ej accounts killable in tram setting ROFL!
All killing aside, i mean kidding...
Give ej accounts a perma-title, beside their name [EJ] it whatever. So when a horde shows up, at least it'll be recognizable... Plus other benefits
That's actually funny. I laughed. Would be fun. Like no restrictions, but it's open season on you from sub'd people anywhere you go.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I have been falling out of love with the game for a while and all this don't look very promising, nor it looks like it will help me enjoy it more.
I think I may keep my accounts in maintenance mode for a while, observing how this develops from the side lines.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They said that EJ accounts caught multiboxing would be banned... Subscription accounts would get a warning........
Subscription accounts would get a warning, FIRST, if I remember right. But subsequent violations would be given bans (at some point). All I know, is if they AREN'T banned after repeated violations, I I know some people who are going to be extremely MMF's, and are (they say) going to close a lot of accounts. If she doesn't "keep this promise".

In my opinion, there are a lot more people hanging on to this game by a thread than some people realize. Waiting to see how @Mesanna @Bleak @Kyronix and company handle the cheating that has gotten out of control.

We will see! *crosses fingers*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
That's actually funny. I laughed. Would be fun. Like no restrictions, but it's open season on you from sub'd people anywhere you go.
This idea is really setting a seed in my mind. Free to play, but subbed players actually keep the F2P crowd in check by mass murder.

Prince Erik

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
IF they do get caught, all they need to do is make another EJ account. EJ is going to encourage people to script and multibox. There will be 100s of Ej accounts made a day just to do this. Here Comes The LAG.

Had to LOL at this. Why? Because I still dont see them doing anything that would actually make multiboxers learn. If they get caught they will just create another account and continue. Way to go.
Actually, sounds like a good plan. Scripter buys the "Scripter Starter Pack" (tm), multibox trains 10 accounts at once (party limit), works until those 10 accounts are banned, then rinse, wash, repeat. If they keep the price of the SSP reasonable then this just becomes a cost of doing business and helps bring money into the Ultima Store. In fact, it would behoove Broadsword to work with the scripters in the business to find the correct SSP price and multibox ban rate that increases scripter capacity significantly enough to increase both markets' profits. This should be a fairly simple optimization problem.

Maybe it won't be so bad, but the cynic in me is laughing his head off. Seriously, what other possible reason exists to allow the alacrity effect to work for an ENTIRE PARTY??? Do they really expect 10 returning players or 10 new players to group up to share this? Oh right, see above.

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
is there a date for Endless Cheating to come out?
I guess they didn't learn from the party skill gain suit, are u nuts? why the party gains? for 10 scripting chars or what?
I see no restrictions on multi/follow use for either EJ, let alone normal accounts
I guess wont have to worry about bods again/bods scripters. yes was made for scripters, they don't have to make new chars every 14 days now. endless accounts can collect endless bods and fill. endless resources.
I feel not only they done nothing about cheating, they are making the game for cheaters.
ah yes, pay to win. may have to pay myself to leave if nothing done about cheating/cheaters.
with the lack of advertising, not on steam ect... EJ will probably be used by existing players, maybe afew returning players.
I may have to thank the devs that I'm starting not to care anymore.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After thinking a while about the Deluxe Starter Package and coming at this strictly from a honest no multibox, no scripts, no cheating perspective. I like it, of course the cost will determine how much I like it. As I like to infest new shards and start from zero as a semi legit new player ...... Semi because one can't erase experience or knowledge from their brain of how things work. Everytime I infest a new shard there are some things that are really difficult to obtain. LRC Garg Suits and Rune Books/Atlas, soul forge, full spellbooks, basic house add ons and power scrolls. I can see the alcarity effect being useful and cutting down the time that it takes me to train skills up that I have in some cases trained up 100+ times before. The grind of training taming from 50-120 is painful :) Even buying a mythic and using the mastery is not pleasant. (Now as far as that effect working on a group, I really can't see that as anything but tossing the scripters and multiboxers a bone) That is not to say it would not be useful in training up two characters using multi client from the two infesting accounts at the same time but really more cheez on that cracker than even I like. 100 BT points and 1000 Covetous points would be real useful and 1 mil in gold is enough to get started with a house and some add ons. All of this stuff still leaves you on the low end of the curve but will make it a lot easier to work your way up the hill. Yeah it will get exploited by the cheaters but what in game has not been exploited by the cheaters............

I can't see a reason in the world to open a EJ account or let a account go dormant to turn it EJ. It just would not fit into my playstyle where my strategically located houses are central to how and why I play. Others with other playstyles where housing is not a critical piece of the game play will probably like and enjoy EJ accounts. A EJ account just offers nothing of value to me.

I do see where EJ has some very large and glaring issues and not going to say much about them as they have already been covered here.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nothing is here to stop someone from activating 100 EJ accounts to farm mobs for armor/jewels/weaps, even gold really
There will be 100s of Ej accounts made a day just to do this. Here Comes The LAG.
Can we please drop this silly argument?
Noone is stopping you right now to do the very same with trial accounts. The only difference is, that you have to script your char to 7xGM every 2 weeks, which isn't an issue with current skills.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My biggest concern is they have to be tinkering with a lot of the code to implement EJ. I can't be the only one that remembers the AOS launch, the server crashes, the sometimes hourly reverts and general unplayablity of UO until they got all the kinks and bugs worked out. And we had a much larger Dev team back then. Something I cringe at every time there is a new system or big pub is the memory of AOS launching. I can see where there are going to be a lot of unexpected things happen when EJ does launch world wide.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I only have 2 concern is, if i open an EJ account, and buy high-seas, can i use the cargo hold ?
Secondly where do i store my potions for my pvp chars ?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can we please drop this silly argument?
Noone is stopping you right now to do the very same with trial accounts. The only difference is, that you have to script your char to 7xGM every 2 weeks, which isn't an issue with current skills.

No one puts in that effort every 2 weeks. They will for permanent chars

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can we please drop this silly argument?
Noone is stopping you right now to do the very same with trial accounts. The only difference is, that you have to script your char to 7xGM every 2 weeks, which isn't an issue with current skills.
Then you have not taken a look at what EJ can and can not do compared to the 14 day trial account.

Publish 99 – Ultima Online

Endless Journey Resctrictions
Preliminary Endless Journey restrictions have been added to TC1. Use the gates at the Britain Commons to toggle EJ restrictions on and off. Restrictions must be reactivated each time a character logs in. All restrictions are in active development and subject to change.

Endless Journey


Access Requirements Monthly Subscription New accounts or 120 days after a veteran account becomes inactive. No subscription required.
Skill Cap 700 + 20 based on months active 700 + 20 based on months active
Ultima Store Yes Yes
Veteran Rewards Cannot claim rewards in game or gain new rewards
Use Veteran Reward Items Yes
Holiday Gifts No
Placement No
Co-Owner or Traded/Friend Yes Cannot co-own or be traded a house. Can be friend to house only for wall safe security.
Access Normal Public Houses Only
Place Vendors Yes No
Rental Vendors Yes No
Wall Safe Yes Yes
Lockdown/Secure Containers Yes No
Access Mailboxes Yes No
Interact with Player Vendors Yes Yes
Drop logs/ingots (and other stackable items) on a locked down pile Yes No
Safe logout in houses Yes Inns & Taverns Only
Auction Safe Placement Yes No
Felucca Dungeons & Felucca T2A Yes Yes

General Chat Yes Yes
Help Yes Yes
Global Direct Messaging Yes Yes

Character Transfer Tokens Yes, with purchase of token Yes, with purchase of token
Character Creation All All shards except Siege Perilous & Mugen
Character Copy & TC1 Access Yes No
Expansions, Boosters, and Theme Packs
Up to Mondain’s Legacy Yes, included Yes, included
Stygian Abyss Yes, included Yes, included (not active yet)
High Seas If purchased If purchased
Gothic/Rustic If purchased If purchased
King’s Collection If purchased If purchased
Time of Legends If purchased If purchased

Bank Box Yes No
Guilds Yes Cannot create new guilds but can join existing ones
Resource Harvesting Restrictions None Yes

-No 2x Felucca Bonus

-Only basic ore & wood

-No sand or stone

Vice vs Virtue Yes Can participate in VvV but do not gain occupation points in active towns
Do Repeatable Quests Yes Yes
Use the Bag of Sending & Chest of Sending Yes No
Use the Bracelet of Binding Yes Yes
Use Pet Summoning Balls Yes Yes
Do Community Collections Yes Yes
Use Commodity Deeds Yes No
Use Scrolls of Alacrity, Power, Stat, and Transcendence Yes Yes
Protect or be Protected by Another Player via the Justice
Yes No
Use the Justice Virtue Yes No
Gain Justice Points Yes No
Use Valor, Compassion, Honesty, Honor, Humility, Sacrifice,
and Spirituality Virtues
Yes Yes
Receive Scrolls from Champ Spawns Yes No
Use Power Scrolls Yes Yes
Receive Rewards, Monster Kill Points, or Virtue Points from
Champ Spawns
Yes No
Receive Mondain’s Legacy Resource Rewards Yes Yes
EM Event Items Yes No
Attack EM Event Creatures All None
Board Ships All All, High Seas ships if purchased
City Loyalty Yes Yes
City Elections & Governorships Yes No
Treasures of Tokuno Style Events Yes Yes
Bulk Order Deeds Yes Yes, cannot bribe up
Use Pack Animals Yes Yes
Cleanup Britannia Yes Yes
Zoo Donations Yes Yes
Covetous Void Pool Yes Yes

Trial Accounts – Ultima Online
Trial Accounts

Trial accounts allow prospective new players to ‘sample’ the game for two weeks without cost, but with certain significant restrictions. Anyone can get a Free 14 day trial account here

Trial Account Restrictions:
  • Players are not allowed to place a house while on a trial account
  • Players are not allowed to co-own or be traded a house while on a trial account
  • Trial accounts have travel restrictions –
    • Cannot visit Felucca dungeons or Felucca T2A
  • Trial Accounts have the following resource restrictions –
    • Will only receive basic ores and logs (iron, plain logs) even if they’d otherwise qualify for better types
    • Will not receive sand or stone when mining
  • Trial Account Misc. restrictions –
    • Will not receive ML rewards for resource gathering (jewels, ingredients, and white pearls while fishing)
    • Will not receive rewards, monster kill points, or virtue points from champ spawns
    • Will not get scrolls while doing champ spawns
    • Will not gain Justice virtue points for killing murderers
    • Cannot use Valor or Justice virtues
    • Cannot Protect or be Protected by another player
    • Cannot use Scrolls of Alacrity, Power Scrolls, Stat Scrolls, or Scrolls of Transcendence
    • Cannot use Commodity Deeds
    • Cannot do Community Collections
    • Cannot use Soulstones or fragment soulstones
    • Cannot use Pet summoning balls
    • Cannot use Bracelets of Binding
    • Cannot use the Bag of Sending
    • Cannot do any repeatable quests – even if they are normally repeatable
    • Cannot acquire BOD’s
    • Can only join the Help Channel of Global Chat


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think they said that EJ could buy blocks of storage from the store, I think called a vault, rather than have a bankbox, but not 100% sure on that! I did think they still had a limited bank...it seems not!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I think they said that EJ could buy blocks of storage from the store, I think called a vault, rather than have a bankbox, but not 100% sure on that! I did think they still had a limited bank...it seems not!
Something about them being auctioned off too. Storage wars style. Not that anyone would want to buy them since they don't seem to be able to get much.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Kyronix @Mesanna No BANK? I seriously doubt I could get anyone to return with that as a condition. Ok they can't place houses so you need to give them something to store a few items in. Even if the bank was limited to 50 slots. I don't know of a single game out there where there is totally 0 storage. All games have at least somewhere to store stuff. It would be different if there wasn't a weight restiction on what chars could carry, or if mobs didn't 'loot' stuff off your body, or if your body didn't totally decay with everything on it when you died. UO is unique with ALL those things, so a bank is essential or there is just NO point in playing. Games that don't have banks allow the char to carry items that don't disappear on death.

Just for basic gameplay people will need to store:

extra slayer weapons/books
petals, pots
leather and stuff required for crafting
shovels and pickaxes
spare armors (ie luck suit) or high med suit.
pet balls
extra spellbooks, scrolls

Not being able to use commodity deeds means they can't buy resources off vendors for crafting or pots etc, they should be able to at least 'collect' from them, but with no bank there would be nowhere to cash it in.

What the hell are they supposed to do with 0 storage. As for a wall safe, well that is hopeless, noone hardly uses them now who actually subscribe, what on earth do EJ's want with that, especially as they can't even put it in a house they own but need to rely on being friended somewhere. Pretty useless imo.

Would I return or create an EJ char with the no bank restriction, no way, and I won't be getting anyone to return with that on either. I would have all my friends wanting me to store the above for them if they came back. BAD idea. Needs to be reviewed.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Wiki Moderator
EJ will have a storage vault, as stated several times in this thread. It won't hold as much as a bank, I wasn't at the party and don't feel like going back through the video to find it but EJ WILL have some type of storage so people need to stop freaking out over that, it's just not implemented in the TC Publish yet, they are probably still working out the logistics.

Another suggestion I would have is make the starter pack a one time purchase per master account, that would stop some of the abuse...though I know they probably won't do that because that would severely limit their revue from that....but it would be nice.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Has anyone done the quests the notes talk about?
I have done a few of them. The one for Blackthorn's is cool, as is the treasure hunting one.

The ones for Shame, Wrong and Covetous are... well... unrealistic. They all end with you having to kill the dungeon's boss (Cora, Fezzik) or kill the mobs required to make a whetstone in Shame.

I don't know anyone who wants to bother with Cora, Fezzik interested only a few people.

The end result of the quests is points in the associated dungeon and a title.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
EJ will have a storage vault, as stated several times in this thread. It won't hold as much as a bank
Does anybody remember how much? 50 items would be OK. Ill probably just have to create an EJ account just out of morbid curiosity to see how it works

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
All in all, not as bad as I expected. But it remains to be seen what action the devs will actually take against the scripters/multibotters/RMT ppl/ etc... For me, that will be the deciding factor. Also, can somebody tell me what "Global Direct Messaging" is? I saw that while reading the notes.
They will do nothing.
However i dont See any issue with RMT. ITS everyones ****ing own business. If at all they should do the Same RMT Site do for cheaper.

Prince Erik

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
One question I have that I didn't see in the write-up was if the EJ accounts can stable pets and if so, how many? Since stable slots automatically remove gold from your bank account I'm assuming no? If not, EJ tamers won't be much fun to play.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They updated the article on EJ. Beat with me while I comment on each subject. Gonna be along one.

Endless Journey accounts receive complimentary access to all Ultima Online expansions through Stygian Abyss. Other expansions can be purchased and applied to an Endless Journey account. Endless Journey accounts have access to Ultima Online’s core features and can enjoy exploring Britannia,
training character skills, making friendships that will last a lifetime, and much more!
Good news about SA, but they shouldn't sell expansions to EJ. IMHO.

What types of gameplay can I experience on an Endless Journey account?

Endless Journey accounts can access Quests, Community Collections, The Virtue System (except Justice), City Loyalty (except elections), Bulk Order Deeds (except bribing), Cleanup Britannia, Zoo Donations, The Void Pool and much more! Most importantly, Endless Journey accounts can be a part of the community that has allowed Ultima Online to endure for more than two decades!
dungeon usage shouldnt' be allowed atleast no high level objectives.

Can and Endless Journey access the Ultima Store?

Yes! The Ultima Store can be used to purchase a variety of helpful and
vanity items for use in game with sovereigns purchased from the Origin
Uh, maybe the Ultima Store and the Origin store should be allowed. LOTRO somehow balances selling of expansions and such to free accounts but gives preferential treatment to subbing players.

What are the restrictions on building my character’s skills and stats?

None. Characters on an Endless Journey account are eligible for up to the total skill points their character is eligible for based on age and follow the same stat restrictions of a veteran account. Endless Journey accounts may use Scrolls of Alacrity, Power, Stat, and Transcendence.

Can I use a character transfer with an Endless Journey account?

Yes, character transfer tokens can be used to transfer to all shards where character transfers are eligible. Endless Journey accounts may not character copy or access TC1.
Test Center is the main feature of learning the game don't limit that. Just dont' allow the features in live servers/

What kind of access to storage does an Endless Journey account have?

Endless Journey accounts have access to a standard player backpack.

What happens to my bank if I am a veteran account and decide to close my account?

Nothing. Your bank will remain waiting for you until you decide to re-subscribe.
BOOOOO! What the heck is the point of this? Originally they said you were allowed a portion of your bank box. I guess the dev team had no idea how to make this happen in testing?

Can Endless Journey accounts access chat?

Yes, Endless Journey accounts have access to General Chat and Global Direct Messaging.
Allowing some gold spammer to harass players who happen to walk by him is a bad idea. Oh well. If you dont'like the spam just the paid players can goto another room.

And I think some of us forgot to read the fine print about the deluxe starter kit.
"All items are account and shard bound." Hopefullly EJ players can receive trades but not make them go the other way around.

And what's the point of giving them armor if they dont' get a stat boost so they can actually wear it?
Last edited:


Lore Keeper
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wonder if they would be able to used secure containers set to friend. My friend has an inn. For people without houses she locks down a lockable chest, sets it to friend, and hands them the only key. Gives them a spot for secure storage. Looked at that suit and realized it is better than what most of my gals' suits. Hope I can afford one.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
wonder if they would be able to used secure containers set to friend. My friend has an inn. For people without houses she locks down a lockable chest, sets it to friend, and hands them the only key. Gives them a spot for secure storage. Looked at that suit and realized it is better than what most of my gals' suits. Hope I can afford one.
This was already answered as well, the answer is no.

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
EA would be stupid to allow people to buy UO gold and even stupider if they allowed people to turn in their UO gold or other items for cash. It would likely make them a "money transmitter," which would trigger the imposition of anti-money laundering requirements imposed by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the U.S. Treasury Department.
they are already selling ingame items for cash so it would be just no difference, pixel is pixel, if this is a transfer token or a plat is not relevant

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Wait a minute - first people are saying EJ accounts will have access to some kind of storage vault, then I read in the post above they will be limited to their backpacks. ???


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The storage vault is new. It lets you pass items around between all chars on one account on the same shard. BUT if you don't pay rent on it the items are up for grabs to the highest bidder.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
The storage vault is new. It lets you pass items around between all chars on one account on the same shard. BUT if you don't pay rent on it the items are up for grabs to the highest bidder.
Ok, sounds like they were listening - guess we’ll have to wait to find out the rent - I would imagine a fairly nominal amount

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
You have your backpack with 125 Items and you can also use a beetle and have 125 items stored and be able to safe log out.
True, but a lot of weight to haul around and there’s the good chance you and the beetle will get killed - and that’s about the end of that Endless Journey


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No one puts in that effort every 2 weeks. They will for permanent chars
What effort? Scripters do not really mind, if it takes them 1-2 days to script a char to 7xGM. Do you really think, that this is attended macroing? Even if you loose 3 days out of the 14 doesn't make any difference...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What effort? Scripters do not really mind, if it takes them 1-2 days to script a char to 7xGM. Do you really think, that this is attended macroing? Even if you loose 3 days out of the 14 doesn't make any difference...
Time is money. 23% is a lot of time. In one month they will have 50% more time to script.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Then you have not taken a look at what EJ can and can not do compared to the 14 day trial account.
They stated already back at the 20th anniv party, that EJ was meant for players to experience the game with their friends with subs. So most of the actual differences don't really come as surprise, but were rather expected. And none of those differences strike me as an issue.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Time is money. 23% is a lot of time. In one month they will have 50% more time to script.
Oh come one... you can create as much accounts as you want. So you can create a new one 3 days before the old one runs out -> zero downtime. Or they have multiple accs run in parallel anyways...
That's nothing hard to figure out....


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh come one... you can create as much accounts as you want. So you can create a new one 3 days before the old one runs out -> zero downtime. Or they have multiple accs run in parallel anyways...
That's nothing hard to figure out....
I understand your reasoning but it is flawed. No matter how you look at it tjey time that they had to train up is now eliminated. The time is saved regardless of when and how they set it up.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EA IS going to sell gold for cash. The starter kit comes with 1M gold.

EJ accounts can not use ship storage.
Can Endless Journey accounts board and place ships?

Endless Journey accounts may board regular and if purchased, High Seas ships. Endless Journey accounts may not place a ship.

Where does it say they can't use the storage.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Can Endless Journey accounts board and place ships?

Endless Journey accounts may board regular and if purchased, High Seas ships. Endless Journey accounts may not place a ship.

Where does it say they can't use the storage.
Well if you can't place a ship it will be hard to use the storage :p They can buy the ship and not place it? I dunno what that means lol