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Ultima The Endless Journey Account?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
hi guys it has been a few months since mesanna said that the game was going to be free to play with limitations of course you wont be able to have a house ect ect so its going to be more like "pay to win" most gamers can understand that phrase anyways its next year and I'm kind of wondering if anyone else has heard more on this F2P account

link to what she said can be found here its about 28 to 29 mins into the audio video

68-Stab Goes The Ferrit


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I kind of hope not, b/c that would "undo" the IDOC changes that have taken place the past 2 years I think..... which has been extremely beneficial to the average player like me (before 75 young characters would grab every chest/expensive item before the house even fell.)

[But being a forever (young) character could also be one of those limitations..... which I would think could be nice. Returning players would be very quick to buy an account and want a house I think, also. The houses are still private now after going IDOC.... but I've long suspected that characters are picking up chests and holding them still to date...... as there are 100s of houses that fall without a single chest, but small boxes and backpacks and bags are still all over on every house.... I dunno. But right now people have to use their own accounts to do that sort of thing... and risk getting caught. 40 of the people with forever accounts could technically take every chest at every IDOC. Kind of.... if you allow a way for something to be exploited, people will do it sort of. We'll have characters gating in 50 forever accounts again instead of 50 (youngs)..... same difference, only they cannot target certain items (which I think they can technically..... by item ID now.)]

It just seems like a bad idea and opens the door for GMs to tell friends which items, blah blah.... it's a slippery slope if they allow those people to pick up items from an IDOC period. They should be restricted in the manner that (young) accounts are, which is they cannot pick up a single item from an IDOC.

Many, many, many people quit Ultima Online because of IDOC woes....... and many more because GMs and such got rude (or misunderstood) at Asian events.... or at least from what I have heard. A couple of governors meetings did not go well on the Asian shards, and such and such governors and ect. quit..... which are usually the most hardcore players in the game. If we want to keep people..... we need to focus on effective translating for the Asian communities so that their questions/answers/suggestions are understood and not shunned by some.... and IDOCs..... that's where the hardcore players are with 7-8 accounts usually anyway. Losing one major player is far more detrimental to the game than the average player who comes and goes after a few months.
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Captn Norrington

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Moved this thread from the rares forum to Uhall, since this topic doesn't really fit in the rares forum.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I kind of hope not, b/c that would "undo" the IDOC changes that have taken place the past 2 years I think..... which has been extremely beneficial to the average player like me (before 75 young characters would grab every chest/expensive item before the house even fell.)

[But being a forever (young) character could also be one of those limitations..... which I would think could be nice. Returning players would be very quick to buy an account and want a house I think, also. The houses are still private now after going IDOC.... but I've long suspected that characters are picking up chests and holding them still to date...... as there are 100s of houses that fall without a single chest, but small boxes and backpacks and bags are still all over on every house.... I dunno. But right now people have to use their own accounts to do that sort of thing... and risk getting caught. 40 of the people with forever accounts could technically take every chest at every IDOC. Kind of.... if you allow a way for something to be exploited, people will do it sort of. We'll have characters gating in 50 forever accounts again instead of 50 (youngs)..... same difference, only they cannot target certain items (which I think they can technically..... by item ID now.)]

It just seems like a bad idea and opens the door for GMs to tell friends which items, blah blah.... it's a slippery slope if they allow those people to pick up items from an IDOC period. They should be restricted in the manner that (young) accounts are, which is they cannot pick up a single item from an IDOC.

yes I worried how it will effect the rares market if at all I really wanted the opinion on the rares collectors here that's why it was posted in rares forums hopefully they will see it in uhall ill sell a rare on the forum later I guess with a link to it here so I can get some of their opinions since my thread was moved for no reasom

also if worried how it will effect houses too that will be interesting to see


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
...also if worried how it will effect houses too that will be interesting to see
I've long sought changes to this myself. If we were allowed like 2 houses per account, it would make the game fill up quite quickly and bring back the housing market for sure! Also I have wished that houses had control slots like player characters..... like 5 slots per house..... and you could have 1 greater dragon or 5 house cats, ect.. ect... hehe. Those changes would be nice.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
That's so true.... hehehe.

I think they might have rethought this @DarkLotus[FL] , b/c I think that it would also be shooting their selves in the foot yet again too. Before everyone who did bad stuff and had billions had to have 50-100 houses to hold all of that gold. Since the change w/ gold checks.... there have been about 60 IDOCs fall with the same crafter's items inside..... So they lost a lot of subscriptions that are no longer necessary. By implementing F2P.... there would be 1000 new emails created (I'm sure) and 1000 new accounts so that 6000 new characters could hold all of those items. They would lose countless revenue and the game would likely close at that point.... people have houses now just for storage.

For that reason I would hope they re-think this if it was truly in their minds, because I hope this game never goes away. But you have to sometimes question the motives of those willing to shoot their selves in the foot.... I hope this is not true, but like I said earlier... there would also probably be people gating in 60 new (forever) characters to IDOCs to script/pickup/hold chests for an hour and take every chest in the game. I think someone somewhere has bad motives. :p :p I bet it was re-thought already though.... surely they can't be willing to go back down that road. Sorry brother, don't mean to post too much on your thread. I just thought that up while I was in the shower thinking about it.... as I reeeeally grew tired of 75 (young) characters grabbing every chest/IDOC a few years ago. I had several great friends quit....... several. I'm still holding their items from their houses that fell today... hoping they come back someday. I figure they won't b/c they don't know that IDOCs changed....


Stratics Veteran
Password locked chat channels would help... or just the ability to filter out the idiots account in gen chat.... wait does this exist already?

My view is that if UO continues its present course and doesn't go F2P we will see a continual decline in population and perhaps an eventual shut down. The idea of UO going F2P makes me cringe but the fact is most shards are dead besides ATL... After that last lame duck ToL expansion and recent publishes I don't have much faith in the devs releasing attractive content to lure more players in either. My hope is that going F2P will inject some life into a staling game.

King Greg

Lore Keeper
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60 IDOCs fall with the same crafter's items inside.....
Or maybe he was just a very popular crafter.

And it would only of taken 10 accounts to hold a trillion gold back before this, so I don't think they lost many accounts over the new gold system for storage reasons.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Or maybe he was just a very popular crafter.

And it would only of taken 10 accounts to hold a trillion gold back before this, so I don't think they lost many accounts over the new gold system for storage reasons.
80 IDOCs with chests/clothing/weapons made by like, just for example, "Lord Gregory" or "Sinful Slave" doesn't quit fit the bill of being a popular crafter.... a popular real crafter would be like Hephaestus or Iron Forge.... I would think. I was just throwing those two out as examples, I don't think they are real crafters/players. You can't just hold gold either; you have to hold the items to sell... so there's no way every account could hold only gold. And every account can hold only 18x125 (beetle, bank, backpack) = 2250 items plus 3000 for a house = 5.25 platinum. You're math is way, way off..... once again, you have to question the motives of people willing to shoot themselves in the foot.

King Greg

Lore Keeper
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80 IDOCs with chests/clothing/weapons made by like, just for example, "Lord Gregory" or "Sinful Slave" doesn't quit fit the bill of being a popular crafter.... a popular real crafter would be like Hephaestus or Iron Forge.... I would think. I was just throwing those two out as examples, I don't think they are real crafters/players. You can't just hold gold either; you have to hold the items to sell... so there's no way every account could hold only gold. And every account can hold only 18x125 (beetle, bank, backpack) = 2250 items plus 3000 for a house = 5.25 platinum. You're math is way, way off..... once again, you have to question the motives of people willing to shoot themselves in the foot.
18 x 18 can hold 50 Vendors, each vendor can hold 2 platinum, 100 plat per 18x18, 10 houses = 1 Trillion. Not even factoring banks, backpacks, or beetles. Or Castles


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
18 x 18 can hold 50 Vendors, each vendor can hold 2 platinum, 100 plat per 18x18, 10 houses = 1 Trillion. Not even factoring banks, backpacks, or beetles. Or Castles
I never knew how much a vendor could hold... thanks for the info.
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Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But if they change the system to F2P.... it will be abused in manner I was saying. People will be storing items on different characters I can promise you. And that does a lot to open back up the IDOC game for someone to gate in 50 (forever) characters instead of (youngs) which cannot pick up items from IDOCs. If they cannot pick up items from IDOCs, I wouldn't be too opposed to it; as I don't care where people keep their items.... but still. I'm terrified of what these new players would be able to do... going to IDOCs and picking up/scripting/holding chests is what is killing/has killed this game. I have 4 friends that quit for that and a husband and wife that quit because of that.... and many many more whom have complained / cried / paged GMs to no avail and I can also assume have quit. The problem with people not playing this game is all of the cheating that takes place.... which is what they should focus on with 100% of their efforts.... not bringing back people who are going to be heartbroken and quit probably anyway. Little lone if they don't have to pay and then quit...

[Sorry for being very emotional about this.... I fought very, very, very hard to get the IDOC changes that took place to happen.... I'm fairly sure I was the main one that caused the change finally. I just see this as a re-neg on all of those efforts possibly and am very emotional about it of course. The IDOCs are the main reasons people quit... they realized how to get rich, came to IDOCs, then saw the cheating.... and quit. It was sad and heartbreaking to stand there by a scripter laughing at you that he was going to get the item.... and then the house fell and nobody even saw the item.]
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I personally feel like the idoc system needs to be turned off besides ATL there is no housing issues and even there you can find your own house to place might not be what you want the size you want but either way I don't see a use for the idoc system anymore


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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All I can say is... why do we keep finding these recordings months after it has happened and yet there is NOTHING about this in the newsletters or anything else to let the players know this even happened or to let basically ANYONE on planet Earth know it was happening?

So doing interviews on forums like this that no one watches and no one listens to does what for the players???

I just have to shake my head and wonder WTF?


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
I would take an influx of a dozen of daily noobs in Haven over the greedy IDOCers any time of the day. Feels like they would be ok with UO closing tomorrow, as long as they can loot Luna houses the hour before *smh*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Free to play is the only hope for UO. Some will disagree very strongly. And I have been reading "this game is dead" since 2002. Its still here.

BUT logic still dictates that F2P is the way forward. In Neverwinter players will pay £$1000+ to make an UBAR l337 pvp char. Ultima Needs some of that cash.

Of course in UO pvp is skill based not item based so it won't affect the current huge pvp player base.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Free to play is the only hope for UO. Some will disagree very strongly. And I have been reading "this game is dead" since 2002. Its still here.

BUT logic still dictates that F2P is the way forward. In Neverwinter players will pay £$1000+ to make an UBAR l337 pvp char. Ultima Needs some of that cash.

Of course in UO pvp is skill based not item based so it won't affect the current huge pvp player base.
None of that will mean a single thing if no one will ever know...

Without Steam or some form of advertising and some sort of NPE it's all moot... no one will come play because NO ONE will know.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
None of that will mean a single thing if no one will ever know...

Without Steam or some form of advertising and some sort of NPE it's all moot... no one will come play because NO ONE will know.
Agreed.BUT the players themselves and fan base could make noise via social media and various forums. Make it free to play and players would return for the lols as much as anything.Would I pay to play an MMO as old as UO in todays terms? No


Stratics Veteran
F2P = every pre-puberty smart ass entering pvp and spilling over to general chat. You think gen chat is bad now with pvp, just wait.
It can not get any worse, there will just be more of it - then maybe people will clamor for a squelch option or actually report the idiots and get them banned.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
None of that will mean a single thing if no one will ever know...

Without Steam or some form of advertising and some sort of NPE it's all moot... no one will come play because NO ONE will know.
Lots and lots of people playing free shards and such and they will know :) This will create a buzz with people that follow gaming. Lots of gaming sites looking for something new to talk about. I didn't really give much credit to the F2P idea but the more I hear about it, with the proper restrictions, I've been won over.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Having listened to the relevant section of this interview, this 'endless journey' isn't quite 'free to play', it's a trial account, with all the relevant restrictions, but no time limit. Since it's due in 2017 I assume it won't be announced till nearer the launch time, for the excellent reason that they won't want tying down to an actual date till it's ready.
Given how many players I've seen who grow tired of the trial account restrictions and sub before the end of their 2 weeks, I can't see many playing this version for very long, they'll either give up, or I very much hope, sub and join the rest of us enjoying the WHOLE game.

If, as I understand it, ALL the current trial accounts apply there'll be no danger of further contamination of general chat, but help chat will degenerate to match it.


Crazed Zealot
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hi guys it has been a few months since mesanna said that the game was going to be free to play with limitations of course you wont be able to have a house ect ect so its going to be more like "pay to win" most gamers can understand that phrase anyways its next year and I'm kind of wondering if anyone else has heard more on this F2P account

link to what she said can be found here its about 28 to 29 mins into the audio video

68-Stab Goes The Ferrit
If you listened to it, I'm pretty sure it said later next (this) year.


Lore Master
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Lots and lots of people playing free shards and such and they will know :) This will create a buzz with people that follow gaming. Lots of gaming sites looking for something new to talk about. I didn't really give much credit to the F2P idea but the more I hear about it, with the proper restrictions, I've been won over.
If this happens it will be great, as long as restrictions are applied so that the people who want to make gold are limited in their abilities. People use (young) characters everywhere at present to do everything..... even if it goes under some people's noses. I don't like it either and it's sad..... but oh so true. I've played Ultima since the Super Nintendo, when I bought the Super Nintendo game Ultima 3 from a flee market with no map. I spent 2 years drawing out a map of Brittania (islands and all) and searching the dungeons under Britain and Trinsic and Cove..... to find a ballon plan that I had no idea about (b/c I didn't have the instruction manual in 94'-95'. I owe much to this game, and want to save it as well. I'm tired of seeing players quit when they find out the truth........ the best players.


Crazed Zealot
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But if they change the system to F2P.... it will be abused in manner I was saying. People will be storing items on different characters I can promise you. And that does a lot to open back up the IDOC game for someone to gate in 50 (forever) characters instead of (youngs) which cannot pick up items from IDOCs. If they cannot pick up items from IDOCs, I wouldn't be too opposed to it; as I don't care where people keep their items.... but still. I'm terrified of what these new players would be able to do... going to IDOCs and picking up/scripting/holding chests is what is killing/has killed this game. I have 4 friends that quit for that and a husband and wife that quit because of that.... and many many more whom have complained / cried / paged GMs to no avail and I can also assume have quit. The problem with people not playing this game is all of the cheating that takes place.... which is what they should focus on with 100% of their efforts.... not bringing back people who are going to be heartbroken and quit probably anyway. Little lone if they don't have to pay and then quit...

[Sorry for being very emotional about this.... I fought very, very, very hard to get the IDOC changes that took place to happen.... I'm fairly sure I was the main one that caused the change finally. I just see this as a re-neg on all of those efforts possibly and am very emotional about it of course. The IDOCs are the main reasons people quit... they realized how to get rich, came to IDOCs, then saw the cheating.... and quit. It was sad and heartbreaking to stand there by a scripter laughing at you that he was going to get the item.... and then the house fell and nobody even saw the item.]

You pushed for the current changes?



Crazed Zealot
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This is just bad thinking. I don't like it either.... but those new players will walk around Luna and instantly see every house worth 400p.......... and every high ranking player in this game does nothing but events and IDOCs and pvps with suits that costs 3-7p...... that's the way that the moderators made it when they changed the armor system..... which I was entirely against b/c it destroyed Imbuing. I don't like IDOCs either..... but I'm not gonna go mine powerscrolls when the same people show up at stage 4 every single time and kill you or take your spawn........... seems someone was hurt by my comment. I've had 4-5 friends quit because of IDOCing woes.... as stated.... because of scripters/cheaters. That's enough said......... this game has become gold to win....... and it's because people scripting items at IDOCs for the past 12 years mainly; and Mesanna and them changing the armor system (which I wouldn't mind if such and such player couldn't easily get a 7p suit and beat me at every event and in pvp with speed hacks and stuff that makes trees disappear.....)

I would rather let them see and decide for themselves if they'd like to play.

This goes well beyond any trash talking in chat and Idocs.

Anytime you add more players to a game, revenue is bound to go up,
Especially if they manage the stores right.

This game has always had a pay to win side.

this is also what drives UO economy.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You pushed for the current changes?

...when they changed the armor system..... which I was entirely against b/c it destroyed Imbuing.
No... No!!! (hehe) I cried so much... lol. For 2 weeks I had the most perfect, best suit on Pacific shard.... everyone at the bank told me how great my suit was and wanted it (I spent forever and forever and forever reforging, imbuing, and working Excel spreadsheets for that suit......) Two weeks later they changed it, I literally wanted to cry. I bet a million people felt the same... as everyone realized you could now buy your suit. Sooner or later they'll learn to just leave the game alone. :p :p People put in hard work for this game and when new changes come along.... it more often than not messes stuff up. Especially when gold is involved.... which goes back to IDOCs and everything else. When imbuing was here, it wasn't pay to win by any means..... usually the smartest person won in suit building. Now it's pay to win.... which is why I complain about IDOC people using scripts and (young) players to time IDOC timers. This (forever) account just means that those people don't have to make a new young character every other day...... sadly. I hope everyone can see that.... but I'm sure someone can make a fake email/ fake account on Stratics/ and plead the opposite just like they use fake emails to make trial accounts in UO at present....... I know how this game works from front to back. There's lots of shady stuff going on, trust me.... and it comes down to IDOCs and rare items and events and pay to win pvp......... or greed as it's better known.
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Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
F2P = every pre-puberty smart ass entering pvp and spilling over to general chat. You think gen chat is bad now with pvp, just wait.
Well then good thing trial account can only use the help channel..



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
No... No!!! (hehe) I cried so much... lol. For 2 weeks I had the most perfect, best suit on Pacific shard.... everyone at the bank told me how great my suit was and wanted it (I spent forever and forever and forever reforging, imbuing, and working Excel spreadsheets for that suit......) Two weeks later they changed it, I literally wanted to cry. I bet a million people felt the same... as everyone realized you could now buy your suit. Sooner or later they'll learn to just leave the game alone. :p :p People put in hard work for this game and when new changes come along.... it more often than not messes stuff up. Especially when gold is involved.... which goes back to IDOCs and everything else. When imbuing was here, it wasn't pay to win by any means..... usually the smartest person won in suit building. Now it's pay to win.... which is why I complain about IDOC people using scripts and (young) players to time IDOC timers. This (forever) account just means that those people don't have to make a new young character every other day...... sadly. I hope everyone can see that.... but I'm sure someone can make a fake email/ fake account on Stratics/ and plead the opposite just like they use fake emails to make trial accounts in UO at present....... I know how this game works from front to back. There's lots of shady stuff going on, trust me.... and it comes down to IDOCs and rare items and events and pay to win pvp......... or greed as it's better known.

The current idoc changes were a poor idea.

It was almost tolerable because we thought some would actually fall at 5 hours.

I don't know how many you've been to, but I've not seen one fall at 5 or even 10 hours.

Which only encourages the Scripters.

Regardless, the idoc system is a poor reason to avoid the unlimited trial account.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
F2P = every pre-puberty smart ass entering pvp and spilling over to general chat. You think gen chat is bad now with pvp, just wait.
This is a complete and utter fallacy.

Ive played many many F2P games and yet to find one with as toxic a community, especially in PvP, as the paying subscribers of Ultima Online.

If anything bringing in F2p players will dilute the toxicity we now see.


Grand Inquisitor
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I'd personally advocate a forever account being limited to a test center only server i.e. Steam Communiy where the ftp only can log into there, similar to how AOL Legends was. Where they can set skills and really test the game mechanics before they decide to pay to play. Maybe have a help youngling program for the pay to play people to encourage helping them out. Maybe a rating system/ daily adventure quests. Things that translate to titles and entitlements on the pay to play players account. I'm thinking Lord of the Noobs. Can I pleaseeeee have that title?


The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd personally advocate a forever account being limited to a test center only server i.e. Steam Communiy where the ftp only can log into there, similar to how AOL Legends was. Where they can set skills and really test the game mechanics before they decide to pay to play. Maybe have a help youngling program for the pay to play people to encourage helping them out. Maybe a rating system/ daily adventure quests. Things that translate to titles and entitlements on the pay to play players account. I'm thinking Lord of the Noobs. Can I pleaseeeee have that title?

Or they could just open a few F2P only servers, 1 east 1 west 1 Europe and build into that a fully working micropayments system and see how much revenue that brings in..

This would have zero effect on current servers and brings in cash to make the game worth developing.


F2P = every pre-puberty smart ass entering pvp and spilling over to general chat. You think gen chat is bad now with pvp, just wait.
Even if free, I can't imagine too many young players going for UO..... how many 12 year olds are jonesing for a dose of 1997?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The current idoc changes were a poor idea.

It was almost tolerable because we thought some would actually fall at 5 hours.

I don't know how many you've been to, but I've not seen one fall at 5 or even 10 hours.

Which only encourages the Scripters.

Regardless, the idoc system is a poor reason to avoid the unlimited trial account.
Apparently you are either 1) A person who likes 3 different people bringing in 50 (young) characters and scripting the items 0.001 seconds after the house falls; or 2) Don't do IDOCs..... the only event items and good loot I've ever gotten has come after the IDOC changes. Thank you @Mesanna . I'm very happy.... and nobody has quit the past year because of IDOCs either. Boring is better than people quitting..... it seems you're fighting your own argument about bringing people back and keeping them..........


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Apparently you are either 1) A person who likes 3 different people bringing in 50 (young) characters and scripting the items 0.001 seconds after the house falls; or 2) Don't do IDOCs..... the only event items and good loot I've ever gotten has come after the IDOC changes. Thank you @Mesanna . I'm very happy.... and nobody has quit the past year because of IDOCs either. Boring is better than people quitting..... it seems you're fighting your own argument about bringing people back and keeping them..........
On Pacific I did IDOCs for 3 years with my wife..... we have 1,000 tiny rubble plants, a bunch of items of exceptional quality... and even a platemail suit made by The Rock [Exceptional]. But we never got 1 event item or any big rubble or any glacial items or any conjurerer's grimmoirs (spelling) or any of the sort. Now after the changes, we've gotten so many event items my house is full..... and of course everyone that likes the old system is angry.......... because now people who don't script can get something.


Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Patron
Apparently you are either 1) A person who likes 3 different people bringing in 50 (young) characters and scripting the items 0.001 seconds after the house falls; or 2) Don't do IDOCs..... the only event items and good loot I've ever gotten has come after the IDOC changes. Thank you @Mesanna . I'm very happy.... and nobody has quit the past year because of IDOCs either. Boring is better than people quitting..... it seems you're fighting your own argument about bringing people back and keeping them..........
No I am just someone who likes to actually have a chance at an idoc instead of waiting 15 hours which only benefits scripters.

So if you were for these changes, you managed to accomplish exactly the opposite of what should have been done.

Way to go champ.


Crazed Zealot
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I wasn't asking for a time frame I'm asking if anyone has heard more on it
Well buddy, generally they only give details around the times they release publishes etc.

So deductive reasoning would tell you that you should see more information around later this year.

I'm surprised they even mentioned it there


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Starting at 29:48 until 30:37 (the part in the brackets and question marks I didn't understand)
We're making a lot of changes and next year we're going to be doing something called an endless journey, which is basically (how?today?) an open ended trial account with restrictions.
People can play for a while or new players completely come in and they'll have a brand new returning/new player experience to relearn the game kind of find out what's changed since the last time they played. And get access to some core features, which make the game a lot of fun and at the same time if they want to upgrade to a subscription account where they can get things like housing and take advantage of some of the promotionl things we do, they can do that. But if they don't, they can still play with their friends and still adventure and have a great time. And in this way we bring more players in and people get exposed to the game that they probably fell in love with, because the thing is too that it's been around for some....

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Starting at 29:48 until 30:37 (the part in the brackets and question marks I didn't understand)
If you look at a Trial Account it has a 14 day timer on it so to make it endless they just remove the 14 day part and I would imagine with the new banking system they might add restrictions to the amount you can have.
Trial Accounts – Ultima Online

Trial Accounts
Trial accounts allow prospective new players to ‘sample’ the game for two weeks without cost, but with certain significant restrictions. Anyone can get a Free 14 day trial account here

Trial Account Restrictions:
  • Players are not allowed to place a house while on a trial account
  • Players are not allowed to co-own or be traded a house while on a trial account
  • Trial accounts have travel restrictions –
    • Cannot visit Felucca dungeons or Felucca T2A
  • Trial Accounts have the following resource restrictions –
    • Will only receive basic ores and logs (iron, plain logs) even if they’d otherwise qualify for better types
    • Will not receive sand or stone when mining
  • Trial Account Misc. restrictions –
    • Will not receive ML rewards for resource gathering (jewels, ingredients, and white pearls while fishing)
    • Will not receive rewards, monster kill points, or virtue points from champ spawns
    • Will not get scrolls while doing champ spawns
    • Will not gain Justice virtue points for killing murderers
    • Cannot use Valor or Justice virtues
    • Cannot Protect or be Protected by another player
    • Cannot use Scrolls of Alacrity, Power Scrolls, Stat Scrolls, or Scrolls of Transcendence
    • Cannot use Commodity Deeds
    • Cannot do Community Collections
    • Cannot use Soulstones or fragment soulstones
    • Cannot use Pet summoning balls
    • Cannot use Bracelets of Binding
    • Cannot use the Bag of Sending
    • Cannot do any repeatable quests – even if they are normally repeatable
    • Cannot acquire BOD’s
    • Can only join the Help Channel of Global Chat


Stratics Veteran
I'm sorry if you feel encouraged to script now..... but that's exactly what I'm fighting. The ONLY people who would ever complained about the IDOC change are hardcore, hardcore scripters. They wanted their 50 (young) people to come in and pick up every event item/chest in the game. By allowing (forever) accounts.... those same hardcore scripters will have a ton of free time now b/c they don't have to make new IDOC house timer characters every 14 days. Keep lying to everybody here.... don't worry; my Messages to Mesanna are starting today. I'm about to send about 3 to her and 2 to EA right now........ Peace. I don't care what you or anyone says, every one of the pvpers use script programs to remove trees and auto cure and the IDOC people all use house timer scripts and pick-up items scripts. It's sickening... one has to only go to Youtube or the other UO forums to see that. I've had countless friends quit b/c of people like that.... so I will never stop complaining. I know the truth. Emails being sent, thanks for bringing this to my attention all. I see corruption there at some point on this..... but I also figure I can delete 2 of my extra storage houses now too, since characters can hold those items now. Thanks.
If you think making the house fall at random 5,10, or 15 hours did anything to deter scripters, you are being delusional. I mean they didn't change anything else did they? a couple grubbers? woo!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you think making the house fall at random 5,10, or 15 hours did anything to deter scripters, you are being delusional. I mean they didn't change anything else did they? a couple grubbers? woo!
The houses went from public to private.... so they cannot see the items. But besides that... the main issue now is they are script picking up/holding metal chests in the houses. If they have endless characters.... they can make them with 125 str (150 w/ armor).... and can literally hold every chest at every IDOC. Right now they cannot pick up items at IDOCs... but use trial accounts for house timing and have to re-make characters every 14 days.... on every shard.... which they simply cannot do b/c of time limitations. This will be extremely, extremely beneficial to the IDOC scripters, trust me........ not to mention they will have unlimited storage now with new characters / beetles / banks that never get deleted.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Well buddy, generally they only give details around the times they release publishes etc.

So deductive reasoning would tell you that you should see more information around later this year.

I'm surprised they even mentioned it there
seeing how you are surprised they mentioned it here shows you don't follow what devs talk about so to assume they wont release anymore info on it would be silly since you weren't even aware they made this public I didn't mean to poke at you on how you cant read but that's what is was Now back to the topic at hand please


What is all the background noise? What happened to new pets you can train up to five slots?

It's funny that Bonnie is taking credit for uo's "success" since she has been the producer it's been run into the ground. Its like Mike Mularkey taking credit for the 1999 Titans win at the superbowl.


Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Patron
I'm sorry if you feel encouraged to script now..... but that's exactly what I'm fighting. The ONLY people who would ever complained about the IDOC change are hardcore, hardcore scripters. They wanted their 50 (young) people to come in and pick up every event item/chest in the game. By allowing (forever) accounts.... those same hardcore scripters will have a ton of free time now b/c they don't have to make new IDOC house timer characters every 14 days. Keep lying to everybody here.... don't worry; my Messages to Mesanna are starting today. I'm about to send about 3 to her and 2 to EA right now........ Peace. I don't care what you or anyone says, every one of the pvpers use script programs to remove trees and auto cure and the IDOC people all use house timer scripts and pick-up items scripts. It's sickening... one has to only go to Youtube or the other UO forums to see that. I've had countless friends quit b/c of people like that.... so I will never stop complaining. I know the truth. Emails being sent, thanks for bringing this to my attention all. I see corruption there at some point on this..... but I also figure I can delete 2 of my extra storage houses now too, since characters can hold those items now. Thanks.
You are taking what I said and applying none of it to your responses.

Just curious, is English a second language for you? May be a language barrier so I can simply my responses to understandable words.

If Idocs last 15 hours, who do you think this is benefitting? It isn't me, I don't have time or the desire to sit around for 15 hours for an idoc, so I don't do them.

So way to go again on pushing that one through....

The young accounts are irrelevant they can already do all this with trial accounts.

Needless to say, you have no idea what you're talking about and you're one of the reasons why Idocs are in the state they're in. So send your emails, but I doubt they'll make the same mistake twice of listening to you.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
seeing how you are surprised they mentioned it here shows you don't follow what devs talk about so to assume they wont release anymore info on it would be silly since you weren't even aware they made this public I didn't mean to poke at you on how you cant read but that's what is was Now back to the topic at hand please
You're dense. If I didn't know about it how did I know the time frame referral in the interview...

They will release more info when it gets closer to that time frame.

It's painful having to over explain this to you.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
If forever accounts could not pick up items at IDOCs.... then I might be in favor of it. This just seems like someone asking for favors behind the scenes b/c stuff's getting out of whack.... like rogue EMs creating items and giving to friends.... ect.. ect.... Everyone I've ever known quit either did so because 1) IDOC trouble when nobody cared, 2) pvp scripters using tree stumps, auto cure, ect... 3) Billing issue that came up from changes, 4) and people having "trial" accounts standing at spawns like ghost characters.... ringing an alarm bell when it was activated and 7 people showing up at stage 4 and stealing the spawn every time.
You are taking what I said and applying none of it to your responses.

Just curious, is English a second language for you? May be a language barrier so I can simply my responses to understandable words.

If Idocs last 15 hours, who do you think this is benefitting? It isn't me, I don't have time or the desire to sit around for 15 hours for an idoc, so I don't do them.

So way to go again on pushing that one through....

The young accounts are irrelevant they can already do all this with trial accounts.

Needless to say, you have no idea what you're talking about and you're one of the reasons why Idocs are in the state they're in. So send your emails, but I doubt they'll make the same mistake twice of listening to you.
Young accounts are trial accounts..... the same thing. They use them for timing house signs, like they use ghosts for camping spawn grounds at the Turtle spawn and Humility......... all to steal items and make gold. No offense, but I don't believe for a second you're not just petitioning for more gold. I'm trying to stop the scripting and help players. You guys script pickup/hold chests at IDOCs and camp spawns and make gold by any means necessary.... then hop on a second account to come over here to pick fights and try to make it seem like someone wants the opposite. No... nobody wants scripters to get free endless characters with 150 strength...... and 2250 new item storage per email/account....... no thank you.
Last edited:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
If forever accounts could not pick up items at IDOCs.... then I might be in favor of it. This just seems like someone asking for favors behind the scenes b/c stuff's getting out of whack.... like rogue EMs creating items and giving to friends.... ect.. ect.... Everyone I've ever known quit either did so because 1) IDOC trouble when nobody cared, 2) pvp scripters using tree stumps, auto cure, ect... 3) Billing issue that came up from changes, 4) and people having "trial" accounts standing at spawns like ghost characters.... ringing an alarm bell when it was activated and 7 people showing up at stage 4 and stealing the spawn every time.

Young accounts are trial accounts..... the same thing. They use them for timing house signs and for camping spawn grounds......... all to steal items and make gold. No offense, but I don't believe for a second you're not just petitioning for your side. I'm trying to stop the scripting and help players. You guys script pickup/hold chests at IDOCs and camp spawns and make gold by any means necessary.... then hop on a second account to come over here to pick fights and try to make it seem like someone wants the opposite. No... nobody wants scripters to get free endless characters with 150 strength...... and 2250 new item storage per email/account....... no thank you.
Yes I told you they were the same thing which is why it makes no difference....

And now you're accusing me of scripting...

Comprehension isn't your strong point is it?