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NEWS [UO.Com] New Legacy Alpha Testing

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Greetings all, We have randomly pulled 50 players that signed up on the sign up post on TC1. You should be getting an email that allows you to sign a NDA if your name was selected. Please know that some of the emails given are not valid. After I get those back I will be adding you to Slack. This way we can talk, give feedback and you guys can get answers faster. We would like to thank you for your interesting in testing and we will see you soon. Sincerely, Mesanna

Continue reading...

Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
I didn't think we had 50 unique active players logging in over a 2 day period. I wonder how many folks hit the stone with alternate accounts to improve their chances. Point being actual testers might be statistically significant fewer than 50.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Same here nothing and I used 2 emails and a lot of accounts lol


Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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*Checks the mailbox and pulls out a neatly rolled scroll addressed to Lord Nabin, Heads inside to his study and slowly unrolls the scroll in anticipation of a Golden Ticket*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It was rigged I want a recount and dead players don't count either !!! :sad2:


Stratics Veteran
I also signed up under 2 accounts... I was not selected... hopefully they make another round of people because i also fear that there will be 22 people actually testing this and not 50...


Crazed Zealot
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I also signed up under 2 accounts... I was not selected... hopefully they make another round of people because i also fear that there will be 22 people actually testing this and not 50...
There should be another round of Beta testing. This I assume is more for functionality and glitches.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They are asking testers to use slack. I cant imagine more than 50% of people that signed up have the capability of figuring out how to install a program other than UO.
Because of Covid, many people have had to use programs new to them. But, I would agree with your analysis.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
when I was a project manager years ago at Pintar investment group we had to use sales force that later slack was integrated into.
Trying to get all our contractors/ sub contractors to use it turn out to be beyond manageable to say the least, we later dropped it all. I honestly hated using all those programs lol

Picus of Napa

Stratics Veteran
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Installing another intrusive program to beta test is bizzare.

Still it will be like the last time this was done. The testers will reap the rewards of advanced knowledge and share it with thier friends.

The idea of a classic shard still sounds fun. I'll debate trying it out.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Installing another intrusive program to beta test is bizzare.

Still it will be like the last time this was done. The testers will reap the rewards of advanced knowledge and share it with thier friends.

The idea of a classic shard still sounds fun. I'll debate trying it out.
Lets see 99.9% of our users have discord. Let's have them use slack.....truthfully I'm surprised it wasn't icq...
Last edited:

Morgana Grim

Lore Master
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Slack and EA are "working" together so that's probably the reason for using Slack.
Let me rephrase...EA is working with Salesforce who owns Slack.


Stratics Veteran
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Me and my friends are going to at least go look at NL. It will either be fun or it won't. The only odd part to me is it seems those who actually test stuff and report it here did not get in. Or are secretive.
I hope they are secretive and were not overlooked. I believe the word random only applies in UO when it is time for the rare gift colors to show up. Do not get all freaky fried Pawain. Llamas know stuff. :)

Acid Rain

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NDA’s specifically say u can’t talk abt it, ESPECIALLY on game forums LOL. No one is going to post here if they legit want to be part of the process.

Having beta tested before, I can say 100%, most of y’all are spewing tinfoil hat commentary. UO ran a courteous professional testing process w forums & daily if not hourly input from all parties. I did NOT try to get in, rl is keeping me way to busy atm. Haven’t had time to get ingame for a long time.

That said, I have the utmost confidence things will be handled competently and if any issues arise they will be dealt w expeditiously. No one can entirely stop NDA violations but in my experience UO managed their testing teams exceedingly well.

Now you can get back to your baseless inane smear tactics. Have a great weekend ! :heart:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
50 randomly from the stone and another 10 not so random


Stratics Veteran
Me and my friends are going to at least go look at NL. It will either be fun or it won't. The only odd part to me is it seems those who actually test stuff and report it here did not get in. Or are secretive.
I hope they are secretive and were not overlooked. I believe the word random only applies in UO when it is time for the rare gift colors to show up. Do not get all freaky fried Pawain. Llamas know stuff. :)
If there is an NDA involved, they will not be able to disclose stuff. I've done alphas, closed betas and open betas.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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I've done alphas, closed betas and open betas.
everyone has.

let's not pretend we all haven't at one time or another walked on water..... errr i mean been in the chosen group for testing.
everyone is gonna have a look at this new thing.
there is no one in this game banging out plate tunics at the Brit open forge singing the guild song and waiting for someone to come along and pay him 54 gold for his work.
it's been 26 years, we have all done it all and several times over.
there is nothing new so we are all gonna go and at least have a look.
then either we will play it for a while because it's someone new yet comfortably the same or we will come back here and yell about the sky falling.
it UO people, none of us are here because we like change!!!!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
If there is an NDA involved, they will not be able to disclose stuff. I've done alphas, closed betas and open betas.
There is an NDA but does anyone really think that people who are testing will really abide by that 100%?

For argument sake if someone is a tester and they talk to someone else that isn't a tester (not on the forums) just in conversation like "oh yea the skill building takes a few hours to GM"; there is nothing stopping the non-testing person from leaking it on the forums. I can see a situation where someone with a large network like @The Black Smith talks to someone who is a tester (assuming he isn't one) and then creates a new account on the forums and blows the lid off it. In fact, I'm waiting for it :D


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Whoa, I cannot wait for the ground shaking news that will come from a tester (eeek!) or when it goes live. Just what could it be! Even I the llama have done testing, yep , (I was not great at it) I know all about sipping my wine and being quiet. The point was, there are players who actually test stuff. I hope they got in.
Let us all try NL. Really. It will either be fun or it won't. Maybe we could make it fun?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
I'd like to see the market research they did that shows what new players are asking for a new UO. how many people could that possibly be , given the age of the average player.
Wait i think i just solved my own mystery.
the "New" are the grandchildren and the "Legacy" must be all the old farts that keep telling them stories of ... back in my day ....

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I'd like to see the market research they did that shows what new players are asking for a new UO. how many people could that possibly be , given the age of the average player.
Wait i think i just solved my own mystery.
the "New" are the grandchildren and the "Legacy" must be all the old farts that keep telling them stories of ... back in my day ....
It was the super secret chosen ones all the post on the forum asking for this or that for years was in your imagination


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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Don't tell Rohrschach that we are talking about it here :eyes:


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't tell Rohrschach that we are talking about it here :eyes:
He may be banned from stratics. :lol:

They close any thread that brings up conspiracy theories. A certain :dunce: can not stop making up stuff because he is so embarrassed. NL is a thing. After his years of denials.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
He may be banned from stratics. :lol:

They close any thread that brings up conspiracy theories. A certain :dunce: can not stop making up stuff because he is so embarrassed. NL is a thing. After his years of denials.
It's a thing as much as king reborn currently


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The end days of going to a store to buy games.

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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A few posts in this thread have been removed for personal attacks, and quoting other posts containing them.

Please remember this is Uhall not Unleashed, and the Stratics Rules of Conduct still apply here.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry I thought the thread I replied to was in Unleashed. So I was using my Unleashed voice. Hopefully they removed the stuff quickly.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if only we had a delorean to fix are past and future mistakes :cursing: