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Siege and PBDs... an idea.



Note to Mers: consult dictionary.com

thread ( P ) Pronunciation Key (thrd)
A set of posts on a newsgroup, composed of an initial post about a topic and all responses to it.

fo·rum ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fôrm, fr-)
n. pl. fo·rums, also fo·ra (fôr, fr)
Any discussion group accessible through a dial-in BBS (e.g. GEnie, CI$), a mailing list, or a Usenet newsgroup (see network, the). A forum functions much like a bulletin board; users submit postings for all to read and discussion ensues.

con·struc·tive ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kn-strktv)
Serving to improve or advance; helpful: constructive criticism.

spam ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spm)
1. <messaging> (From Hormel's Spiced Ham, via the Monty Python "Spam" song) To post irrelevant or inappropriate messages to one or more Usenet newsgroups, mailing lists, or other messaging system in deliberate or accidental violation of netiquette.


*pulls foot from own mouth*
Ok ok so check mate for you. I didnt even realize you said forum. They dont post that much though do they?


Bout time somone from EA actually asked our CONSTRUCTIVE opinions *grins* Thanks for the opportunity Wilki!!!

Now with that being said....... here's my opinion.

So far after all of this reading.... number 3 definitely gets my vote (with Malaki's suggestion of turning PBD's into collectible rares! Which makes it all the more better because if for instance you are the owner of that particular PBD collectible it would make it tons more valueable in your eyes because you can say "That's mine! See even has my name on it!"). On the other hand, bad idea about the PBDs being collectable because of the tons and tons of PBDs floating around without owners, but however there is a solution to this. If, when redoing the code you notice that a player hasn't logged on in months, maybe even years, and there is a PBD with their name on it simply delete !!! or even replace it in their bank box!!! that particular PBD so that people (Dagashi of TAX for instance *smiles* as an example won't be able to sell the tons of PBDs he's holding for others at an extortionists rate, not saying he would but as an example only!) and would still keep the playing field equal. Charging for a blessable (aint no way in four sides of Malas I'm saying that "I" word) is ridiculous because of course we've been pushing for an equality on Siege for Goddess knows how long, and just seems like putting salt in the wound to make us pay for something that got screwed up by someone else in the first place. For example......... I bought AoS not too long after it came out, even had to go back and buy another CD (discounted games store, origional AoS CD from first release), anywho point is I never once heard anything about PBDs being promotional, just that you could get one when you bought AoS. Granted it was a given it was promotional it was also implied that it was attached to the code from the origional release box, however when I applied the code from the other CD I bought guess what? No PBD! Sooooooooo rendering PBDs useless and collectible (have another character with a PBD so don't think I'm saying this simply because another of my characters got the shaft) and giving everyone ONE blessable slot would be the best solution so far to a growing problem.

Ok shutting up now *grins*.


Common Katharine.. tell us what you REALLY think!! /php-bin/shared/images/icons/wink.gif

Great feedback.. thank you!



*shameless bump too*

P.S. So when's it gonna happen bosssssss....?



I looked at the board once. It just a collection of adolescents that ever other word out of their mouth is curse.

<hr></blockquote>Like many types of fruit they've encased themselves with an ugly exterior to deter any would-be insects and avoid unwanted attention. Once you get past that you'll find the hidden treasure and realise it's a great place for unmoderated, uncensored (by most standards) debate.

The one main difference is that people call others on their flippant remarks and people are made to defend their viewpoint. Now thats quite the opposite of adolescent. 'tis only children which need to be wrapped up in cotten wool and told what they can and cannot do.

But then again, i'm sure one glimpse is all one needs when their mind has already been made up.

Iulius Caesar


'tis only children which need to be wrapped up in cotten wool and told what they can and cannot do.


Adults won't have a problem with "censorship", as they will communicate like adults, and never have to worry about it.

Amazing how that works.


I vote for:

3. Allow everyone to insure one item for free. This is exactly the same as the context menu PBD, just using an existing system. However, this would make PBDs useless, which is something to consider.

Eveyone on Siege is screaming for balance. Anyone who is against #3 is against balance. PBD's are of great importance here more than Production shards.

Please don't call it Insurance, can't you think of a better name? :p

I should have a PBD regardless. What, just because I came to Siege after the promotion ended negates the fact that I was a paying customer for 2 years prior?

It's #3 for me!


Three.... is the magic number.

Yes it is, it's the magic number.



Better late than never. I like #3! Glad to see we are being given some consideration and discussion. Hope something positive comes of it this time round! /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif


That all depends on what is cencored now, doesn't it. I'm sure with your ~40 posts you know everything that has happened over the last few years. I'm sure you are teh úber lurker.


edited due to own stupidity.

you can ignore the post below this as well, i thought his reply was to me.



Mine was not a reply to you, sir. If you look at the subject line of my post you'll see it says: " [re: Iulius Caesar]". That was who it was a reply to.


I like option #3. Removing the imbalance would be best for the game and for the community as a whole.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Here is my 2 cents.

I preordered my AOS just to get my PBD.

to take that away OR to give people who didnt preorder AOS a PBD is a slap in the face. We are not just talking "ohh your a vet and have all the toys"
the fact of the matter is that i was here... i put out the cash before the AOS edition came out to get the perk, why should everyone now get the same thing that i had to pre order?

if your gonna do anything, give EVERY character a PBD and the people who allready have one will now have 2.

does that still suck for people who wer'nt here pre AOS, sure it does, but oh well, im ticked because i wasnt born in the 60's and missed out on all the 'free love and drugs', should we stop everything and revert back to the 60's?

the PBDs were a treat for people playing at the molment in time. To make little of that fact and change the system now would be a slap in the face to any vet player.

another point is this... all my characters on all the shards i play have PBDs.... WITH THE EXCEPTION being the 6th character slot.... why wasnt i issued a PBD for my 6th characters when my account enabled to have PBDs?

simple answer... that character wasnt there when i got my gift.... so why give them out now to everyone.

so without ticking off all the old players there remains only a few options.
RE-ISSUE PBD's to everyone and then people who have exsiting ones will now have 2. Or screw over the people who have loyally played the game for a long time and either take away their PBDs or nerf it so the people who were not here get them... either way its a slap in the face to old players.

i vote for giveing every player upon creation a PBD and existing in the data base right now a PBD.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Seige doesn't have 6 slots and there are lots of people that lost theirs due to bugs


1) people did pre order and got their PBD on Siege and lost it due to various reasons, one being bugs in the game.
2) people preorderd and got them on other shards but not siege and now they would like to move to Siege
3) even if a person doesn't fall under the above, without a PBD they are handicaped in the game since they can NEVER use any of the neat things that others use.


1.) This is about Siege, we have no item insurance so PBD's imbalance the game if not for all or noone
2.) Siege do not have 6 char slots so it look like you are on wrong forum.
3.) Should you ever wish to play Siege, you maybe will understand the problem. You see, you did preorder to get PBD for your chars so just like with your 6 slot, you won't get a PBD to your new Siege char.
4.) Should all keep their old PBD? On normal shards, it would not imbalance anything, you still have item insurance, however on Siege it will imbalance it.
5.) What should we do with old PBD? I would say, just remove them, but yes, there will be players like you who will complain so alternative could be to make them to a normal CBD (As long artifacts can't be clothes blessed) or give the owner a choice between a soulstone or a 7th AE gift


Alright.. can't put a brighter blazed colored target on my back then the one that is already there, so I'm gonna stick up for a former guild member.

Poo is new to Siege.. let's welcome him the way we're trying to welcome all new Siegelets like myself. /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif Not chase him away! hehe

Achilles.. got lots of great feedback on BV.. never got any from you either there or here.. care to contribute or just gonna make waves?


I contributed the others 50 times we were asked. I've contributed in this thread and i contributed on BV, even if you choose to scan over things. Contribution is not just saying what you want, it's discussing what may be best despite your own wishes. Do you have a glass stomach? I don't feel like sending all my contributions through PM's for you to scan over is all. I don't have to defend myself to the latest upstart with an ego and a penchant for controlling a discussion.

Poo is the reason people like me prefer newbies having a challenge. It keeps the trammies in trammel. Maybe thats considered a superior attitude but hell, i considered this a superior shard. Siege isn't for everyone.


Ok.. so you have nothing to contribute this time around. Is that correct Achilles?


Trying out for moderator position too? I think they need at least basic comprehension skills.

Do you consider yourself to be 'contributing' right now?


Can we please focus on the PBD issue before this has to be locked? We've had a very productive discussion going here, and it needs to remain that way.



I preordered my AOS just to get my PBD.
to take that away OR to give people who didnt preorder AOS a PBD is a slap in the face. We are not just talking "ohh your a vet and have all the toys"
the fact of the matter is that i was here... i put out the cash before the AOS edition came out to get the perk, why should everyone now get the same thing that i had to pre order?

So did I, but just came to Siege in June. So why don't I get one? I'm not complaining, just using it as a point of view. Was I not a paying customer prior to AoS? Did I not put up with all the chaos that followed? Did I not pre-order AoS? Just so you know, it's YES to all of those questions.


if your gonna do anything, give EVERY character a PBD and the people who allready have one will now have 2.


What kind of balance would that be? Sure I can blessed one "uber-item", but now a person with 2 PBD's can bless two? Still unbalanced.


does that still suck for people who wer'nt here pre AOS, sure it does, but oh well, im ticked because i wasnt born in the 60's and missed out on all the 'free love and drugs', should we stop everything and revert back to the 60's?


Do you seriously want me to answer this? Ok...that is the worst analogy I've ever heard. 60's = RL, PBD = A game mechanic


so without ticking off all the old players there remains only a few options.
RE-ISSUE PBD's to everyone and then people who have exsiting ones will now have 2. Or screw over the people who have loyally played the game for a long time and either take away their PBDs or nerf it so the people who were not here get them... either way its a slap in the face to old players.


I'm willing to bet 99.9% of Siege Vets (those that put with EA's broken promises this long) would be willing to balance the playing field at the cost of losing a Pre-Order item. Challenge is what makes PvP fun, but many are hindered by the lack of PBD. Also, many lost theirs due to bugs and such.

You have the right to your opinion, but it sounds like you are very uniformed. I read that you are new to Siege Perilous. So unless you created a character when the PBD's were issued, you will soon find out how much of a disadvantage you have.


Mandolin, my friend. I have to concur with the rest here. Poo needs to get a clue.

Virgil Tempest

Hello Poo, welcome to Siege. People here are quite concerned about this issue, so it may get a little harsh when it comes to a post such as yours. If you stay on Siege for awhile (and I hope you will) you'll probably come to understand why this outlook upsets people and, indeed, you may completely change your opinion also. Give Siege some time and enjoy it as we do. Take care.


By getting a clue, I mean has this person even read the thread? Most of us are willing to turn our pbds in to door mats. Read through this thread again. We have done this before. We have done it now. I hope we will not have to do it again.

Our voice is strong, though we are a minority. I dare you to find a more vocal group than ours. I have stated before I am proud to be the moderator of this crew. I state that again! Yes, we are a rough and tumble sort of folk. The rules of conduct is a game to some of us. How close can we skirt the edge!

I feel I am fair in judging that, though some may disagree. /php-bin/shared/images/icons/wink.gif

One thing I am sure of though, is that we want a level playing field! Do not cry about factions. If you want those abilities then join one. Do not wail about blessed items they are here. From your books to your legs, you have blessed things. Deal with it!

All we ask in a strong and unified voice is for every one to have one thing! That one thing we call our own. Be it a weapon or a ring, or what ever! It is ours! And we count on it! UO is an item game, I will not cry about that. I all I ask Is give us one item we can count on.

The loot has gotten better, I have characters that do not have a bless deed that do well, but too really play this shard and compete against the best we need an anchor. That anchor is the one thing we can count on, an item.

I have a sweet knife I am building a tempete around. I have used the reward to pump up the durilbilty. I paid 100k for that knife. Chump change in most places. In many shards that knife would be left on the corpse. Here in Siege, it is awesome!

Well it is to me, and there it is. Where most shards can insure their sissors, all we want is one thing. Do that for us, give every one that one thing. Siege will be better for it and the game as a whole will be better.

This is our last stop, EA. Think on that.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*replies to last post for convenience*

I think the PBD has gotten way too much significance on Siege due to the imbalance it causes.

People cannot and will not remake characters that have pbds for fear of losing that advantage. The first question that seems to be asked about an account is 'well, does it have a pbd?'.

The ability to successfully make an item based template is based on whether or not there is a pbd... I mean ... if I wanted a fencer mage, I would have to make sure I have a continual supply of SCNP fencing weapons, in addition to the two 1/2 pieces of jewelry I usually equip. It makes the cost of dying just a heck of a lot higher for this character, which makes me a lot less likely to try it out. Being a mage is already expensive enough, and I am nearly always going to be at a disadvantage against any PBD'd character who will be casting at a minimum 2/5, risking only one 1/2 jewel. I also don't get to loot as much from a pbd'd character if I do happen to win, so I am playing at a huge disadvantage, risking a lot for much less potential gain (people would typically try to avoid those games in Vegas).

Now in regards to the entitlement question that Poo brought up ... I have two accounts, both nearly 5 years old. All of my other characters were able to get the +5 stat scrolls and rewards for being registered to AOS. I think between the free blessed clothing item, and the stat bump and the motley of other things that were doled out with that publish that people have gotten a lot from it. And I unfortunately am being punished for not having had the foresight to have a do-nothing character on Siege at the time.

Oh yes, and to reiterate, though I voted way early on, I'm still for #3 (one free slot for everyone).


Okay first off. You are seriously misinformed my good friend. I'd like to point out that your analogy of 60's love making and such is quite far off. No.1 there was the draft *woohoo thats always fun* no. 2 you would have probably died from the drugs a couple months down the road no.3 it has absolutely no application to a game mechanic as said before.

New here or not, if you can interpret the english language properly it is quite visible here that those that have a pbd will forfit it without any hassle what so ever. Please save thoughts like this to yourself before posting them. I cant even say what i want to because i have to be a good boy =( .

Iulius Caesar


That all depends on what is cencored now, doesn't it. I'm sure with your ~40 posts you know everything that has happened over the last few years. I'm sure you are teh úber lurker.


I know enough to know that a certain group of self-martyrs have taking a giant flaming crap in this forum for the past 7 months, and now that they're mostly gone, the big people are discussing things like... well... big people. Amazing.


See everybody. Now don't you wish he had posted that on BV?


What for? So a bunch of people with pent up anger issues can call him names and shout him down?

Sorry, but his opinion is just as valid as yours. That comment is exactly why the pack mentality angst-ridden zoo over there is pretty much useless for anything other than getting your mental rocks off on someone you wouldn't have the balls to face in person.


I don't have to defend myself to the latest upstart with an ego and a penchant for controlling a discussion.


See what I mean? You can't help yourself. Behave or go to BV with the other people who lack self-control.



I preordered my AOS just to get my PBD.
to take that away OR to give people who didnt preorder AOS a PBD is a slap in the face. We are not just talking "ohh your a vet and have all the toys"
the fact of the matter is that i was here... i put out the cash before the AOS edition came out to get the perk, why should everyone now get the same thing that i had to pre order?


I couldnt agree with this comment more... BUT ! Look at this.... Siege is a dying shard (imo of course... ive been here since day one and saw what it was 4 ..or was it 5 years ago...maybe more i cant remember) ... pretty soon itll be called a dead shard.People used to be on at all hours, a blue couldnt step more than 5 steps out of any town without getting attacked, and everybody didnt know everybody.Now if your not on during peak hours , then you almost have the whole shard to yourself. In order to get some people back , along with some of the fun I think those of us who did put out the money and go through the trouble of pre - ordering AOS should give in to this and agree to allowing ONLY siege players to get a PBD as soon as a player is created on SP...thatll draw some of the trammies who dont have a PBD away from their shard and hopefully get them to stay here on Siege. For those of us that have a PBD... I say they should made to where they wont bless anything , but could be turned in somewhere for a rare item, a stat-bonus, or maybe a second character slot(little chance of that i know, but hell who knows.)...just as long as we are re-issued PBDs before hand of course. I REALLY THINK THAT IF ORIGIN DOES RE-ISSUE PBDs THEN ITS A GREAT IDEA TO GIVE THOSE OF US WHO HAVE ONE ALREADY THE OPPURTUNITY TO TURN IT IN FOR AN UBER RARE.

...And to WILKI ... think of this....over half of the people I know on siege have 2 or more accounts(I have 6 , 3 are active atm) if you can somehow find a "draw" to get more people to come to siege (like giving every new character who starts on just SIEGE a PBD), after they are established here, im sure the majority of them will purchase second , or third accounts, and of course more accounts = more of the RL gold for Origin. /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif



Control myself? Somebody has already asked to re-rail this discussion and you go and de-rail it again. And you have problems with people from BV?

What is it with all the wannabe moderators lately. If the mods had a problem they would have sent me a PM. They have in the past, they didn't this time. Get over yourself already. The last 7 months tells you nothing about the history of the PBD situation. The last 7 months have effectively been silence on both fronts.

I'm not going to bother defending BV again because it's pointless. I would be defending people you've never even seen post. I can't be assed with it.


Sorry, but his opinion is just as valid as yours.

<hr></blockquote>Hello? Wasn't i just saying how censorship is bad? I don't care what he says, i was just commenting on how people might wish he would get the harsh response i feel he deserves. I don't censor idiots but i would love to drive home their stupidity. I can't here, i wont try. Look at the other replies, i'm not the only one who thought so.

And "wouldn't have the balls to face in person"... Calling me a coward in real life now? Eh? Wasn't you trying to take the high road earlier in the post? Telling someone they lack self-control while breaking the RoC yourself? Smart move, kid.


Danger Will Robinson Danger Will Robinson
This thread is in danger of being locked.
I see a few offenders on this thread.

I replied to the last person out of convience. Take your BV issues to BV. This is not ever been BV and never has been BV. The ROC has not changed once in the whole time I've been on these forums. All of you agreed to the ROC when you created your account here. Follow it.

*starts sending out the pms*


Although i may not agree with the way achilles or others go about it, i cannot fault them for their anger or their passion for siege. It is guys like achilles and corwin and the others that have lost their voice on this form, that made siege great and special on this shard. There is nothing in their words which indicates to me that they are self matyres, begging for attention. And if there was, they have certainly earned that right for their past contributions to the shard..

I said it in a few pages back..Hope is a very dangerous thing, and that is what this thread did. By wilki coming on here soliciting ideas, and some others here who tied their wagon to this thread, you have built up the hope of the shard that we may finally get a resolution. If there is not a clear indication of action within the next 2 publishes, then i fear all this thread and all this hope did, was cut the legs out of the remaining players and show once again that we are just numbers and we do not matter.


I do go too far sometimes, i can completely accept that. The problem is that when i do it's usually because i'm pretty frustrated at something somebody said and as such i tend to act unreasonably hostile towards people. Especially if they're being condescending.

I've reflected on my posting style and i will certainly make every effort to stop getting in the cheap shots against any Devs... It may be instinctive at the time, god knows i don't always think before i post but i have to accept it accomplishes nothing. History has made me bitter but i will not allow it to sour the future.

Besides, i think everyone knows where i stand by now. At least i've shown to myself that i still feel passionately about Siege, despite the recent changes.



If there is not a clear indication of action within the next 2 publishes, then i fear all this thread and all this hope did, was cut the legs out of the remaining players and show once again that we are just numbers and we do not matter.


Yes.. you're correct Cas.. quite a few posts back I assumed personal responsibility should this not occur, seeing as I kind of helped get the ball rolling again. So, after a couple of publishes, if we're still at square one, get a good place in line for your turn to PK me.. /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif



Besides, i think everyone knows where i stand by now. At least i've shown to myself that i still feel passionately about Siege, despite the recent changes.


Despite my words, Achilles.. that was never a question in my mind. My goal and efforts from the beginning was to give something back to Siege, and to vet players such as yourself, who have been so welcoming to me. All the friends I've made so far on Siege (including ex-players on other forums) seemed very passionate about these issues and I just want to help.

Anyways.. onward with the voting, and hopefully a fix so we can move on to the next most popular request for change.. which seems so far to be the 7AE rewards.


Achilles and Castor have stated my feelings about this thread and this issue.
Thank you.


*slightly nudges the thread*

Hey mod's, how about a sticky? /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif


Well this thread was stickied for a bit, its still a hot topic but Wilki stated already that his intentions are. I think at this point we bide our time until he meets with the dev team. If the board doesn't hear something soon, either Mandolin or I should.


I think if we doesnt hear something soon, this will again be forgotten.





Trust me Mangar I will not let this die away quietly. *grins*


I agree with Dola.. this time around (yes.. I know you tried very hard in the past) the attention has been drawn in our direction with interest. Should there be a "nay" or "yay" it will be passed on to Dola, myself or by Wilki himself. Nobody will be left dangling this time around. /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif


sorry Mandolin... i'm not really replying to you... just keeping the post up... /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif it's falling behind!

i really want personal blessing for all... rather then none... but i'll be suitable to either!