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NEWS [UO.Com] Publish 99 Release 2 Comes to TC1

UO News

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Greetings All, We are pleased to announce the second TC1 release of Publish 99 will be available for testing on TC1 by 3pm ET March 14, 2018. Publish 99 is full of new features, so make sure you patch up your client and head over to TC1 to check out the latest update which includes Endless Journey restrictions, new Ultima Store Items, and Miscellaneous Updates. Please note that some features will not be available on TC1, check the notes for full release details. As always, we look forward to your feedback. Also, if you haven’t already please signup for the […]

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Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm so glad I closed my accounts.

Free uo with still access to the 2 only things worth doing

PvP and Pvm.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also teleport rings shouldn't just have a cool down between uses, they should have a casting timer much like spell wands. U shouldn't get an instant teleport. You should have to be stuck in place, frozen and wait for a cursor.

A 1 second cooldown does nothing. There is already a 1 second use item delay. Casting on the run uninterrupted is the biggest issue.


Stratics Veteran
once again you release a patch and i can not patch says the patch was unable to retrieve the file (base//legacy Mul.oup-8-mtf from patch server please try later what is going on!!!!! rather than bringing out new content and ej try and actually release something which does not stop paying subscribers playing every time does anyone ever test this stuff


Stratics Veteran
update I managed to patch now in the game my char is running vv laggy unplayable (100mg speed wired)its not my pc


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
first take in reading EJ restrictions.

Nothing is here to stop someone from activating 100 EJ accounts to farm mobs for armor/jewels/weaps, even gold really
Time to make some spawn cams also!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pay to win is going live soon!!!!

Deluxe Starter Pack
  • This starter pack is a perfect way to jumpstart your journey in Britannia!
  • This starter pack includes,
  • A Runic Atlas (a high capacity runebook) that comes pre-loaded with recall runes to Britannia’s Vaults, Banks, and Points of Interest
  • A Runic Hunter’s Atlas that allows recalling to a variety of hunting grounds friendly to the training adventurer, complete with location descriptions and tips
  • A full complement of full spellbooks for all magic schools including Bushido, Chivalry, Magery, Mysticism, Necromancy, and Ninjitsu
  • A Token of Skill Alacrity that allows you and your party members to experience an increased rate of skill gain for an entire week
  • A Deluxe Journeyman’s Armor token that outfits the adventurer in a starter set of human/elf or gargish leather armor providing 70% in all resists, +15 Hit Points, +17 Mana, +17 Stamina, +30 Lower Mana Cost, +6 Hit Point Regeneration, +6 Mana Regeneration, +10 Stamina Regeneration, +5 Strength, +5 Dexterity, +5 Intelligence, and 100% Lower Reagent Cost
  • A Community Collection Point Award token that can be redeemed at the Moonglow Zoo, Vesper Museum, or Britain Library for 500,000 points
  • A Dungeon Point Award Point Token that can be redeemed for 100 Blackthorn Dungeon points, 1000 Dungeon Crystal Points of Despise, and 1000 Covetous Points
  • A direct deposit of 1,000,000 gold into your currency account
  • All items are account and shard bound.

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have had a quick look.

Overall, optimistic, nothing majorly bad stands out, looks ok.

I like the organisation of the whole game entry experience, and pulling together the whole quest experience, overall fingers crossed, the concepts look good.

Love the fact they've listened and done something with invis/teleport items - the whole heated thread on Stratics seems worth it now, battling against all the noggins.

I'm interested in the art changes to classic client!!
Always a very dodgy area, are they bringing back the phoenix, are they going to upset Slayvite more ? :)

I think for me, it looks like an organisation of the new player experience, and it looks good, but will have very limited or no impact on me as a veteran.
I think it's good for the game though.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pay to win is going live soon!!!!

Deluxe Starter Pack
  • This starter pack is a perfect way to jumpstart your journey in Britannia!
  • This starter pack includes,
  • A Runic Atlas (a high capacity runebook) that comes pre-loaded with recall runes to Britannia’s Vaults, Banks, and Points of Interest
  • A Runic Hunter’s Atlas that allows recalling to a variety of hunting grounds friendly to the training adventurer, complete with location descriptions and tips
  • A full complement of full spellbooks for all magic schools including Bushido, Chivalry, Magery, Mysticism, Necromancy, and Ninjitsu
  • A Token of Skill Alacrity that allows you and your party members to experience an increased rate of skill gain for an entire week
  • A Deluxe Journeyman’s Armor token that outfits the adventurer in a starter set of human/elf or gargish leather armor providing 70% in all resists, +15 Hit Points, +17 Mana, +17 Stamina, +30 Lower Mana Cost, +6 Hit Point Regeneration, +6 Mana Regeneration, +10 Stamina Regeneration, +5 Strength, +5 Dexterity, +5 Intelligence, and 100% Lower Reagent Cost
  • A Community Collection Point Award token that can be redeemed at the Moonglow Zoo, Vesper Museum, or Britain Library for 500,000 points
  • A Dungeon Point Award Point Token that can be redeemed for 100 Blackthorn Dungeon points, 1000 Dungeon Crystal Points of Despise, and 1000 Covetous Points
  • A direct deposit of 1,000,000 gold into your currency account
  • All items are account and shard bound.
Eh. Everything there can be petty easily obtained by people who have been playing a while. Curious what the cost is.

Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
The EJ restrictions are far more reasonable than I expected. EJ will still be abused, that is human nature and certainly nothing new to UO, but a quick glance at the table made me believe it was fairly well thought out.

The deluxe starter package was another surprise. Obviously a lot depends on what it costs, but it addresses a lot of the problems a new our returning player faces today. You get a suit, a couple of high end pieces, filled runebooks and enough insurance gold to get you on your feet and buy some supplies, and I think is actually a great call. If it is super expensive then that isn't so great, but at a reasonable price point this is great. RMT sites are a thing, like it or not, and if this is handled correctly some of that money goes back to support UO.

Even as someone who has scratched their head at some recent dev decisions, this news is on the whole pretty positive.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The EJ restrictions are far more reasonable than I expected. EJ will still be abused, that is human nature and certainly nothing new to UO, but a quick glance at the table made me believe it was fairly well thought out.

The deluxe starter package was another surprise. Obviously a lot depends on what it costs, but it addresses a lot of the problems a new our returning player faces today. You get a suit, a couple of high end pieces, filled runebooks and enough insurance gold to get you on your feet and buy some supplies, and I think is actually a great call. If it is super expensive then that isn't so great, but at a reasonable price point this is great. RMT sites are a thing, like it or not, and if this is handled correctly some of that money goes back to support UO.

Even as someone who has scratched their head at some recent dev decisions, this news is on the whole pretty positive.
I agree. Overall a really nice setup. The startup kit is definatly a plus. Not overpowered but helps a lot!


Stratics Veteran
The EJ restrictions are far more reasonable than I expected. EJ will still be abused, that is human nature and certainly nothing new to UO, but a quick glance at the table made me believe it was fairly well thought out.

The deluxe starter package was another surprise. Obviously a lot depends on what it costs, but it addresses a lot of the problems a new our returning player faces today. You get a suit, a couple of high end pieces, filled runebooks and enough insurance gold to get you on your feet and buy some supplies, and I think is actually a great call. If it is super expensive then that isn't so great, but at a reasonable price point this is great. RMT sites are a thing, like it or not, and if this is handled correctly some of that money goes back to support UO.

Even as someone who has scratched their head at some recent dev decisions, this news is on the whole pretty positive.
I agree. The only people that will be upset at the new Deluxe Starter Pack are those same people that for whatever reason feel New/Returning players should not be able to compete with Veterans. This pack is hardly game breaking and gives a nice boost to new and returning players. The 100 blackthorn artifacts can be used to get 1-2 nice items, or they could try to sell the items instead for extra gold. I'm sure whatever the cost of the pack is, it isn't going to upset the blackthorn artifact market any. Not like new/returning players would be able to afford 20-40m for each of their blackthorn items as it currently stands.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
EJ restriction on ore and lumber seems silly. I get scripters, but why even make a crafter or allow them to get BODs? That's my only complaint. I didn't understand the 250 items on the instanced corpse part though. I hope this doesn't keep me from being able to farm good items off corpses once they go public.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All in all, not as bad as I expected. But it remains to be seen what action the devs will actually take against the scripters/multibotters/RMT ppl/ etc... For me, that will be the deciding factor. Also, can somebody tell me what "Global Direct Messaging" is? I saw that while reading the notes.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All in all, not as bad as I expected. But it remains to be seen what action the devs will actually take against the scripters/multibotters/RMT ppl/ etc... For me, that will be the deciding factor. Also, can somebody tell me what "Global Direct Messaging" is? I saw that while reading the notes.
I'm guessing it is like a private message through Global Chat.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Global Direct Messaging" is? I saw that while reading the notes.
I think it will be a kind of whisper command like in other games :)
For the starter pack i think it will help returning player.
What really is confusing me is the General Chat... On SP we haven't that problem because they can't make new char EJ but on other shard i think will increase the hate in that channel lol... Probably was better make a different channel for EJ where also "paying" player can join


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EJ restriction on ore and lumber seems silly. I get scripters, but why even make a crafter or allow them to get BODs? That's my only complaint. I didn't understand the 250 items on the instanced corpse part though. I hope this doesn't keep me from being able to farm good items off corpses once they go public.
I honestly missed that little nugget about BODs.

Well guess I'll choose more shard shields. That will give me 6 shards with 6 characters per shard. That's 36 BODs per account per 3 hours. Now that I can collect BODs on all my accounts without subbing(~40 accounts) that means I can collect 1480 BODs every 3 hours. Now if I could do that 7 times a day I would be able to pull nearly 10k BODs per day.

While personally I couldn't do it 7 times a day, I'm sure scripters can.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think it will be a kind of whisper command like in other games :)
For the starter pack i think it will help returning player.
What really is confusing me is the General Chat... On SP we haven't that problem because they can't make new char EJ but on other shard i think will increase the hate in that channel lol... Probably was better make a different channel for EJ where also "paying" player can join
So it is something new right?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Global Direct Messaging : It's a private message to one person, you won't need to make a group to speak privately. Well that's what it sounds like to me...


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This will be fun, we have enough trouble remembering to hit \ or | instead of , lol, gonna be interesting to see the slips :oops::embarrassed:
Yup, I announce any new toon I make because there is no way I can be secret because I mess up in chat too much.

I answer in guild chat half the time when someone puts me in a secret party chat.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So what exactly is there on test that's new? Has anyone been there to see if there is a New Player Experience? Will new and returning players get anything to help them or will they be expected to pay for one of these Deluxe starter packs? Hmm since that is the 'deluxe' one will there be a free 'standard' one? I just wondered if they got something better than a book and a candle....:p

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Felucca Dungeons & Felucca T2A - (YES)
will be used as fodder to overwhelm the PvMers doing spawns.
Treasures of Tokuno Style Events - YES) will be used to script farm
Bulk Order Deeds (YES) BOD scripters will love this.

Will EJ accounts be allowed into Blackthorn Castle


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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I think the only thing I don't like is the inability for EJ accounts to use their bank. They are already limited to where they cannot use or access house storage. I don't think giving them access to a 125 item bank is going to break anything. In regards to real legitimate new players, is it nice to have a space to hide all your new found treasures. In regards to people returning for some PvP action, it would be nice to have a place to stash and use potions.

Everything else looks reasonable, but please reconsider bank limitations.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK, so mass scripting inc is the plan?

Packhorses yes yes for EJ accounts and they can do idocs? Sounds legit, now every idoc will have hundreds of accounts and perhaps thousands of packhorses?

Not well thought through.
What he said! Not to mention the "illegal" ways they find them. All of their "finders" will be EJ accounts. :( @Mesanna @Kyronix @Bleak Please rethink this. I would put this on the "official" forum. But the mere mention "over there" of any "illegal" activity *thinks something about ostriches, and head in the sand* would probably get my account banned. Instead of the ones who SHOULD get banned!

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK, so mass scripting inc is the plan?

Packhorses yes yes for EJ accounts and they can do idocs? Sounds legit, now every idoc will have hundreds of accounts and perhaps thousands of packhorses?

Not well thought through.
dont forget all the fodder accounts for raiding champ spawns.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Think you can sell PoF for profit? The materials will be the cost you can get if suddenly you can have unlimited bod gathering accounts, lol. So what if they can't bribe, it only takes one active account to do the bribing. 100 free accounts collecting 18 bods each per shard, per day = over 32,000 bods per day, all scripted of course. That's a lot of PoFs suddenly available.

Step #1 - invite previously banned players to return
Step #2 - give them free accounts so there is nothing to lose for doing what got them banned
Step #3 - expect to revitalize UO?

Please, listen to current players here, there are some glaring issues with this plan.


Stratics Veteran
OK, so mass scripting inc is the plan?

Packhorses yes yes for EJ accounts and they can do idocs? Sounds legit, now every idoc will have hundreds of accounts and perhaps thousands of packhorses?

Not well thought through.
Aaaaaannnnndddd, this is news how? Before all this was laid out, there was talk here of just that situation, was there not?

What the Devs seem to NOT recognize is that we - as players - know more about this game than they do. And for the most part, choose to ignore it. My own attitude? If it's an IDOC, it's free-for-all, which might cause a few EJ corpses ... right? <shrug>


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Going to have to start selling pof for a song and dance.
Ya I was wondering about the BODs. They script the BOD requests, then the mats, then fill the BODs and turn in for little real time investment.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EJ restriction on ore and lumber seems silly. I get scripters, but why even make a crafter or allow them to get BODs? That's my only complaint. I didn't understand the 250 items on the instanced corpse part though. I hope this doesn't keep me from being able to farm good items off corpses once they go public.
They are allowed to get BODs so now we will see endless BOD script accounts


Site Support
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Wiki Moderator
OK, so mass scripting inc is the plan?

Packhorses yes yes for EJ accounts and they can do idocs? Sounds legit, now every idoc will have hundreds of accounts and perhaps thousands of packhorses?

Not well thought through.
You missed the:

  • A Token of Skill Alacrity that allows you and your party members to experience an increased rate of skill gain for an entire week
Now they can effectively multi-box train those accounts in record time!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
No need to train. A simple LRC suit, start with 50 magery, hand them a +15 magery book and voila, you have an EM event healer rdy to go. Takes no skill or gear to collect bods... who needs magery to get around when a bracelet of binding(yes yes for EJ?!?) works without skill? Seriously... this is, ahh nm. They aren't listening.

Welcome to Ultimate Scripting Online.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now they can effectively multi-box train those accounts in record time!
Didn't they say that when EJ came out that they were going to crack down on all the multiboxers. I will believe it when I see it.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
first take in reading EJ restrictions.

Nothing is here to stop someone from activating 100 EJ accounts to farm mobs for armor/jewels/weaps, even gold really
Was that ever in question really? No restriction would have stopped people from killing monsters.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EJ restriction on ore and lumber seems silly. I get scripters, but why even make a crafter or allow them to get BODs? That's my only complaint. I didn't understand the 250 items on the instanced corpse part though. I hope this doesn't keep me from being able to farm good items off corpses once they go public.
...To encourage people to sub.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the only thing I don't like is the inability for EJ accounts to use their bank. They are already limited to where they cannot use or access house storage. I don't think giving them access to a 125 item bank is going to break anything. In regards to real legitimate new players, is it nice to have a space to hide all your new found treasures. In regards to people returning for some PvP action, it would be nice to have a place to stash and use potions.

Everything else looks reasonable, but please reconsider bank limitations.
Yeah I don't see how you can really play at all without SOME storage.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK, so mass scripting inc is the plan?
If they are only allowed in fel then, nope. Though the way they laid it out was very unclear, since they listed ONLY fel, none of the other facets... for some weird reason. :/

Really though, if you can do it with trial accounts you can do it with these, this really shouldn't be a surprise at this point.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No need to train. A simple LRC suit, start with 50 magery, hand them a +15 magery book and voila, you have an EM event healer rdy to go. Takes no skill or gear to collect bods... who needs magery to get around when a bracelet of binding(yes yes for EJ?!?) works without skill? Seriously... this is, ahh nm. They aren't listening.

Welcome to Ultimate Scripting Online.
They said that EJ accounts caught multiboxing would be banned... Subscription accounts would get a warning........
Oh no they will ban the assist healers.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Make ej accounts killable in tram setting ROFL!
All killing aside, i mean kidding...
Give ej accounts a perma-title, beside their name [EJ] it whatever. So when a horde shows up, at least it'll be recognizable... Plus other benefits

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I think the only thing I don't like is the inability for EJ accounts to use their bank. They are already limited to where they cannot use or access house storage. I don't think giving them access to a 125 item bank is going to break anything. In regards to real legitimate new players, is it nice to have a space to hide all your new found treasures. In regards to people returning for some PvP action, it would be nice to have a place to stash and use potions.

Everything else looks reasonable, but please reconsider bank limitations.
I agree with this - I can't even imagine playing with - what? - only the stuff in my backpack? What's the point (for an honest player)?