Brit Bank in Atlantic is done!

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Duke X. Winter

So you can rag on the designer of the bank, and the design itself, but we can't rag on you for ragging on them? Hypocritical if you ask me.


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Mar 8, 2009
Ramble on about how some building IRL has a rooftop garden and how much you love it. A week from now when the novelty has worn off, it will be utterly abandoned. There are still more people in Luna right now, and it's the first day.


I am well aware of the rooftop gardens which exist in real life. They are precious few and incredibly far in between. Just like in UO, there are some that are great, and some that are not so great. The issue as it stands isn't *just* the rooftop garden. The issue is the raging cliche' that it represents.

The designer in question did not improve the bank. They merely repurposed it into a park. The inside of the structure itself is bone dry empty of any new decor. I would challenge any defenders of this rooftop garden/waterfall/campfire concept to post evidence of a 1 story construct with a waterfall and rooftop garden on top of it. The premise is just completely ridiculous.

Duke X. Winter

All I'm hearing is "I couldn't do better and didn't send anything in". Seriously people. Everyone had a chance to submit something, as has been said before. So some people don't like it. Great. We get that. But do you EACH need to post that you don't like it?

It doesn't matter that you don't like it. I doubt there's any chance they're going to change it to something else, so why complain? if you didn't submit a design, then you didn't stop this situation from happening, and you don't have a right to complain.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jun 3, 2008
I am well aware of the rooftop gardens which exist in real life. They are precious few and incredibly far in between. Just like in UO, there are some that are great, and some that are not so great. The issue as it stands isn't *just* the rooftop garden. The issue is the raging cliche' that it represents.

The designer in question did not improve the bank. They merely repurposed it into a park. The inside of the structure itself is bone dry empty of any new decor. I would challenge any defenders of this rooftop garden/waterfall/campfire concept to post evidence of a 1 story construct with a waterfall and rooftop garden on top of it. The premise is just completely ridiculous.
You need to visit greece and spain... As it was 5 years ago you payed tax for the size of your roof (as in england its the area you live and size) so most houses still "arnt finished as of how many stories itll be" or as to what a roof is as.... a garden isnt one....... thus they got round there tax laws clever buggers :D


The destruction of immersion could not be more complete. Would you head off to Wells Fargo or CitiBank with your trusty fishin' pole, intent to catch yerself one of those elusive Red Pacific Northwest Salmon on the 14th floor? I hear tell that bankfish is a tasty supper. Know of anyone in any fantasy book, ever written, that roasted marshmellows on the rooftop of a fantasy kingdom's largest financial institution? You'd be hanging by the toenails before dawn.

You're arguing realism in a game where you can tame dragons and summon the dead?

Relax, man, the contest didn't say anything about it looking like a real bank.

Chesapeake is still going to rock the house. :)

Cerwin Vega

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Jun 5, 2008
Of course its only one way.. like I keep saying, it would have to be patched in to all shards to be a normal moongate. Did you miss the 20 or so times I said it could only be one way?
Ya I must have missed it, maybe you were just talking to yourself cause as I look back over this thread I cant find it once let alone 20 times. I was just telling people about it... not saying OH GOD THEY GOTTA FIX THIS RIGHT AWAY. Why dont people like luna anyways? It has shops, a moongate, stable, inn... take away the walls in the middle and the tables and you would have a ton of space. So what if the bankers just walk around, pretend the vault is below ground where they put your stuff.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mar 8, 2009
11pm, Tuesday night, Atlantic

Brit bank: 4 people
New Haven bank: 8 people
Luna bank: the usual crowd of people

I hope there's more to revitalizing Brit bank than just this.

Flora Green

I am well aware of the rooftop gardens which exist in real life. They are precious few and incredibly far in between. Just like in UO, there are some that are great, and some that are not so great. The issue as it stands isn't *just* the rooftop garden. The issue is the raging cliche' that it represents.

The designer in question did not improve the bank. They merely repurposed it into a park. The inside of the structure itself is bone dry empty of any new decor. I would challenge any defenders of this rooftop garden/waterfall/campfire concept to post evidence of a 1 story construct with a waterfall and rooftop garden on top of it. The premise is just completely ridiculous.
Heh heh. Well, the devs picked what they liked for some reason. I don't get the roof design either, but whatever. I do have a roof garden IRL, but I do NOT have a waterfall or river on it. :D


Crazed Zealot
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May 27, 2008
Worst bank design of all goes to atl. No continuity, no real utilitarian functions to draw back crowds, not pleasing to the eye and in no way appropriate with the surroundings of britain or the look of a bank in a metropolis.


- Thank you Draconi & EM's for your personal investments (sure you're salaried Draconi, but this was posted/done on a Saturday!! Now -that- is Love & dedication)!

(and - aye, rooftop gardens are indeed a significant future of urban architecture... do you agree
(Thunderz - props & shame on you for being a disruptive purloiner)

Lord Kynd

the stables being next to the bank is a nice touch, but it takes away from the stables we already have in that town :( making that stable a worthless building.
steps are nice but to 'big' , now the few people that do not have bank rooftop runes or magery to teleport onto the roof can go there.
water ?? why ??
few more benches would have been nice (seating of anykind)
it looks very 'cluttered' :(

nothing against Vlad, if it's the one i think it is we are friends...
now a few quick questions ...
when where we notified to vote ? and how ? i do not remember any sort of in game pop-up or email asking me to vote.
and why the bank ? why not the land around the bank, since the bank now looks like a mini park, wouldn't it have made more sence to do the land around the bank instead of the building?

the main reasons people wanted the 'bank' decoration is because of a few Jap. shards that are decorated very nicely.
this design is just 'over-complicated'(messy).
but now we are stuck with it.. sigh .. like someoen else mentioned .. there goes another piece of UO.

glad there is no moongate, traveing to places used to be one of the greater things in UO. people need to not be so lazy.


Now if only they'd add Britain Bank to the travel options. Kinda silly have a nice moongate in town (God i hope we get one on Greatlakes!), and being able to use it but then when you wanna go back to Britain you gotta run all the way back to town. And yeah i so miss that underground passage to the moongate on Greatlakes on every other shard.

"glad there is no moongate, traveing to places used to be one of the greater things in UO. people need to not be so lazy."


Stratics Legend
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Oct 27, 2003
always Legends
there was no voting, Lord Kynd, the selections were done by the developers.... don't know where this line of thought came from, but it has been repeated and is incorrect


11pm, Tuesday night, Atlantic

Brit bank: 4 people
New Haven bank: 8 people
Luna bank: the usual crowd of people

I hope there's more to revitalizing Brit bank than just this.

My bet... Luna is going to change... soon. After all west Britain banks are finished.


It's My Birthday
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Stratics Legend
Jun 17, 2004
I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings... but I don't like the bank changes AT ALL. I really, REALLY, don't like the water fall and freaking river running across the roof...

Turn it back the way it was please! There are so many badly designed homes scattered across the lands... it was nice to come to an OSI designed town for some sanity and aesthetic cohesiveness.

Emil Ispep

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Stratics Legend
Oct 23, 2006
Rather than trying to turn West Brit into Luna, simply destroy Luna.. or at the very least, have it invaded by lizzardmen and ratmen with generals.. and then forget about it for a few months.

Although i am impressed with the craftsmanship of the Britannian carpenters.. to have all those boulders and water on top of a 1-story building.. no water leaking onto the bankers.. thats one strong foundation.


Check out some of these pics of one of the most innovative green roofs in the USA.

To think that the US government building designers were actually a bit ahead of the Britannians... :)


- Didn't you hear, the next contest is going to be to renovate the entire downtown Britain proper, centered around its newest banking center? I hear Casca is going to pump over a trillion gold pieces into the project to stimulate the oldest Britannian city. ;)


We need pics of the EMs with that Very attractive thief, Aaron...He produced some very interesting conversation pieces! Although he was still scammed in the end.
I'm sorry, since you didn't get married, I didn't take pics. ( :( It'll be ok.)


oh my god it's hideous. i was expecting architecture, not an overgrown jungle on the roof.

the old bank was just fine the way it was. the only problem were the STUPID invasions making the entire city a ghost town for MONTHS at a time.


Heh heh. Well, the devs picked what they liked for some reason. I don't get the roof design either, but whatever. I do have a roof garden IRL, but I do NOT have a waterfall or river on it. :D

Maybe because there were several people that sent in designs for a garden on the roofs of their respective banks, the devs decided to go with that as an overall theme for the remodeling of the brit banks.
(If I remember correctly, this one wasn't the only one with a garden theme somewhere near or on the bank.)


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
May 24, 2008
Lincoln, Nebraska
Maybe because there were several people that sent in designs for a garden on the roofs of their respective banks, the devs decided to go with that as an overall theme for the remodeling of the brit banks.
(If I remember correctly, this one wasn't the only one with a garden theme somewhere near or on the bank.)
Well the way I look at it, and the way I designed mine, was that banks in UO are hangouts. I mean that is one of the main functions they serve, and as such I tried to make my design a nice place to "hang out" which included some grass and flowers to go along with the table on the roof.

I think people are getting way too bent out of shape about this whole issue honestly, but i'm not surprised. It was clear to me that there would be scads of bad feelings as well as good ones about this contest and its results, and I just hope that my design makes more people pleased than it does otherwise.


This is the result of UO's wish to appeal to more female players. Surely making something "Cute and Pretty" will please specific UO customers. But atleast Atlantic has a new place for weddings.

The Bank is not true to the City of Britain. The Bank is not true to anything on Trammel (except for player houses). Glad I dont play on Atlantic....Now to look at the winning design on my shard again :sad4:


Stratics Veteran
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May 14, 2008
Toledo Ohio
Well I said I was done with this topic but I'm bored and half awake. So here we go.

It seems clear to me that many of you have nothing better to do with yourself then complain. That is fine by me, I'm very hard to bother. However I'd like to ask those of you that are complaining to kindly Either Visit the bank and actually see what your talking about. *Looks at GreyPawn whom still hasn't noticed that Draconi had not finished the inside when he originally ranted about this or on the second occasion. Or please don't ugly up my lovely little hang out with your ugly characters. I've been at the bank a fair amount of time since the designs have been implemented and seen several of you haters there for hours on end. I'm not 100% pleased with the way things have turned out thus far people seemed to have stolen quite a few little details right out from under Draconis nose. like the lillypads that help to sell the sitting water instead of the running water. It's a fountain not a rushing waterfall, and some of the things like the flowers have a tendency to fall beneath the grass, we also have all the old chairs and chests that all decided to respawn with the server up after Draconi was done. I realize that that wont matter to some of you and that's fine. I also know this wont stop the pancakes on here but it really doesn't bother me at all because for every single post on here that's negative. I've had 3-7 positive comments in game. I realize that some of you don't think Brit needed a garden... Well I disagree and apparently so did the devs so deal with it and you mine as well enjoy it now. Your right GreyPawn I repurposed the bank that was my intent I figured if people were gonna sit around it any way It should be more enjoyable like a park. I'm happy to bring my green thumbs to Brit, but on another note many of you people that actually suggest other options for what could have been done obviously hadn't read the rules for the contest that you didn't enter, so seriously stop saying I should have done things that were outside of the rules, and don't ever as me to put rugs outside.


i've got multiple issues here with this redesign.

1.] there is not one single building in the entirety of the city of Britain that even remotely resembles the eye sore that has become WBB.

2.] there is way, way too much green crap on the roof. it's kinda blinding.

3.] with the waterfall, logs blocking the teleporter, and other space impediments, the functionality of the entire WBB rooftop is ruined. its actually a pain to move around. at the very least, a small 2-tile-wide bridge should be placed where the difficult to move on log is.

4.] WBB is the largest and oldest city in all of UO. so we expect architecture, not greenhouse overkill.

this eyesore needs to be gutted and re-implemented. we need a bank that we can be proud of, not something that othe shards mock and laugh at. plain and simple.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
May 12, 2008
i've got multiple issues here with this redesign.

1.] there is not one single building in the entirety of the city of Britain that even remotely resembles the eye sore that has become WBB.

2.] there is way, way too much green crap on the roof. it's kinda blinding.

3.] with the waterfall, log, logs blocking the teleporter, and other space impediments, the functionality of the entire WBB rooftop is ruined. its actually a pain to move around. at the very least, a small 2-tile-wide bridge should be placed where the difficult to move on log is.

4.] WBB is the largest and oldest city in all of UO. so we expect architecture, not greenhouse overkill.

this eyesore needs to be gutted and re-implemented. we need a bank that we can be proud of, not something that othe shards mock and laugh at. plain and simple.
Go bank in Luna then.
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