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Congrats to Ravahan...

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Due to certain financial situations (tax time, refunds, payments and whatnot), I found myself wanting to splurge on myself a little, so I ordered me the next upgrade to my computer system. The issue though was that in terms of upgrade, it had reached "that time" again when outgoing RAM that I am using becomes more expensive than twice the amount of up to date RAM and the cost of a new processor for the board outweighs the benefits of the chip itself.

So... it's time for a new board processor and RAM.

So what to do with the old one. Well, in the spirit of community with a HEAVY dose of wanting value (as in I feel that I have benefited from doing this) for value (the computer parts), I wanted to find someone who played UO, was TRYING to work with the KR/SA client, but had a system that was having trouble running it and needed a system upgrade.

Tough job considering that it's not something you can really announce and expect everyone to be completely truthful of their intentions, so I kept quiet and watched a certain thread. Within that thread, I found the person I was looking for and so at the end of this week, when the new parts come in, I will be donating my current motherboard, processor, RAM, and a spare video card to Ravahan for giving an honest effort to work with the new client.

We've chatted about this already and everything is getting set up. So congrats to Ravahan! I hope it works well for you as it has for me!


- ah, very nice! (shutup Borat ;)).

+1 good karma!

(You suck Demon LS, you should give everybody a PC that can't run KR! That is so unfair, mean and downright evil. I know 500 players and we're thinking a class action lawsuit is in order for this autocracy, err atrocity. w/ever it's one of dem wurds - There, glad that junk is out of the way, hehe.)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Woot! This is very cool! :)

UO's Community is the best!

May you both enjoy many hours of fun UO time with your new rigs! ;)


Very generous of you. Good to see folks still do these sort of things.


Yeah, three cheers for Dermott! I'll drink another beer for ya!

I thought it best to not say anything publicly 'cause I thought ya might get a few folk PMin' about it, but I gotta say that while I've had some good times in other games, there's not a one out there as generous as the UO community. Its truely touching when the fellowship we share through the love of the game can translate in a tangible way from the virtual world to the real. This kind of generosity just doesn't in other games in my MMO experience.

Dermott is another shining example of what keeps UO running, and what keeps us all coming back again and again.

My sincerest and most public thanks, Dermott =D The gesture means more than the parts (though those are going to be freaking awesome to get!!!).


Awesome Rav! I hope you enjoy KR as much as I do. :D

And, good going Dermott!


this is so cool too see someone out there like that and from the game i am addicted to is just an amazing sight congrats :D


. . . Dermott is another shining example of what keeps UO running, and what keeps us all coming back again and again. . .
Hear, hear!

Congratulations Ravahan!

Dermott what a truly great addition you are to UO!

Kratos Aurion

I'd like to get a new quad core 980i from intel Dermott


Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Well, if you wait 3 or 4 years you just might get a Quad Core AMD Phenom II x4 810 AM3 chip


Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Given the actions of the current *ahem* administration... I think it's a bit early to even THINK of what the tax situation is going to be next year (other than maybe taking a HUGE writeoff for Capital LOSS).

I may find a few more pieces of equipment that can be liquidated, the questions are always "what", "how", "to whom", and "why".

This will mark the second time I have given away a motherboard processor and video card to someone wanting to run KR better and hopefully won't be the last.

The first time was to a long time UO friend and guildmate who posts here occasionally and now Ravahan, the next... well we'll see... again I'll set my own stipulations and contact the recipient when I have them figured out.

Granted this probably will always be "hand-me-down" tech and not top of the line up to date, but if it helps a few people out and helps out UO in the process, then it's worth it (plus it gets the pieces out of the house instead of piling up Mobos, chips, cards, etc in boxes).

Morgana LeFay (PoV)


Given the actions of the current *ahem* administration... I think it's a bit early to even THINK of what the tax situation is going to be next year (other than maybe taking a HUGE writeoff for Capital LOSS).

I may find a few more pieces of equipment that can be liquidated, the questions are always "what", "how", "to whom", and "why".

This will mark the second time I have given away a motherboard processor and video card to someone wanting to run KR better and hopefully won't be the last.

The first time was to a long time UO friend and guildmate who posts here occasionally and now Ravahan, the next... well we'll see... again I'll set my own stipulations and contact the recipient when I have them figured out.

Granted this probably will always be "hand-me-down" tech and not top of the line up to date, but if it helps a few people out and helps out UO in the process, then it's worth it (plus it gets the pieces out of the house instead of piling up Mobos, chips, cards, etc in boxes).

Very generous!

Kudos to you!

We all have to look out for one another...because even though we all disagree on some things...we are all still the UO community.



Very generous!

Kudos to you!

We all have to look out for one another...because even though we all disagree on some things...we are all still the UO community.
Weren't you against help from outside sources? "Adapt or die" I believe is what you have said.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
can I donate some older hardware that can only play 2D so they kill the KR client? (hehe)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Given the actions of the current *ahem* administration... I think it's a bit early to even THINK of what the tax situation is going to be next year (other than maybe taking a HUGE writeoff for Capital LOSS).
Then, here's hoping that you'll do just as well or even better next year! :)


can I donate some older hardware that can only play 2D so they kill the KR client? (hehe)
- well sure you can, if you like!
who luv's ya' :)

Uno mas dime: Bravo, Sir Dermott
& enjoy, Ravahan


From what I hear about KR, if the deal forces him to use KR, isn't this punishment and not a good deed?


From what I hear about KR, if the deal forces him to use KR, isn't this punishment and not a good deed?
Heh, that seems to be the common opinion... But I've been messing around in KR on my current system (its too laggy to do any kind of hunting or anything, but I can do a bit of crafting if I shut everything else down), and every time I log in I find some other awesome feature that KR has.

Since I've been forced to use 2d after they axed UO3d, I'm noticing more and more that the KR artwork is, for NPCs and most locations, essentially a shiney non-squintastic version of UO2d. I mean, the similarity in the Delucia smithy is really uncanny. That, paired with the drag-'n-drop macros, improved craft menus and status bars, and oh so many more features is making me think more and more that UOKR will eventually be accepted by the playerbase as a whole once they really give it a shot.

Sure, there's a small learning curve, but once you get used to it you'll see its still the UO you know and love-- just a lot cooler!

(PS I can't WAIT to be able to hunt and such in that client!)


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
very nice gesture indeed, but i wouldn't promote playing KR...


I keep pondering the idea, to run KR and do the newbie quest until i get a statue.

I hear, that quest is often broke/bugged. So i have put off the download/install.

But maybe oneday I'll try it.

Grats on the new box.


Way to go Dermott and welcome to the dark side Ravahan! You're in for a real treat (both hardware and software-wise :D )

Since I just couldn't wait any longer for Dermott to hook me up, I went ahead and purchased the AMD Phenom quad core with 8 gigs of ram and new video card: GeForce 9600 with 1 gig vid memory/DDR3/256bit.

Now I may have just bought my way OUT of being able to play KR (or 2D) so if you guys don't hear from me in about a week...send a search party :stretcher:

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

very nice gesture indeed, but i wouldn't promote playing KR...

For the life of me, I cannot think of a reason NOT to promote playing KR since it is my opinion that KR/SA will allow for UO to have a much brighter and more interactive future.

I've been doing what I can to help people to be able to better play the KR client (thus give UO a bit more life long term) and this is just part of it.

From answering questions to building UI packages to helping with the Exchange to donating/bequeathing extra computer parts, it's all part of the same idea.

Personally, I hope it's something that cathes on and helps upgrade some of the lower end equipment users... and it doesn't have to be specifically for playing KR, however in the case of my donations, it generally will be.

Why do I promote KR? Because of its potential. Want an example? Play a while using the Default UI... then play the same amount of time using an Enhanced Custom UI and see just how much can be done with the client.

Don't want to install or play KR to see it? Read the KR board over the past week or so with the current flurry of UI enhancement activity.


Since I just couldn't wait any longer for Dermott to hook me up, I went ahead and purchased the AMD Phenom quad core with 8 gigs of ram and new video card: GeForce 9600 with 1 gig vid memory/DDR3/256bit.
*whistles* That's a fairly large amount of ass-kickery there, bud. I assume due to the RAM you'll be running vista 64 bit? Congrats on the new rig, I'm sure its well earned!

I would kick a midget in the face to get a system like that lol

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Weren't you against help from outside sources? "Adapt or die" I believe is what you have said.
Now how can you extrapolate that I am against players helping each other from the fact that I think players should adapt in game to the changes that are introduced by the development team?

Really...just let it go! Sorry if I hurt your feelings by standing up for tamers or something.

Shooo!! Beat it!!! Stop following me around!!

As if.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend


For those curious, the rundown on the loot Ravahan is going to get (shipping probably Saturday):

Motherboard: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium
Proc: Athlon 64 3500+ 2.2Ghz (with a GOOD add on fan/heatsink)
Memory: 3 Gig PC3200 DDR RAM
Video: BFGTech Geforce 6800 256Meg PCI express (Model: BFGR68256OCX)

As for my own system:

Motherboard: ASUS M4A79T-Deluxe 790FX AM3
Proc: Phenom II X4 810 Quad Core 2.6Ghz
Memory: 4 Gig Crucial Ballistix Tracer 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10600) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory with LEDs
Video: I am retaining my current BFGTech Geforce 7590GT 512Meg PCI express card
Fan/Heatsink: [Jeremy Clarkson]It's 120 millimeters square in width and 153 millimeters tall. It looks like it belongs in a late 60's American muscle car. It's called... The V 8[/Jeremy Clarkson] Cooler Master V8



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sweet... perfect CPU fan for a hot rod. :)

This it?


Economy may be in the toilet but so are the price tags for technology - it's a GREAT time to upgrade!

Truly a nice rig you're getting there, Ravahan.
...kick a midget in the face...

By the way, I'm writing to you from the new system on Windows 7 beta and just got out of KR - smooooooooooth!!!!! Best it's ever run and it always ran well before :D


*thread necromancy*

I just recieved the parts, and Dermott was of course as good as his word. Upon reviewing the documentation on the ASUS board I was delighted to learn that it has a built in RAID controller and is SLI capable. I will be recieving my tax return this next week or two, and will purchase the remaining necessary parts which I do not already own from PC tinkering and be up and running!

*runs off to price SATA HDDs and power supplies*


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Due to certain financial situations (tax time, refunds, payments and whatnot), I found myself wanting to splurge on myself a little, so I ordered me the next upgrade to my computer system. The issue though was that in terms of upgrade, it had reached "that time" again when outgoing RAM that I am using becomes more expensive than twice the amount of up to date RAM and the cost of a new processor for the board outweighs the benefits of the chip itself.

So... it's time for a new board processor and RAM.

So what to do with the old one. Well, in the spirit of community with a HEAVY dose of wanting value (as in I feel that I have benefited from doing this) for value (the computer parts), I wanted to find someone who played UO, was TRYING to work with the KR/SA client, but had a system that was having trouble running it and needed a system upgrade.

Tough job considering that it's not something you can really announce and expect everyone to be completely truthful of their intentions, so I kept quiet and watched a certain thread. Within that thread, I found the person I was looking for and so at the end of this week, when the new parts come in, I will be donating my current motherboard, processor, RAM, and a spare video card to Ravahan for giving an honest effort to work with the new client.

We've chatted about this already and everything is getting set up. So congrats to Ravahan! I hope it works well for you as it has for me!
Well done there needs to be more people in the world like you!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Motherboard: ASUS A8N-SLI Premium
Proc: Athlon 64 3500+ 2.2Ghz (with a GOOD add on fan/heatsink)
Memory: 3 Gig PC3200 DDR RAM
Video: BFGTech Geforce 6800 256Meg PCI express (Model: BFGR68256OCX)
That is almost exactly my rig. I have a ASUS A8V board with a Athlon 64 4000+, only 2GB PC3500 RAM, and my BFG Geforce 6800 was an older AGP model. I really need to upgrade, but bought a laptop instead. Plays UO 2d and KR just fine, so the desktop will need to be scrapped and totally upgraded soon, but it does play KR great!

Kudos on helping another UO player out. Glad to see this is still able to happen these days.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I think it is something for people to consider as they upgrade their systems naturally. If they do not already have the equipment spoken for, instead of just letting it rot in a "box of tech", find a new home for it where they can.

Especially amongst people who have equipment that can already run KR and can find a home with someone wanting to run KR/SA and can't due to a lower end system, I think it would be a great help to the game's community (as well as to the promotion of the new client) to help people upgrade when and where we can.