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Last night in gen chat

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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This I find offensive. First off I live across the street from a facility that takes care of folk who wear helmets all the time. Not that they had a choice or wanted to be there. Secondly the kid who wears the helmet on the bike will outlive the kid who rides without and cracks his skull losing his brains all over the sidewalk the first time he gets thrown from his bike... he WON'T be getting back up ... he'll be living with the kids across the street getting fed by a tube... Not much of a life I'd chose for my child.

And finally... yes it's one thing to teach a kid the choice of not playing the bullies game. However there have always been bullies... though kids today tend to hold in their pain and frustration and then take it out in a very unhealthy way killing several in their wake. Doing insane **** like coming back to a school years later and opening fire on innocent children... etc... We didn't do that sort of crap when I was a kid. If we had a problem we took it out in sports, or we had a fist fight in the playground... But then when I was a kid if I got caught being a jerk my Father grabbed me by the ear and yanked me where I needed to go and made me apologize for being a jerk. Also back then when I got home from school my Mom was there and all kinds of Moms where home you didn't ride your bike in the street like an idiot because someones Mother would see you and your folks would "hear about it!" and then you'd get it. But now you can't do anything to keep your kid from being an ass because you are being "abusive" your kid KNOWS you can't touch them... and they use it against you. And when I was a kid smoking a "cigarette" was the most horrible thing you might do. Not smoking Pot so much sure you knew who was a pothead... but now you worry about kids doing all kinds of drugs, sniffing, huffing, and choking themselves for a high or attention...

The world is completely F'ed. IMO.

As for the chat I don't think that it's about tough skins or whatever.... its about common courtesy and being a decent human being.. and most decent human beings prefer not to have to tolerate that sort of behavior. And I shouldn't have to be cut off from using an important game tool just because a few twerks can't grow up and behave. I get tired of having to constantly put people on ignore. My ignore list is so long now I honestly can't remember who all is on it.
i ment no offence.. my sister was special needs before she died at 17 to cancer. you live across the street? i took care of my special needs sister for years.


The Enchanter
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I downgraded myself to your level merlin.. Or else im not sure you would't had understood the message, same goes for trollberg :)
"You wouldn't have understood the message" = Cop out for not having a response to the topic that was being discussed at that point in the thread. DERP. Ultimately, just a lame excuse.

Oh, and please enlighten us more with your insightful comments. Surely you can speak down to the level of such low lay-people like "Trollberg" and myself without having to come down from your moral perch. :)


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
Or that **** could just not be there in the first place?
Or you can get some thicker skin and realize this is a computer game.

You're not living in reality if you think that it's magically going to go away or that UO is suddenly going to find the resources to fully enforce chat rules.


Crazed Zealot
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Or you can get some thicker skin and realize this is a computer game.

You're not living in reality if you think that it's magically going to go away or that UO is suddenly going to find the resources to fully enforce chat rules.
Yeah, its a computer game. So why are people, when playing something intended for enjoyment, subjected to consistent racism, homophobia, etc.

It doesn't bother me personally. Its just the principle.

Spock's Beard

Stratics Veteran
WoW makes a billion dollars a year and THEIR chat is a toilet too. People say mean stuff on the internet, buck up or log off.

The Doctor

Seasoned Veteran
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While I agree that ultimately it was wrong for someone to have "allegedly" said that...I'll go back to so what? But, but but, someone on teh internets told me to jump off a bridge...so I did. Really?

To be honest I see a failure in our society for raising such weak people. Please remember the old adage about sticks and stones (and yes, it's wrong to throw sticks and stones)...la
Glad we both agree that said actions are wrong. It is more a failure of society when people are involved in actions such as these. You see people as weak when we know that is not that case mostly. How does it make you weak to be victim to such social outburst or witness too and speak out against it like many people here have. People may sometimes be caught off guard by the actions of bullies but true strength comes from meeting them head on. If people do not call for help how else how else can they find it. The true strength of humanity is compassion and understanding in times of trouble. If words meant nothing then poets and songwriters would not have been able to stir the hearts and souls of those who listen throughout the whole of human history. If words never hurt, then no one would cry hearing a sad story. When a person does well in life typically they have words of acclaim spoken of their great works. Which in turn makes them feel good mostly. Did this person do the action this group was trying to insult him with, not that I have heard. But it offends me to think that anyone would think the suggestion of this action is acceptable. Yes there are the dregs of society and there are those who of yet have not learned to discount their bitter opinions. It takes longer for some to grow a thick skin and turn a deaf ear to such foolish talk. Usually those who are more sensitive to insults have learned to flourish in their lives not because someone said toughen up and get a thick skin. More than likely they did because someone took compassion on them with understanding taught them how to express themselves as well as ignore what is not worth listening too.


Stratics Veteran
I came back to the game few days ago. So take what I say with grain of salt.

On the other hand, I am impressed with the general chat. It looks like the general chat in UO has the worst community I have ever seen in any game in my whole life. I have been playing MMOs for at least 15 years. Never saw a community so horrible.

Right now on Atlantic "Help" channel, there is one guy recruiting for ISIS. Another guy very obviously trying to scam new players. One guy using very offending language towards new players in the game. The worst part is that, in every other game I played. Those guys would be banned in less than 5 minutes. I can not understand how UO does not do anything about them.

This is a game... It needs to be fun.


Stratics Legend
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This I find offensive. First off I live across the street from a facility that takes care of folk who wear helmets all the time. Not that they had a choice or wanted to be there.
Wow, now people are taking a huge leap to be offended. Good for you and your neighbors the helmet wearers, if you think that statement was about the mentally challenged, I may have to reconsider my thoughts about you.

Got thin skin???...la


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A character specific ban or block not one that applies to the whole account, so 1 character on my account can ban chat or contact in gen chat or in game play and have it NOT affect all my characters. If I wish to ban 75% of the player base I should be able to, hehe, I can't so that leads to the fact I rarely have the stupid thing on.
It has happened I placed folks on such on one character only to have it sneak up and bite me from behind on another, because 1 character interacts with them in a much less socially acceptable setting where behavior is often questionable and the other on the same account interacts with an alt of theirs at auction and can no hear them speak or accept trades. So if you ever wonder why sometimes you can't find a player or contact them to retrieve gold, or set something up to sell or arrange a broker consider we may avoiding the word pollution and trash being spewed in global.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Wow, now people are taking a huge leap to be offended. Good for you and your neighbors the helmet wearers, if you think that statement was about the mentally challenged, I may have to reconsider my thoughts about you.

Got thin skin???...la
No my skin is plenty thick from taking years of crap while in school thank you very much. Taking huge leaps. I don't think so. I actually do live right across the street from a very large facility for the care of those that are challenged.

At any rate I honestly don't care to be subjected to the Fel kindergarten round-up everytime something doesn't go their way and someone dies or "spanks" someone else in Fel. I grow tired of listening to it... the name calling, the bragging about this cheat and that cheat... and the worst of stuff what they are gonna come do to them IRL because they can't take the fact that they lost. It's a HUGE factor in the "unappealing" nature of my giving a crap about Fel or anything to do with Fel. HUGE. Listening to a bunch of them sound like a bunch of little kids and act like them too in Gen Chat is massive turn off... and they want more people to go to Fel? WTF for? If I wanted to deal with a bunch of little brats I'd be a school teacher or daycare provider. And even if I did.... I don't think I'd want to continue doing that when I was at home playing a game trying to "unwind".

Now I used to think doing PvP was a "release". But anymore it's only another frustration making me loathe UO and having to hear about it in Gen Chat all day and night long certainly doesn't make it anymore appealing. And people wonder why no one wants to go to Fel. Got a clue for you! Most of us have had more than enough of it just being subjected to it in Gen Chat. We don't need to go there and experience it first hand. I've heard more than enough already.

That was 99% of the appeal of Role-play PvP... all the fun of fighting and such without all the pompous drama. And no concerns about looting, being looted.... being rez killed... or most the other crap going on in Fel. Just fun with purpose.

Edit: I'd also like to add that most of my reason for being in Gen Chat is that one of my characters is a Governor I like to be "available" in case someone is looking for me for some reason. Also I like to help "New" players and "returning" Vets. So being in Chat is something that I try to do incase folk have questions about UO and such and are looking for answers. I spend a LOT of time in-game answering questions about things and helping people. I enjoy that. So if I "turn it off" ..... not only am I losing out on something I enjoy but also if everyone of the decent folk shut it off who will help anyone with questions?

I've gone and found folk who were lost, helped rez people who couldn't find a healer, helped teach folk about the trade quests, given them directions on training in New Haven and many other aspects of UO. I don't do it as an Advisor.... I just do it as a fellow player. Why? Because I'd like them to stay in UO. I actually WANT more players in UO. And since I often do things on a wide number of shards ..... I find new players all the time.

And if that's not enough reason for them to clean up the chat in Gen Chat I don't know what is.
Last edited:


Stratics Legend
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Taking huge leaps. I don't think so. I actually do live right across the street from a very large facility for the care of those that are challenged.
You may not think so, but it really is. Please go back to my post, I didn't even come close to disparaging the mentally challenged. I was writing about the laws that are put in place to force children to wear helmets when riding a bike.

Now back to your regularly scheduled post...la

Candy Cane

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I don't agree with Rico on everything but when I read his post I was sure he meant the helmet law for kids riding bikes. I didn't once think he was referring to mentally challenged kids or people.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
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If the type of bullying that was highlighted in the Opening thread was happening here on Stratics what do you think would happen? Bans would be issued. Probably permabans and damn fast. The reason that would happen is because stratics understands that in providing a social environment it also has a duty of care to do its utmost to make that environment as safe for all of its users as possible. And rightly so.

EA ... they have created a social environment in UO (in which they take peoples money to play) and have completely abandoned their accountability and responsibility. They may as well revise the ToS to read something on the lines of "In game Bullying and harrassment will go completely unchecked and no action whatsoever will be taken against anyone abusing, bullying or harrassing other players"

@Mesanna ... do you not feel a little ashamed that you represent a company that has completely abandoned its duty of care to its paying customers? Can you give us any rational justification whatsoever for EA allowing the type of bullying outlined in the opening post to go unchecked and without punishment? EA as good as condones this behaviour by its lack of action.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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You may not think so, but it really is. Please go back to my post, I didn't even come close to disparaging the mentally challenged. I was writing about the laws that are put in place to force children to wear helmets when riding a bike.

Now back to your regularly scheduled post...la
There is nothing wrong with the helmet law. It keeps kids from winding up across the street wearing a helmet for the rest of their lives. Honestly. It's like making Motorcyclists wear them as well... just like mandatory seat belt use. Nothing wrong with it if it saves lives and saves me from having to pay to take care of them while they are on disability because they didn't think that laws should apply to them or don't care about their own safety... Laws are there for many reasons. Though I often wonder why there aren't laws against becoming an alcoholic to the point you need a liver transplant and then forcing me to pay for your dialysis because you can't say no to a bottle...

You want to get into political debate on paying for things and stupidity of laws.... yet we don't have laws to stop folk from killing themselves slowly with Cigarettes and tobacco... we also don't stop folk from getting diabetes type 2.... but what do you want next? Logans Run? You do know what that movie was really about don't you? Maybe it's too old for you to recall.

At any rate it has little to do with the Fel crowd making Gen Chat X rated.


Stratics Legend
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There is nothing wrong with the helmet law. It keeps kids from winding up across the street wearing a helmet for the rest of their lives. .
i have to disagree in part. i remember once i rode my bike down a very steep hill. i knew it was a bad idea, but i figured since i was wearing a helmet it should be ok. it was not. i crashed and broke my arm. if i wasnt wearing a helmet i wouldnt have taken the chance in the first place. i never wore a helmet after that accident because i was afraid next time i might not be so lucky, maybe think i could make it across the tracks before a train or something becuase of that false confidence the helmet gave me. I'm sure the false sense of security of a bike helmet or seat belt has cuased many a needless death.

The Craftsman

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Not directed at anyone here, but we live in a society where some people unfortunately need to be protected from their own stupidity.

Captn Norrington

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thats always puzzled me too. We dont call racism raceophobia, or sexism sexophobia.
I've always assumed it was because the other two have existed for centuries, so everyone is already used to it, but only recently have large amounts of people begun openly saying their natural preferences are not like most peoples. Since it is new, people automatically jumped to the "people fear what they don't understand, and since it's new they don't understand it yet, therefore it must be a phobia" type of thing.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i have to disagree in part. i remember once i rode my bike down a very steep hill. i knew it was a bad idea, but i figured since i was wearing a helmet it should be ok. it was not. i crashed and broke my arm. if i wasnt wearing a helmet i wouldnt have taken the chance in the first place. i never wore a helmet after that accident because i was afraid next time i might not be so lucky, maybe think i could make it across the tracks before a train or something becuase of that false confidence the helmet gave me. I'm sure the false sense of security of a bike helmet or seat belt has cuased many a needless death.
damn false sense of security!! i think once your "of age" you should be able to choose. you don't want to wear a helmet and ride a motorcycle at high speed its ur damn life. before that your parents make the choice. there should be no law for this... another right taken!!

i remember riding in the back of a pickup at four down the freeway.. hell and im only 31.. now by law my kid had to and still has to sit in a damn safety seat he's four ! my four month old if California law gets its way will have to sit backwards till way past there legs having room.. total b.s.

*pictures my kid riding Indian style or legs over their head*.. nah ill skip that law


Always Present
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I think people who are going to offend someone with words should be the one who does what ya just said turn the screen off and go outside, and this way no one is offended.
With how often people take offense to the smallest thing these days, how can anyone know when they're going to offend someone?


Grand Poobah
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The people who defend the type of bullying and griefing that is going on ingame is just afraid that the devs will actually do something that will make it harder for them to grief people.
"Compared to other games...", "Get thicker skin...", "Just leave chat..." and so on is just them trying to make is sound less serious than it is in hopes the devs won´t do something about it. Smoke and mirrors.

Making an automatic Felucca General Chat for people in Felucca would go a long way but then again, you can´t cure stupid so the root of the problem will remain...


Grand Inquisitor
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The people who defend the type of bullying and griefing that is going on ingame is just afraid that the devs will actually do something that will make it harder for them to grief people.
No one is legitimately "defending" bullying..they are just pointing out the simple fact, there will always be something to cry about. Bullies and Bullied alike. Yes they are wrong for throwing out "hurtful" e-words, but are you really that immature you can't easily A. Ignore it! B. Ignore them in game via options or C. leave gen chat? I don't think I've seen such a level of stupidity within one thread. It's like a bunch of 8 year olds crying over their stolen dodgeball telling mommy. I thought this was a mature group of folks. I've been harassed in gen chat/in game/in vent..I do one of two things..ignore it, or play along. And for anyone saying people kill themselves over this..guess what!! They needed psychiatric help prior to playing a freaking video game..! maybe that should of been priority over ultima online gen chat warring...PERIOD!

Police yourselves..defend the bullied in chat, or please just STFU!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Stratics Veteran
No one is legitimately "defending" bullying..they are just pointing out the simple fact, there will always be something to cry about. Bullies and Bullied alike. Yes they are wrong for throwing out "hurtful" e-words, but are you really that immature you can't easily A. Ignore it! B. Ignore them in game via options or C. leave gen chat? I don't think I've seen such a level of stupidity within one thread. It's like a bunch of 8 year olds crying over their stolen dodgeball telling mommy. I thought this was a mature group of folks. I've been harassed in gen chat/in game/in vent..I do one of two things..ignore it, or play along. And for anyone saying people kill themselves over this..guess what!! They needed psychiatric help prior to playing a freaking video game..! maybe that should of been priority over ultima online gen chat warring...PERIOD!

Police yourselves..defend the bullied in chat, or please just STFU!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
,,,,Wondering where he stands on this issue ? :loser::loser::loser:


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
,,,,Wondering where he stands on this issue ? :loser::loser::loser:
I stand where common sense stands..use your brain. It's simple..interpret it however you'd like. One of the beauties of the Internet!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
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With how often people take offense to the smallest thing these days, how can anyone know when they're going to offend someone?
You don't know, but no one needs to be telling anyone to go kill themselves either. There is children playing this game along with all of us adults.
Also it's not my job to protect your fragile ego.
You would be the last person I would ask to protect my fragile ego, if my ego was fragile which it is not


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With how often people take offense to the smallest thing these days, how can anyone know when they're going to offend someone?
really bro are you talking bout me? you want some beef ?????!?"!??


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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That would be your opinion. Of which you are entitled. You find me any information "laws" that say if I verabally insult you you can have me arrested and I will classify this as bullying. What people dont seem to understand is that insulting someone or calling them names in a game on the internet is not against the law. Some games may have a TOS that it is against but thats it.
Actually, no.

In many jurisdictions, and the number continues to increase, precisely this is in the law as a criminal behaviour. It is termed "Cyberharassment", at least in the US and Canada. It specifically, under law, does NOT need to require any immanent or credible theats. It merely requires threatening or harassing email messages, instant messages, blog entries, or websites which target an individual. General chat could easily be viewed as covered under the relevant laws in both countries.

If you live in the US, federal laws are in development, plus your state has cyberharassment laws already, unless you live in Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, KY, LA, Maine, Nevada, NJ, or Wyoming. In Canada, there's federal laws which apply. Specifically criminal code section 241 (counselling suicide online) would apply in a case like this.

So don't fool yourself. It's not just bad form funny funny BS anymore. It is illegal, and you can go to jail for it.

NOTE: IANAL. I simply am related to more than a few of them. A couple basic references:


Always Present
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Actually, no.

In many jurisdictions, and the number continues to increase, precisely this is in the law as a criminal behaviour. It is termed "Cyberharassment", at least in the US and Canada. It specifically, under law, does NOT need to require any immanent or credible theats. It merely requires threatening or harassing email messages, instant messages, blog entries, or websites which target an individual. General chat could easily be viewed as covered under the relevant laws in both countries.

If you live in the US, federal laws are in development, plus your state has cyberharassment laws already, unless you live in Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, KY, LA, Maine, Nevada, NJ, or Wyoming. In Canada, there's federal laws which apply. Specifically criminal code section 241 (counselling suicide online) would apply in a case like this.

So don't fool yourself. It's not just bad form funny funny BS anymore. It is illegal, and you can go to jail for it.

NOTE: IANAL. I simply am related to more than a few of them. A couple basic references:
Literal Nanny State in progress. **** this kind of **** in particular.

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
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The numbers are dropping here (these days less than 40 on at any given moment) and in UO. Many of us have been here for at least a decade and have seen things degrade to a point where we question why are we here. I'm not saying that the above idiocy is the only reason but I know that any self-aware person would head to other places that are out there. Many of us have done so already. Many are in transition for when the new game goes live. Then you'll see an even greater drop in numbers all at once. So reducing your focus to just UO really won't make a difference as your audience won't be here.

It's so much easier to become lax and let the crowds "go wild" and self moderate (*snort*) than to moderate. And frankly for those that remain things won't change until those that support a platform for harassing conduct wake up and implement and enforce rules that disallow this. Will it have to be a lawsuit that initiates change?

It IS an issue. It IS real.


Seasoned Veteran
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Are you really equating PTSD from combat to being called names in a game? Or did I miss something earlier in the thread? Which is quite possible.


Crazed Zealot
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Some of you are so off base I don't even know where to begin except by saying maybe get a life? Or a real law degree. Than you would know how liberally foolish you actually sound folks.
In game MMORPG trash talk is not a crime. And that is what we are talking about here. Trash talk.
Go to any local middle or high school sporting event and you will bear witness to as much or more then you will ever see in UO.


Crazed Zealot
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Are you really equating PTSD from combat to being called names in a game? Or did I miss something earlier in the thread? Which is quite possible.
Unfortunately you didn't miss that.
Some knucklehead seriously tried to compare UO trash talk to military combat related psychological disorders.
Unbelievable but true :(


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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The numbers are dropping here (these days less than 40 on at any given moment) and in UO. Many of us have been here for at least a decade and have seen things degrade to a point where we question why are we here. I'm not saying that the above idiocy is the only reason but I know that any self-aware person would head to other places that are out there. Many of us have done so already. Many are in transition for when the new game goes live. Then you'll see an even greater drop in numbers all at once. So reducing your focus to just UO really won't make a difference as your audience won't be here.

It's so much easier to become lax and let the crowds "go wild" and self moderate (*snort*) than to moderate. And frankly for those that remain things won't change until those that support a platform for harassing conduct wake up and implement and enforce rules that disallow this. Will it have to be a lawsuit that initiates change?

It IS an issue. It IS real.
I've been Alpha and Beta Testing EQ Landmark. Now I'm no EverQuest fanboy-o or anything I honestly don't care for it. However Landmark has little to nothing to do with EQ... it doesn't have any "story" or "plot" or anything it's just as of now a building platform for making your own world so to speak. Now... the possibilities in Landmark are there. You only have to find a group who are willing to put in a heck of a lot of time on "building" what they want. As it is now I could build a full city... with sewers and all ..... what I can't do is put NPC's in it... or people and there is precious little in the game to keep folk interested in staying after you get everything built. I am waiting for them to get to those stages before I would ever think of leaving UO and the community. But Landmark has the potential if you had a good size group of friends for folk and guilds to build their own towns and cities, dwellings, castles and potentially even dungeons... so they claim. You can make your "zone" a PvP zone... hold epic sieges and such it appears to have endless fun idea's... However ... it also has modern stuffs in it that could "invade" any area which might be somewhat interesting... and the other MASSIVE drawback that keeps me from totally liking it.... they only allow humans... they don't have elves, dwarves, or anything else... which IMO just falls flat. If I'm going to be able to "build" such a wondrous world well it needs to have other races. But I keep hoping they will "rethink" that idea.

At any rate I know what you mean about losing people... death has claimed a few, mostly DRAMA claims quite a few. Lack of "progress" in the game some more. Many have this hillarious idea that they have "done it all" in UO and there is nothing left to do. Which IMO is a lie. Even I have not "done it all". Course there are things I would rather NOT do in-game... But truth of the matter is many get wrapped up in the "pretty pictures" of other games... most like me see them and aren't willing to leave but quite a few follow the pretty pictures. UO is a unique game.... it does not hold your hand and tell you how to play. That's it's BEST and WORST design... For folk like me who like to imagine things and play a role it's wonderful.... for imaginative folk who like to build super templates it's awesome... but for the average joe non-geek who just wants to jump in and play something through..... it's a nightmare. They are overwhelmed by the choices and can't find their way because they see what some of the more industrious folk do and want that .... but they aren't willing to pay the cost... or they see what some of us old school RPers have done and they want that... but they want you to tell them how they should "rp".... or they feel they "can't"... Which is silly anyone can RP... most folk do it without knowing what they are doing. But UO does not hold your hand. UO is not a quester game... it's not a leveler game... It's just a tool to allow you to build what you want to, much like Landmark. Only it has FAR more imagination and it does have a background base story for you to participate and find your place in. Which in my opinion makes it #1 above all others. It doesn't need pretty pictures to do that though I sure wish it had them.

What it doesn't need is a bunch of drama spoiling it.

The Craftsman

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Unfortunately you didn't miss that.
Some knucklehead seriously tried to compare UO trash talk to military combat related psychological disorders.
Unbelievable but true :(
And some knuckle heads jumped to conclusions. No comparison was ever made or alluded to.

I was wondering how far some posters insensitivity stretched so asked with regards another subject which could be considered a weakness.


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Some of you are so off base I don't even know where to begin except by saying maybe get a life? Or a real law degree. Than you would know how liberally foolish you actually sound folks.
In game MMORPG trash talk is not a crime. And that is what we are talking about here. Trash talk.
Go to any local middle or high school sporting event and you will bear witness to as much or more then you will ever see in UO.
@Goldberg-Chessy, encouraging RL murder or encouraging someone to commit suicide is not "trash talk". The courts really could care less whether you intended it as a joke or not. Intent is not required, though it can be a factor is how long your prison sentence turns out to be. What was described was not "trash talk":

Last night on a particular shard I happened to witness an extremely ugly thing. There was an argument of some kind, over what I have no idea. For over an hour one individual said some of the most vile and disgusting things to another person. They repeatedly encouraged this person to commit suicide because they were convinced this person was so worthless and stupid. Several other joined in on the exchange, gleefully laughing and saying the most hurtful things they could muster.
An arrest for this just 2 weeks ago: http://www.wfmynews2.com/story/news...utiny-is-it-crime-encourage-suicide/24313573/

Additionally, it would seem this is also clearly illegal in the UK and Austalia:

UK code:
'Under section 2(1) of the Suicide Act 1961 (as amended by section 59 of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009) it is an offence to do an act capable of encouraging or assisting the suicide or attempted suicide of another person with the intention to so encourage or assist. The person committing the offence need not know the other person or even be able to identify them.'

Australian law:
"Encouraging suicide [in an online cyberbullying context] is punishable by a maximum of life in prison" [ref http://nobullying.com/cyberbullying-laws-australia/ ]

So, @Goldberg-Chessy , @Aran, and @Varingian, regardless what you may think of the laws, or what you appear to think is the perfectly normal social behavior of encouraging RL murder and/or suicide, I'd suggest that the folks who you should be complaining to are your elected officials. For all the rest of us, who appear to be a bit more socially well adjusted, I just hope Broadsword is willing to step up and start policing the chats; they desperately need it.

Lady Michelle

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Some of you are so off base I don't even know where to begin except by saying maybe get a life? Or a real law degree. Than you would know how liberally foolish you actually sound folks.
In game MMORPG trash talk is not a crime. And that is what we are talking about here. Trash talk.
Go to any local middle or high school sporting event and you will bear witness to as much or more then you will ever see in UO.
Your gonna say that encouraging telling someone to kill themselves is MMORPG acceptable trash talk I disagree with you.
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