Recalling/Sanctum Viatus Question

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Would you guys be opposed to having these two spells allowed in Siege.

I wouldnt ask, but I barely see it said by anyone and I would think this would add more life to Siege as more people would play Siege and it wouldnt be the same dumb templates on everyone...



Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
May 15, 2008
um no i think that is the reason most people play siege is because we dont have them spells. its always been like that.


Stratics Veteran
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May 16, 2008
Ontario, Canada baby!!
Would you guys be opposed to having these two spells allowed in Siege.

I wouldnt ask, but I barely see it said by anyone and I would think this would add more life to Siege as more people would play Siege and it wouldnt be the same dumb templates on everyone...

I agree with Czar...I think it would be a detriment to the population
Place your house wherever you want because you can always recall to the location and in turn spread out the population even more on the shard


meh, appears your shard is dying in size.

and I dont see how those two spells destroy the idea of Siege.

I thought the sole purpose of Siege was to have no insurance...

I dont see how recall and Sanctum Viatus destroy anything in your shard.

I still think it would get you an large amount of new people.


no trammel
no insurance
no npc bought resources
having to work for everything

I for one don't even have magery, just walk everywhere. Reminds me how big the world is, and makes it more interesting then gating to wherever.


Crazed Zealot
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May 12, 2008
I wouldn't object, so long as any person who flags on another player cannot gate/recall/sacred journey/ to safety.

At this point, I'm willing to entertain a number of changes if it means more players for Siege.

Two things I will never agree to:

Adding insurance to Siege
Transfers to Siege that include gold or items.


Recall and Sanctum Viatus would just make this shard to easy



should be no transfers period to siege

least if rot sticks around.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
May 15, 2008
I dont know about anyone else but i find a thrill in having to run away sometimes or try to cast a gate and then try to get inside it when im being chased. *why i usually precast gate before running anywhere* lol recall and sacred journy from what i hear are almost instantaneous with no delay would make pvp less of a thrill here. I know alot of people who rely on trying to squeek that last little bit of internet speed to attempt to get to a gz away from them evil murderers :p


One, I think Recall, Sanctum could be implemented and just put on a timer like logging out is.

If you enter into any kind of battle...or war mode you should not be able to recall for 2-5 minutes.

I dont see what the harm in being able to recall somewhere is.

I dont see how recalling takes away difficulty.

I sucks...trammel sucks...selling to npc's sucks....

But recalling was meant for UO from the begining of the game. I dont see how it would destroy anything in Siege.

It might invite new people though.

You have a nice system on Siege....but part of what makes systems great is when they adapt and add things that might be beneficial.

I think the mainstays are perfect for the shard. But I guess I failt to see why Recalling/Sanctum are bad....if you can gate...its pretty much the same as recalling...

The logic you guys use is rather pointless as you can gate...therefor you can get around...I just dont see why you are so against 2 spells identical to gate.


Gilfane Keeper of the Hall
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May 15, 2008
I absolutely hate the recall spell and don't want to too see it within several shards of Siege, although I wouldn't mind seeing sacred journey work the same as a gate spell to enable chiv people to use it. To my mind recall is completely different to gate.

Another thing that no recall protects us against is an awful lot of scripting operations.


i wouldnt mind those two spells as long as you cant cast it as long as you either attack someone or get attacked by someone. however, specially sanctum viatus is completely ridiculous. there is no way you can ever be killed because you just run with 4 fc and cast it on the run and your gone.


Slightly Crazed
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May 12, 2008
It is not even close to the same thing. Gating is 7th level and therefore cannot be cast by just anyone.

Recall can be easily cast with no magery skill by using a scroll. Sacred journey can be cast at a very low chivalry skill. In fact, it can be cast simply by being human with the 20 skill bonus.

The part of Siege that you forgot to mention is the risk involved. Right now, a warrior is at risk when he travels to and from locations. Some of the best pvp I have found was when I was running back to my house. Take that away and it would only leave Luna fighting.


Slightly Crazed
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May 15, 2008
Thank you for pointing out the lack of skill involved for recall and sacred. I forgot all about that. I remember having magery locked at around 50 i think just so i could use gate scrolls if i wanted to go anywhere.


Stratics Veteran
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May 13, 2008
Near seatlle WA or Asheville NC
Very much NO!
Siege sets it's self apart in a major way by it's comunity and this is just one more way of eroding the reliance on your fellow players. I am always happy to gate someone about for a bit for whatever reason and it's a great way to get to know someone.

Recall and sacred journey are both "blessed" options the recalls store in your runebooks and the sacreds in your tithing points. Also the last thing we need is a way for PKs to check for victims faster and cheaper.


I absolutely hate the recall spell and don't want to too see it within several shards of Siege, although I wouldn't mind seeing sacred journey work the same as a gate spell to enable chiv people to use it. To my mind recall is completely different to gate.

Another thing that no recall protects us against is an awful lot of scripting operations.

Ehhh...Recall and Sanctum are the same thing....and you could just make it so the spell cant be used whether you are attacking or being attacked...

You can just add 50 magery to a template and use scrolls.....I still fail to see the argument.

Last I checked this is a game you, me and everyone else all pays for individually....why should I have to rely on someone else to get around?

Recall and sacred journey are both "blessed" options the recalls store in your runebooks and the sacreds in your tithing points. Also the last thing we need is a way for PKs to check for victims faster and cheaper.
Wouldnt that encourage PvP outside of Luna. I am sorry, I have had a character on Siege for 9 months now...and I never see any PvP outside Champ Spawns and Luna....with an occasional battle in Spirituality Swoops....

Whatever...personally, I think the shard stubborn people are killing their own shard. Alas, it matters not to me. I play there some. But I would never move their full time.

Not because its hard....but because I pay money monthly to play a game...not be told at every corner I cant do something that was originally intended for the game (excluding chivalry obviously).

You already limited everyone to 1 character. Which is another argument as people can just have a 2nd account. The only purpose of only being allowed 1 char is so EA can get more money.


Your sig is so a good way.


So then I ask all you Siegers...

If you were told that:

A. Adding Recall, Sanctum would get you 300 more people on your shard in the next 3 months. With atleast 50 more coming every 6 months.


B. Not adding it would make you lose another 300 in the next 3 months. With atleast 50 more leaving every 6 months.

What do you choose?

And if your shard was gonna die without an influx of more players....what would you do?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 13, 2008
Near seatlle WA or Asheville NC
"Last I checked this is a game you, me and everyone else all pays for individually....why should I have to rely on someone else to get around?"

Please look up the definition of community.
You want a single player game go elsewhere, we pride ourselves in helping one another (please see thread on SS holding). I personaly find my guild and my alliance providing more than what I need and even the "opposing" guilds/players will do a good deed from time to time. I prefer quality over quanity and ROT is a much bigger problem than the ability to blip yourself somewhere.
As a long time NEW emmisary/helper of NEW I see about a third if not more of the new arrivals to this shard; Siege is the last stop on the way out of UO or a welcome suprise to a new UO player. Either way the recall/SJ is quite far down on the list of complaints about Siege and UO in general.

We are a very unique community with awsome sigs and avitars *grins* BTW who are you?


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
May 12, 2008
There are so many sought after changes/tweaks I would like to see before we resort to more Trammelization. *nods*


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 15, 2008
you mean like fixing the dang trade window crash bug? or maybe the moving while holding a shadow house in mid placement then crash thing?


Gilfane Keeper of the Hall
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May 15, 2008
I do not imagine for a moment that adding recall would bring significant numbers to this shard, and quite frankly if people needed that spell to come and play here then I would not particularly want them anyway.

And you should not call us stubborn. Personally I am quite happy with the way ROT works but many are not and that is a change that I do believe can help with numbers so I am all in favour of it.

Siege's problems are largely the decline in UO population in general. I just don't see the need for that awful recall spell with everyone insta-vanishing and no chance of PKs gate-jumping. Just walk/run there or ask a friend to gate you. And once again, as it is something that is always overlooked when discussing this topic, no recall saves us from many of the wholesale scripting operations that run on other shards.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Siege Perilous...
So then I ask all you Siegers...

If you were told that:

A. Adding Recall, Sanctum would get you 300 more people on your shard in the next 3 months. With atleast 50 more coming every 6 months.


B. Not adding it would make you lose another 300 in the next 3 months. With atleast 50 more leaving every 6 months.

What do you choose?

And if your shard was gonna die without an influx of more players....what would you do?
If it needs trammel to live-let it die...

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Jan 5, 2001
it wouldnt be the same dumb templates on everyone...
Now, there you're labouring under a misapprehension, templates on Siege are widely varied.

There are, in fact, a number of misapprehensions in this thread, some yours, some other people's.

For example: You can't recall or sacred journey in the middle of a fight, you get the 'would you flee in the heat of battle' message just the same as if you try to leave by gate.

You don't need to have dedicated points in magery to gate, provided you do it within limits and aren't in a hurry. I have a Siege blessed tome of lost knowledge and 2 x +mage jewels, together with a library talisman I worked darned hard to get, this gives me up to 50 magery which, with a scroll and lots of fizzles, will get me from home to a bank and vice versa,. On arrival at the bank I put the talisman in it, I can't insure or bless it, so I don't risk taking it out of the guardzone, or even putting it in my back pack.

This means my gating destinations are limited but adequate for my needs.
There are ways to achieve things on Siege - legit ones too! But they need thinking about.


Personally I'm not a fan of recall or sj when I played on a prodo shard LakeAustin regularly I did'nt like to use it. So Siege not having it is no loss for me. As for having more more people play here I am for that. I would 'nt want Trammel here thou thankfully that won't happen. :thumbup: We can increase our numbers here by doing some things thou. Get to know your neighbor in other shards and sometimes you'll get the response "Is'nt that where all the killers go and it's too hard for me" or " I don't know anyone there that can help me" if you ask anyone here red or blue that hangs around a bank or or town on Siege we usually try to steer people in the right direction. Before or after a fight even. :thumbup: I think our biggest problem is still going to be common misconceptions that people have about Siege. That said I like it here and that is why I play here. Here's to ya lads. :pint:


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Aug 12, 2001
Siege Perilous
Would you guys be opposed to having these two spells allowed in Siege.

I wouldnt ask, but I barely see it said by anyone and I would think this would add more life to Siege as more people would play Siege and it wouldnt be the same dumb templates on everyone...

You have got to be kidding. Right?

WTH? Yeah, that would really bring action to the shard. Are you flipping kidding? Please. Maybe if you played the shard, you'd know what the shard needs. It certainly isn't a way for people to run away better. We already have a problem with Luna guardzone hugging and house fighters. I can just see the three zerg guilds with recall and sacred journey. OMG!!! That would be classic.

Or if you wanted a shorter answer?


Not kidding Rico.

I think little things like that strike a Siege noobie as wierd when they arrive.

I am Limlight from Atlantic. I actually have a character on Siege and like I said. I havent finished him. He's in the middle 80's/90's in everything for a Necro Mage.
The ROT is stupid.

So please understand the question about recalling, SV is coming from someone who can already get around Siege just fine. It just seems like something that is needed.

You say not having Recall/SV stops
You can still script with gate.

The only thing recalling/SV does is allow you to get somewhere on your own for those nights where your guildies arent on.

I am in one of the largest running Fel guilds on Atlantic...LNR. Sometimes at night, when no one is would be impossible to get anywhere if I had was a dexer located at a house in Ice Island.

Now, I totally understand not wanting people to be able to recall away mid-battle. This could be looked into.
I dont see how being able to recall somewhere makes it trammel. lol

Before Trammel or Siege existed...Recall existed. So thats a :lame: reasoning.


I don't think adding recall/sacred journey will make much difference in terms of getting more people to siege.

I think fixing ROT and allowing naked transfers (no items and no bank, only newbie stuff in the bank) would allow lots of casual prodo-shard fel players to try out siege without a 6-month startup time. Many of them will stay.



Whats your idea of ROT fixes Rico?

My personal opinion is the ROT shouldnt kick in until 80 skill and that you should be able to get 5 skill points a day. But the skill gains should be 10 minutes apart. That way it would still take 8.33 hours of gameplay to get your days gains.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 15, 2008
im sure alot of peple would agree that if you had played siege for as long as most of us you would understand why rot gains are the way they are.


Stratics Legend
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Aug 12, 2001
Siege Perilous
Whats your idea of ROT fixes Rico?

My personal opinion is the ROT shouldnt kick in until 80 skill and that you should be able to get 5 skill points a day. But the skill gains should be 10 minutes apart. That way it would still take 8.33 hours of gameplay to get your days gains.
Basically tweak the system as it stands today. Make it allow more points to be trained per day. Keep the timing set the same way, but double the allowable gains as they stand


Queen of The Outlaws
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Apr 12, 2001
Siege is born without any kind of recall and it should stay that way.

No recall was one of the reasons I moved to Siege.

Me: Sir you look heavy, let me help you carry your gold.
Blue guy in my forest: *Cast recall and poof*

You can't RP with someone who poof as soom he/she see your red color.

Recall is the last thing we need on Siege

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Jan 5, 2001
Currently I get around by gating with items and scrolls, as I said earlier in the thread, but not too long ago I got around by running and sailing.

During this time I successfully completed the Humility cloak quest. That involves visiting several npcs repeatedly, one of them is on Ocllo, it also finishes at Humility shrine on Fire Island. I did the quest totally alone, no one cast gates for me.

I do however have a boat and the knowledge of how to sail to a plotted course on a map.

Accomplishing such tasks on Siege with no magery is part of the challenge of playing here, and one I thoroughly enjoy.


The only thing recalling/SV does is allow you to get somewhere on your own for those nights where your guildies arent on.

I am in one of the largest running Fel guilds on Atlantic...LNR. Sometimes at night, when no one is would be impossible to get anywhere if I had was a dexer located at a house in Ice Island.
walk? sail? Help stuck?
beg for someone to pick you up on these forums?

I'd say you have many methods of transport available to you...


Queen of The Outlaws
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Apr 12, 2001
So then I ask all you Siegers...

If you were told that:

A. Adding Recall, Sanctum would get you 300 more people on your shard in the next 3 months. With atleast 50 more coming every 6 months.


B. Not adding it would make you lose another 300 in the next 3 months. With atleast 50 more leaving every 6 months.

What do you choose?

And if your shard was gonna die without an influx of more players....what would you do?
We do not need 300 trammies here, it's Siege.

I had been on the shard almost 9 years and never ever wanted to see recall here or missed it.

I agree RoT need a tweak, something like less wait between gains and 2x the gain a day.

Also allow youngs to see our shard and start here without young tag and without it having any effect on their young tag on trammy shards will help us get more players.

More room in the bank for homeless and a second char would help too.


More room in the bank for homeless and a second char would help too.
Great ideas. I think you mistake my question for me being a noobie. I have been in Ultima since the begining. I have had a char on Siege for a Very. Long.Time. I just hate working it.

I have been in Ultima since the days of literally looting a mans house with his house key.

I guess I see your idea for RP and quests and stuff. But what you are all failing to explain to me is how gating is any different then Recalling/SV.

Yes, recall/SV are instant. But its the same premise. If travel and roleplay were the defenses. Gate Travel can still destroy this.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Campaign Patron
Apr 12, 2001
<b>I guess I see your idea for RP and quests and stuff. But what you are all failing to explain to me is how gating is any different then Recalling/SV.

Yes, recall/SV are instant. But its the same premise. If travel and roleplay were the defenses. Gate Travel can still destroy this.
Nope, I can follow someone in a gate, even when that was not a smart move in old days :lick: *Hate guards*

Also it take longer to gate and you need more skills. I also believe I may be able to interrupt a gatespell.

Skylark SP

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Jun 27, 2004
Siege Perilous
Another thing that no recall protects us against is an awful lot of scripting operations.

There are twenty something shards with recall and sacred journey. If the absence of those is truly a playing deal breaker, then people have plenty of choices to have them without making Siege less unique.

The irony about Siege is that most people who WANTED to be there seem to have left because of too much neglect (broken systems, code bleed from regular shards making existing systems less and less viable, etc.) for too long.

Any solutions to increase population on Siege need to be based on keeping people who enjoy what is unique about it IMO.



Seasoned Veteran
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May 12, 2008
You all seem to forget that we have already been tramelized far beyond any repair. one year ago people relied on their crafting friends to hook them up with GM armor, then we were blessed with arms lore making crafters more valuable and in all seriousness all we had to worry about were the occational personal blessed doom arties and runic armor.

Now if anyone takes a look at the gear people wear thanks to magincia and the assloads of cursed artis that dropped, you will see that we basicaly live in trammel. I see people roll out of their houses wearing 20 artifacts fighting people in GM armor. If these people die, oh well, they have stockpiled hundreds and hundreds of these cursed artifacts so that they can just pop on a new decked out arti suit. At the risk of sounding like masumatek these cursed artis suck and horribly ruin our home.

My plan is to add tramel, insurance, and char xfers to Siege. That way we could all hang out in trammel and admire each others' ungodly collection of cursed artifacts and talk about the good ol days when people RPed good vs evil and there was such a thing as crafting. We might even be able to convince a crafter to make something for us...maybe some cake....mmmm


You all seem to forget that we have already been tramelized far beyond any repair. one year ago people relied on their crafting friends to hook them up with GM armor, then we were blessed with arms lore making crafters more valuable and in all seriousness all we had to worry about were the occational personal blessed doom arties and runic armor.

Now if anyone takes a look at the gear people wear thanks to magincia and the assloads of cursed artis that dropped, you will see that we basicaly live in trammel. I see people roll out of their houses wearing 20 artifacts fighting people in GM armor. If these people die, oh well, they have stockpiled hundreds and hundreds of these cursed artifacts so that they can just pop on a new decked out arti suit. At the risk of sounding like masumatek these cursed artis suck and horribly ruin our home.

My plan is to add tramel, insurance, and char xfers to Siege. That way we could all hang out in trammel and admire each others' ungodly collection of cursed artifacts and talk about the good ol days when people RPed good vs evil and there was such a thing as crafting. We might even be able to convince a crafter to make something for us...maybe some cake....mmmm

WTF are you talking about?

So, someone puts on some uber gear and wears it. It is still lootable. It is no different then the guy with ridiculous balls who put on a Vanquishing Katana and a full set of Indestructable, Invulnerable Armor back in the day.

There will always be Elite weapons and armor. If you want that....on can still kill them and take it off their dead corpse....


Seasoned Veteran
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May 12, 2008
Yes I understand that you can loot here. I would like to see your godlike recalling ass go toe to toe with GM armor vs someone trammed out....then we'll see if you "take it off their dead corpse"

Skylark SP

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Jun 27, 2004
Siege Perilous
It takes more to use those spells with or without scrolls. Also, if a gate is cast while you are being attacked, there is a greater chance of getting the spell
And the main difference...your attacker can go through the gate with you.



Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Aug 12, 2001
Siege Perilous
And the main difference...your attacker can go through the gate with you.

Good point. It's also very important to watch the gates you cast. I can't tell you how many times I have been followed by a stealther and attacked shortly after exiting the gate. It's just a good thing I have GM


Yes I understand that you can loot here. I would like to see your godlike recalling ass go toe to toe with GM armor vs someone trammed out....then we'll see if you "take it off their dead corpse"
Thats always existed though.

If they want to take the risk of wearing elite stuff. Then its fun for you to try and kill them. Not to mention, if they wear that its like painting a huge "kill me" on yourself. As most blues will take a count to kill someone decked out in stuff.