OMG Check out Radums thread about consensual PvP!!!
By a 2 to 1 margin, people agree that going to Felucca means you've consented to PvP in your Ultima Online gaming experience.
Woot Woot!!!
And Surgeries... I love the "My points got smashed, so I'll change the argument to be about the poster and not the discussion at hand." Your logic is flawed, stop incorporating so much ethos into it.
I am glad so many that want to call PvP in Fel "Cosensual", that are known PvPers, and PKs, did so. It gives you a little something to hang your hat on.
Good for you!!
He has 9 whole people that agree with him (or 11, 0r 15, whatever inconsequential number there are).
Would I have expected any less?
No. Not for a second.
These are the same posters that all want "Old School" leg humping thieves brought back, as a "Majority" of the people polled.
Go figure.
A shallow "Victory" if you want to call it that.
But, I will concede that more Stratics Posters that replied to that poll, agree that "Consensual" PvP means that when you know there can be PvP, that that is Consensual.
That makes every game that tells you that there will be PvP "Consensual", by those terms, which, then, negates YOUR point that it is Trammel that makes Fel "Consensual PvP", as in Lineage, there is no Trammel, but they DO tell you, clearly, on the website, and on the game box, I am sure, that there will be PvP.
So...then...anytime any game tells you there is PvP, and you log into that game, it is "Consensual" PvP, because you knew it, going in, that there would be PvP, so then...all PvP is "Consensual", as long as you know it will be a part of the game.
But...that can't be, because unless there are servers in the game that do not allow PvP (and not just areas...servers, or complete separate areas, outside of the server that allows PvP), like Trammel, according to you, then it is "Non-Consensual".
See the quandary?
No...of course you don't.
It's OK...we are all used to it.
It can't be both Consensual (Knowing there will be PvP makes it all Consensual), and Non-Consensual (Only if there is another area to go to, away from the main servers, where I can play without fear of being attacked, unless I choose it)...sooooo...
If it can't be both...and knowing that there will be PvP makes it consensual...then your argument you posted earlier about Lineage being Non-Consensual, because there is no Trammel, must be false.
Welcome to Logic 101.
We will have to hold you back from graduating, based on this, however.
Better luck next year.
Turns out that to fight another player in Lneage, now, you must be on a PvP server.
It gets better.
In "Safety Zones" now, even on the PvP servers... can't even attack another least that is what it says in the Game Manual.
I guess they learned their lesson, even in Lineage.
I like what happens to Evil/Chaotic players in Lineage, too...they drop more stuff if they die.
Too bad UO doesn't have their Red players drop more stuff than blue players do.
Maybe we would have millions of subscribers, too.
No, Black Rain...any points you think you had holding up games like Lineage being super popular because they allow free for all Non-Consensual PvP just went Pffffffft.
*Still Laughing*