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  • Thread starter Prince Caspian
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After a bit he goes outside the door and starts to trigger traps, apparently to damage me with the boulder drops. I just heal. I even heal him. :p
Now what I'd have loved is a GM turning up to his page at that point, seeing him deliberately abusing a game mechanic to damage another player, and thus effectively he'd have paged on himself for grief tactics....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You merely could have replied "@#$%off,,i`m macroing afk" and see if they still page on you. :p


It seems as though you are saying, that the game would be so much better if we all simply ignored cheaters so that a noncheater is never accidentally mistaken for a cheater and might be expected to say a simple hi if asked?

It seems reasonable to assume that a noncheater would appreciate and respect the work other noncheaters are doing to help make the game a more level playing field.
So, I'm not a supporter of your crusade, so you're going to allude that I'm a cheater?
Because that's really not what I was saying, at all.
It seems reasonable to assume that a smart person would understand my post before replying directly to it.

Here's the summary.
If you come up to me, assuming that I'm cheating, and requiring me to prove that I'm not, you are accusing me of cheating. I take objection to accusations.
It doesn't matter, not even a little bit, if I love/hate cheaters. If you accuse me of something, I'm going to object to it, with the possible exception of if I happen to be guilty

I gather from your post that you just don't have time and or can't be bothered to worry about cheaters, even so much as to type a hi in response to a strange players greeting, just in case they accidentally mistook you for a cheater you shall simply REFUSE to answer them!
I don't pay my subscription to play vigilante.
I don't pay my subscription to defend myself against accusations.
So, yeah, I simply REFUSE do answer to people who have no business accusing me of cheating.
It's you who wastes the GMs time in false pages, not the person you're paging on.

Remember, everyone has the right to ignore you. It doesn't make them a cheater.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you come up to me, assuming that I'm cheating, and requiring me to prove that I'm not, you are accusing me of cheating. I take objection to accusations.
It's you who wastes the GMs time in false pages, not the person you're paging on.
Absolutely :pint:

So the next time people complain about how long the Queue / Response time is, consider how many FALSE PAGES/REPORTS that are being checked out.


If I DO NOT see your character take a 3 day vacation then I might monitor your char for a couple more days then pass you as a NONscripter, never to bother you again for the same reason.
LOL! How ridiculous! :thumbup:
Don't forget, if you don't log back in the three days to check in at XLaCeDX's place, you're a bot.
Go on, spread rumors. They must be true because you're telling them. :D

It's neither ridiculous nor is it rocket science.

When someone goes to all the trouble to download a script program and various scripts that they wish to use and,

then goes to all the trouble of setting up their char or chars to be operated by said scripts whilst they are unattended (attendeds do it also just harder to catch them) and,

then fails to pass my 'Are You Attended?' test so that I page on them and,

then within in the next hour or two Vanishes from his/her favored location and is therefore no longer seen performing the same activity that he has been performing for the last days or weeks and,

then is no not seen for 3 whole days and,

then suddenly reappears on the 4th day,

um, yeah, it ain't rocket science.


"Go on, spread rumors. They must be true because you're telling them. :D

I surely have no issue telling my scripter catchin' stories.

If you don't want people calling you a cheater, then there is a simple solution. How about try NOT CHEATING?

And then of course, anyone who can read and comprehend these posts can choose to defend or not defend the cheaters.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's neither ridiculous nor is it rocket science.
Your right, it isn't either of those, it is your Magical, Mysterious gift of Telepathy+Clairvoyance+other Extra Sensory Powers .... I would say read on, but your Precognition has already given you what I am going to type. I mean to say, your premise is predicated on the knowing not only what one thinks, but what one is doing. In the 60's the CIA called this Remote Viewing.

When someone goes to all the trouble to download a script program and various scripts that they wish to use and,

then goes to all the trouble of setting up their char or chars to be operated by said scripts whilst they are unattended (attendeds do it also just harder to catch them) and,
*To those that read this, this individual has no Extra Sensory Perception and has even less ability to hack any form of electronic device, or in short what follows is pure unadulterated rhetoric*

Let's stop right there, how do you know they did these things? If it ain't Telepathy and it aint Clairvoyance then well it can only be one thing. You have hacked into EA/Mythics Billing system and found the address of those you are stalking.

Come on so fess up here, which is it, are you the pan ultimate Extrasensory Person or did you hack the EA/Mythic Billing System and are stalking people.

If you want to insist it is your superior intellect, then dumb it down for us and explain how you "KNOW" as in an absolute fact, that these people your stalking, downloaded a script program and an unknown number of scripts (how is it you know they downloaded the script program but not how many scripts), with the known, as in fact, purpose of scripting AFK.

I and others LMAO would realy like to know how your getting your factual knowledge of what the people your stalking are doing. :pint:

Because if you DO NOT KNOW, if YOU ARE JUST ASSUMING then the connection to the rest of your post justifying your stalking and harassment of others is well ... pretty funny.


Response to Post #53:

"So, yeah, I simply REFUSE do answer to people who have no business accusing me of cheating.
It's you who wastes the GMs time in false pages, not the person you're paging on.

You REFUSE to answer then you look like you are unattended so therefore it is YOU who waste the GMs time on false pages.

You don't like being accused of cheating so much that you simply refuse to answer people who test you by saying hi to you ingame, but you seem to have no problem accusing other people, me in specific, of such things like:

Being on a "crusade'

"So, I'm not a supporter of your crusade..."

Or being dumb:

"It seems reasonable to assume that a smart person would understand my post before replying directly to it."

Such a fuss when really all we are asking for is a simple hi here to save us and the GMs some work.

But sure, we can do it the hard way. As I said, doesn't really matter to me if you say hi to me or to a GM.


"Because if you DO NOT KNOW, if YOU ARE JUST ASSUMING then the connection to the rest of your post justifying your stalking and harassment of others is well ... pretty funny."

So you consider paging on suspected scripters to be "stalking and harassment"?

That surprises me.


UO Lake Superior News Reporter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There should be a punishment for incorrectly turning people in for macroing. I was working inscription in my house. All the sudden I get message from GM... "how are the skill gains coming?" Ah....slow!?! "Ok then... have a great day and thanks for playing."

I mean seriously? Worry about yourselves.


These people that do report over and over nonscripters do need punished. They take up GM's time just as much as scripters do.

For giggles I love to sit right at my keyboard, mining, and ignore the scripter police.
When the GM does speak to me I respond. Once they asked why I didn't respond to the reporting party. Simple, I've put that person on ignore on all my chars due to harrassment. I get tired of them constantly bugging me when I'm lumberjacking, mining, or whatever.
Most of the time they are annoying, obnoxious, and rude. I'm also busy in guild/alliance chat oftentimes.

Now, if you honestly want to chat, rp, ask for help, or in geniune need I'll be more than willing to assist to the best of my abilities.


See this is the problem with UO and I think someone else stated it better in another thread.

People cry about *fill in the blank* in UO, here I will fill in the blank with the word 'cheaters".


People cry about cheaters in UO (well obviously the cheaters themselves do not!)

But if someone actually tries to do something about it then they cry even louder.

Guess it's just one of those Great Mysteries of Life in UO.

I myself will be happily solving the great mystery of whether or not you are attended ingame.

If I happen to step outta line by falsely accusing you of being a scripter then you know what to do!

Page on me for harassment yes?



You REFUSE to answer then you look like you are unattended so therefore it is YOU who waste the GMs time on false pages.
I'm going to go with "no" on that one.
It is your choice to bring the GM into it, therefore being the direct cause for the GM taking time to investigate the player you've paged on.
While the player you've paged on would have been the cause for you paging, the act of paging is a choice you have made, which is the deciding factor for whether the GM's time is taken with investigating this player.

You don't like being accused of cheating so much that you simply refuse to answer people who test you by saying hi to you ingame, but you seem to have no problem accusing other people, me in specific, of such things like:

Being on a "crusade'

"So, I'm not a supporter of your crusade..."

Or being dumb:

"It seems reasonable to assume that a smart person would understand my post before replying directly to it."
See? It's not very nice when you get accused of things.
The second point? Sure, you alluded that was a cheater, so I used your wording to allude that you were not-smart.
The first point? Look up the metaphoric definition of "crusade" and tell me I'm wrong.

Such a fuss when really all we are asking for is a simple hi here to save us and the GMs some work.

But sure, we can do it the hard way. As I said, doesn't really matter to me if you say hi to me or to a GM.
No, what you're asking for is validation of your morally superior little quest to weed out cheaters.
If, after acknowledging anyone who "tested" me in the past (not that I have any obligation at all to participate in such a test), I had received a single apology for the assumption that I was cheating, then I might a little less opposed to it.
As it stands, although I don't support cheaters, I find them generally less unpleasant than the players who hunt them down.


I'm going to go with "no" on that one.
It is your choice to bring the GM into it, therefore being the direct cause for the GM taking time to investigate the player you've paged on.
While the player you've paged on would have been the cause for you paging, the act of paging is a choice you have made, which is the deciding factor for whether the GM's time is taken with investigating this player.

See? It's not very nice when you get accused of things.
The second point? Sure, you alluded that was a cheater, so I used your wording to allude that you were not-smart.
The first point? Look up the metaphoric definition of "crusade" and tell me I'm wrong.

No, what you're asking for is validation of your morally superior little quest to weed out cheaters.
If, after acknowledging anyone who "tested" me in the past (not that I have any obligation at all to participate in such a test), I had received a single apology for the assumption that I was cheating, then I might a little less opposed to it.
As it stands, although I don't support cheaters, I find them generally less unpleasant than the players who hunt them down.
You know what hunters reminde me off? The inquisition, Crusade,Salem witch trials,The war in the middle east,War against iraq,war against drugs,The riaa copyright war, Race wars and countless others. I guess we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of history People got to stop flunking social studies!!!.

Remmeber Good intentions pave the road to Hell.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Campaign Benefactor
There should be a punishment for incorrectly turning people in for macroing. I was working inscription in my house. All the sudden I get message from GM... "how are the skill gains coming?" Ah....slow!?! "Ok then... have a great day and thanks for playing."

I mean seriously? Worry about yourselves.
Yes, please.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I myself will be happily solving the great mystery of whether or not you are attended ingame.

If I happen to step outta line by falsely accusing you of being a scripter then you know what to do!
Here is some one you should get to know very well, a role model if you will

Senator Joseph McCarthy

Joseph Raymond McCarthy (November 14, 1908 – May 2, 1957) was an American politician who served as a Republican U.S. Senator from the state of Wisconsin from 1947 until his death in 1957. Beginning in 1950, McCarthy became the most visible public face of a period in which Cold War tensions fueled fears of widespread Communist subversion.[1] He was noted for making claims that there were large numbers of Communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers inside the United States federal government and elsewhere. Ultimately, McCarthy's tactics and his inability to substantiate his claims led him to be censured by the United States Senate. The term "McCarthyism," coined in 1950 in reference to McCarthy's practices, was soon applied to similar anti-communist pursuits. Today the term is used more generally to describe demagogic, reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, as well as public attacks on the character or patriotism of political opponents.[2]

After several largely undistinguished years in the Senate, McCarthy rose suddenly to national fame in February 1950 when he asserted in a speech that he had a list of "members of the Communist Party and members of a spy ring" who were employed in the State Department.[4] McCarthy was never able to prove his sensational charge.

In succeeding years, McCarthy made additional accusations of Communist infiltration into the State Department, the administration of President Truman, Voice of America, and the United States Army. He also used charges of communism, communist sympathies, or disloyalty to attack a number of politicians and other individuals inside and outside of government. With the highly publicized Army–McCarthy hearings of 1954, McCarthy's support and popularity began to fade. On December 2, 1954, the Senate voted to censure Senator McCarthy by a vote of 67 to 22, making him one of the few senators ever to be disciplined in this fashion
I am confident that if you study up on him, you can vastly improve your witch hunt tactics. :pint:

Torin Galka

See this is the problem with UO and I think someone else stated it better in another thread.

People cry about *fill in the blank* in UO, here I will fill in the blank with the word 'cheaters".


People cry about cheaters in UO (well obviously the cheaters themselves do not!)

But if someone actually tries to do something about it then they cry even louder.

Guess it's just one of those Great Mysteries of Life in UO.

I myself will be happily solving the great mystery of whether or not you are attended ingame.

If I happen to step outta line by falsely accusing you of being a scripter then you know what to do!

Page on me for harassment yes?

I think the problem is while no body likes the cheaters, most people HATE tattle tales.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Real problems:

You got players who go around accusing anyone and everyone of cheating. It's these players who don't want to listen otherwise and page regardless. Much like this person described in the OP.

Sitting there training a skill and someone comes up to you. Don't want to say anything? Then don't! Worst case a GM comes and then you can say a simple one-liner to let them know you're there, problem solved.


If I DO NOT see your character take a 3 day vacation then I might monitor your char for a couple more days then pass you as a NONscripter, never to bother you again for the same reason.
In the real world this would be called stalking.:eyes:

And people wonder why I fill bods or do any other type of crafting while hidden in my house. I'm sorry, but I've been grown up for a very long time. I don't need a mommy figure monitoring my actions in game.

I'd also like to point out that the speech from GM's is red, and is nearly impossible to see, much less read, for color blind people. When I page a GM I have to pay extremely close attention to my screen or I'll miss their response completely.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I myself will be happily solving the great mystery of whether or not you are attended ingame.
Just on the off chance you happen to visit Catskills and run into me, I'd be happy to give you a list of my characters. Because you can be sure that if someone comes up to me and demands that I prove I'm attended to them, they are going right on the ignore list. Waste a GM's time if you want, but I don't answer to other players. I don't run scripts or macro unattended, and I don't need to prove that to anyone but a GM. The self appointed shard police can take a long walk off a short pier.

Prince Caspian

I think the problem is while no body likes the cheaters, most people HATE tattle tales.
True.... but I would probably page on someone who was obviously script mining day after day, or someone who is duping, because he is affecting the economy and the resources in my account.

For your own personal character generation? Macroing up some skill? Who cares. As the mohel said, it's no skin off my nose.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
See this is the problem with UO and I think someone else stated it better in another thread.

People cry about *fill in the blank* in UO, here I will fill in the blank with the word 'cheaters".


People cry about cheaters in UO (well obviously the cheaters themselves do not!)

But if someone actually tries to do something about it then they cry even louder.

Guess it's just one of those Great Mysteries of Life in UO.

I myself will be happily solving the great mystery of whether or not you are attended ingame.

If I happen to step outta line by falsely accusing you of being a scripter then you know what to do!

Page on me for harassment yes?

Take it from a lunatic, you need therapy.


In the real world this would be called stalking.:eyes:

And people wonder why I fill bods or do any other type of crafting while hidden in my house. I'm sorry, but I've been grown up for a very long time. I don't need a mommy figure monitoring my actions in game.

I'd also like to point out that the speech from GM's is red, and is nearly impossible to see, much less read, for color blind people. When I page a GM I have to pay extremely close attention to my screen or I'll miss their response completely.

"In the real world this would be called stalking."

How so?

Are only scripters allowed in Heartwood?

I mean, because I might accidentally see cheaters am I not allowed to go to Heartwood to raise tinkering or fletching or carpentry while doing Heartwood quests?

I'm not allowed to take my beggar in training to Heartwood to gain begging skill and nifty begged items such as begged lanterns that stay lit in npc vendor hands?

I'm not allowed to use Luna bank?

If I am skill-gaining in Heartwood while doing Heartwood quests and I see someone there for a week straight, who never veers off the same path or speaks out loud, then I will probably have a little fun testing them to see if they are present at keyboard.

I might attempt to speak to them or, if I am raising tinkering, craft up some candelabras and set up a maze, which an attended person can either find the path through, or yell at me for creating the maze and then start to move them. I will explain I'm trying to catch a cheater and then assist that attended person to pass.

I see the suspected afk char glide right over the candelabra maze as if it doesn't exist. I have heard of certain hacks in pvp that cut down trees, so I wasn't sure if there was a candelabra ignoring hack, so I attempted to glide over my candelabra maze the same way suspected scripter just had.

Wouldn't work, nor did it work for the other attended player in Heartwood that day.

I paged. I included the fact that I attempted to test whether or not the suspected scriptor was attended by creating a candelabra maze, but he walked right over it.

Suspected scriptor returned with fresh supplies, I think he made one more trip over the candelabra to fetch supplies, returned, but was later no where to be seen.

There was a lost beetle loaded with boards roaming about Heartwood however.

I did not see the guy in Heartwood OR Luna for the next 3 days, but on the 4th day there he was in Luna.

There I sat on his lost beetle that was named after his scripter char.

Which part of this exactly do you consider stalking?

"And people wonder why I fill bods or do any other type of crafting while hidden in my house."

"Would you like your character to remain hidden while you perform these actions?"

I know how certain "programs" work and about a year ago now I actually caught a female Pac crafter whose name appears on much pvp gear tailoring afk on junk accounts.

She was doing hidden tailoring in several different locations in the Fel boonies. I happened to be passing buy reading house signs looking for idocs. I know whose scriptor it was because she came by on her main crafter to pick up the script filled bods, I saw her.

I also caught her script operation in Del that was pulling in 2k smith and 2k tbods a week. She still sells the horned and barbed kit smalls she scripted up on her vendors, because although I paged on her 2 junk accounts and they were caught cheating enough times that all 12 of those characters disappeared, she didn't put her 7 year account at the same risk for obvious reasons.

So maybe you can understand why if I'm passing by a house and I hear hidden tailoring that's a sign that a script is in operation to me.

Just so you know.

I am curious as to whether or not you consider roaming the land reading house signs looking for idocs to be stalking as well?


Anybody remember the TV show Bewitched with the neighbor lady?

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I am skill-gaining in Heartwood while doing Heartwood quests and I see someone there for a week straight, who never veers off the same path or speaks out loud, then I will probably have a little fun testing them to see if they are present at keyboard.

I might attempt to speak to them or, if I am raising tinkering, craft up some candelabras and set up a maze, which an attended person can either find the path through, or yell at me for creating the maze and then start to move them. I will explain I'm trying to catch a cheater and then assist that attended person to pass.
Someone should page on you for laying a stupid maze. While you're on your holy quest to rid the world of scripters you're also creating a nuisance for everyone else. If I only have an hour to play and I have to spend 10 minutes clearing a path through your stupid maze so I can use my beggar in heartwood, you're negatively affecting my gameplay, and should be paged on for harrasment.

Vigalanties are just as bad as the people they're out to get.
Actaully, I'd say they're worse. No scripter has ever prevented me from enjoying my limited play time.


I'm sure cheaters HATE tattletales.

Here's the thing: If you see Player X in Heartwood with his blue beetle and 2 pack mules and say hi and he doesn't say anything, and you happen to be passing through Heartwood 6 hours later and he's still there and you say hi and he doesn't say anything, and he was there the day before and the day before, then no one's going to call you a tattletale for paging on him. Go to it.

If, on the other hand, you run up to a person who is performing a repetitive action, never having seen this person do said action before, say hi, to which that person does not respond, and then feel the need to page on him after a minute's observation just because he didn't say hi, and if you have a tendency to do likewise to everyone you meet, well, then you might just be a tattletale. UO is a game of repetitive actions and all MMOs are "social" games of antisocial people (UO folks tend to be better than some, but still). There are going to be people who are working skills or farming doodads who just don't feel like saying hi. Don't take it personally, and unless they're making it hard for you to do your own thing, or are *obviously* and patently abusing some sort of automation, I wouldn't worry about paging.

Of course, if you really just like paging on people, knock yourself out. Just don't be surprised when you aren't greeted as a liberator.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Oh no, I lost a couple seconds of skill gaining time by saying "hi."
Anyone who is serious about gaming trains in isolation. I'm all for helping people out, but not when I have to train. No one says hi and leaves, they always want something. Never a matter of seconds :p, especially with SA since so many people know absolutely nothing about the expansion.


"In the real world this would be called stalking."

How so?
You said yourself that you would "follow" a "suspect" around for several days. That is stalking. It's also called physical harassment. If I catch you following me around I'll page on your ass and watch you get a 3 day ban.

Are only scripters allowed in Heartwood?

I mean, because I might accidentally see cheaters am I not allowed to go to Heartwood to raise tinkering or fletching or carpentry while doing Heartwood quests?

I'm not allowed to take my beggar in training to Heartwood to gain begging skill and nifty begged items such as begged lanterns that stay lit in npc vendor hands?

I'm not allowed to use Luna bank?
This entire section is nothing but nonsense, and has nothing to do with anything I said.

If I am skill-gaining in Heartwood while doing Heartwood quests and I see someone there for a week straight, who never veers off the same path or speaks out loud, then I will probably have a little fun testing them to see if they are present at keyboard.

I might attempt to speak to them or, if I am raising tinkering, craft up some candelabras and set up a maze, which an attended person can either find the path through, or yell at me for creating the maze and then start to move them. I will explain I'm trying to catch a cheater and then assist that attended person to pass.
So you harass innocent players while on your holy crusade. Yeah, that's got to be good for the community and the game as a whole.

Which part of this exactly do you consider stalking?
I've already answered this. Did you need to ask the same question twice?

"And people wonder why I fill bods or do any other type of crafting while hidden in my house."

"Would you like your character to remain hidden while you perform these actions?"

I know how certain "programs" work and about a year ago now I actually caught a female Pac crafter whose name appears on much pvp gear tailoring afk on junk accounts.

She was doing hidden tailoring in several different locations in the Fel boonies. I happened to be passing buy reading house signs looking for idocs. I know whose scriptor it was because she came by on her main crafter to pick up the script filled bods, I saw her.

I also caught her script operation in Del that was pulling in 2k smith and 2k tbods a week. She still sells the horned and barbed kit smalls she scripted up on her vendors, because although I paged on her 2 junk accounts and they were caught cheating enough times that all 12 of those characters disappeared, she didn't put her 7 year account at the same risk for obvious reasons.
I don't really care who you did or didn't "catch". The point is that you also harass honest players while on this self appointed crusade. But then you don't care about them. You just want to get your daily dose of "Holier Than Thou".

So maybe you can understand why if I'm passing by a house and I hear hidden tailoring that's a sign that a script is in operation to me.
Pass by my house this weekend. You'll hear me filling smith bods while hidden. That doesn't mean a "script operation" is going on. All it means is that I'm hidden while filling bods. Nothing more, nothing less. If you must know, it's an old habit taught to me when I first started playing, dating back to when people could kill you while in your house. Of course just because I'm hidden I must be scripting though, right? I won't answer you if you say "hi" either. I'm hidden for a reason.

I am curious as to whether or not you consider roaming the land reading house signs looking for idocs to be stalking as well?
Now this is a really stupid question.

I'd like to know who appointed you sheriff of this holy crusade? Wasting GM time harassing honest players because they don't feel you have any right to police them or anyone else. It seems to me you're on a witch hunt, and it doesn't matter if any innocents get burned along the way as long as you get your rocks off by maybe catching a possible scripter, and no, you don't have any way to determine if someone was banned by a GM. It's not hard to not see someone for several days. Your assumptions notwithstanding.

Personally, I think you need a new hobby. You're just as bad for the game as the scripters are. Maybe worse since you're actively harassing honest players, not to mention making accusations against people that you know nothing about. Shoot first, ask questions later isn't a very good mantra to go by.

And just to make this clear again, I don't care who you thought you caught or shut down or got banned, the fact remains that more innocents get caught in your crossfire than you catch scripters.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't get what the big deal is. This person likes to spend their gametime finding people who cheat, who cares. If you aren't cheating feel free to say hi or whatever and keep doing what you're doing. It's not some kind of personal affront, they are doing this to everyone equally apparently.

I mean...saying if someone is following you you're getting "stalked" in game and comparing this person to joe macarthy? Really? Is it really that big of a deal, it's a freaking online game. If someone is annoying you guess what? You can recall away or put them on ignore.

You guys forget that this is a game with other people, you get all wrapped up in what you should be able to do during your playtime. Maybe stop worrying so much about the one time a year someone will come up to you and test you to see if you are a bot and instead try to be accommodating to people like this who hate it when people cheat. It takes 1 second to say hi and 5 more seconds to say "i can't im busy" if the person wants something besides testing to see if you're present. OH THE HORROR! YOUR PRECIOUS SIX SECONDS!!! PRECIOUSSSSS!!!



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I mean...saying if someone is following you you're getting "stalked" in game and comparing this person to joe macarthy? Really? Is it really that big of a deal, it's a freaking online game.
Come now Sarmsi, if it is just a freaking online game to YOU, then why did you even bother posting about it.

I may have read your reply wrong but there seemed to be some level/degree of vested emotions being expressed by you about a freaking online game. :pint:

You do not like the Joe Mccarthy analogy? *Shrug* I suppose you would not given that you would cater to "You will respond to me or I will persecute you for being an AFK Scripter", you really don't think the analogy was appropriate? I mean the guy clearly knows for a fact that you have downloaded a script program, n number of undisclosed scripts for the purpose of performing the nasty unattended scripting. You really think the analogy was in appropriate? Or did you manage to miss that part of his, Just being a conscientious Shard Cop, Judge and Jury.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
You guys forget that this is a game with other people, you get all wrapped up in what you should be able to do during your playtime. Maybe stop worrying so much about the one time a year someone will come up to you and test you to see if you are a bot and instead try to be accommodating to people like this who hate it when people cheat. It takes 1 second to say hi and 5 more seconds to say "i can't im busy" if the person wants something besides testing to see if you're present. OH THE HORROR! YOUR PRECIOUS SIX SECONDS!!! PRECIOUSSSSS!!!
But if they don't want to say anything...well...they wont, they don't have to. As a player you have no authority to make them answer and it doesn't always necessarily mean they are afk macroers if they don't.

I agree it doesn't take much effort for them to simply say "hi" but if they don't want to saying anything they don't have to.

Ultimately if you still want to call a GM then the player will say their one-liner to them.


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Everyone has to be a UO policeman...instead of getting a life and minding their own business.
That doesn't work, sadly we are the UO Police. The GM's don't have time to randomly patrol around looking for scripters, there is not enough of them, and they are covering 3 games. Don't you folks realize that our GM Staff also covers DaOC and Warhammer? There is no way possible for the cheats and butt-monkeys that feel they should be allowed to do what ever they want at the expense of making the game harder for everyone else, to be caught unless honest players page on them.

So complain about Scripting, Speedhacks, ect all you want, but don't go complaining about people paging because they actually want to see things improved. If they make a mistake, then take it with a grain of salt and look at it as someone's trying to help the issues plaguing UO and let it slide. Otherwise you are helping nothing.


That doesn't work, sadly we are the UO Police. The GM's don't have time to randomly patrol around looking for scripters, there is not enough of them, and they are covering 3 games. Don't you folks realize that our GM Staff also covers DaOC and Warhammer? There is no way possible for the cheats and butt-monkeys that feel they should be allowed to do what ever they want at the expense of making the game harder for everyone else, to be caught unless honest players page on them.

So complain about Scripting, Speedhacks, ect all you want, but don't go complaining about people paging because they actually want to see things improved. If they make a mistake, then take it with a grain of salt and look at it as someone's trying to help the issues plaguing UO and let it slide. Otherwise you are helping nothing.
I just don't condone griefers-harrasers that believe there above the moral code. Think how many people being paged on and hunted these couple of weeks by script hunters like him and yet no script program works. When proven wrong they don't care they think there right and continue to say you are unattended or some other crap while you clearly talking back to them. They never apologize-they never admit there wrong. In there eyes you are guilty untill proven innocent and even then you are still guilty cause they are judge and jury and uses either them selves as enforcers or the gms as puppets for them.
I hate grifers and grifters are usually holy than thou script hunters under the mask of a holy crusade.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I mean...saying if someone is following you you're getting "stalked" in game and comparing this person to joe macarthy? Really? Is it really that big of a deal, it's a freaking online game.
Come now Sarmsi, if it is just a freaking online game to YOU, then why did you even bother posting about it.

I may have read your reply wrong but there seemed to be some level/degree of vested emotions being expressed by you about a freaking online game. :pint:

You do not like the Joe Mccarthy analogy? *Shrug* I suppose you would not given that you would cater to "You will respond to me or I will persecute you for being an AFK Scripter", you really don't think the analogy was appropriate? I mean the guy clearly knows for a fact that you have downloaded a script program, n number of undisclosed scripts for the purpose of performing the nasty unattended scripting. You really think the analogy was in appropriate? Or did you manage to miss that part of his, Just being a conscientious Shard Cop, Judge and Jury.
It's quite a different thing from having emotions about something and using the wrong terminology to describe it. I find the sort of over-exaggeration that goes on to be ridiculous. Oh you think a mod is bad, well call them hitler! etc.

People in this thread seem to prefer escalating problems than finding simple solutions. If someone is really interrupting your gameplay by breaking the rules then page on them. If they're saying hi to see if you're a scripter, just say hi back. Or they'll page a GM, waste that GMs time and the time of the people waiting in line for a GM, etc. But nooo, it's my divine gaming right to not have to talk to anyone, so I'll just make things more difficult rather than make the simpler. *rolls eyes*


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just don't condone griefers-harrasers that believe there above the moral code....
Nuts to the moral code (no offense) it is the absolute certainty that they have the absolute knowledge that you are guilty as charged.

It is akin to the saying, "Kill em all, let God sort em out". :pint:


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You guys forget that this is a game with other people, you get all wrapped up in what you should be able to do during your playtime. Maybe stop worrying so much about the one time a year someone will come up to you and test you to see if you are a bot and instead try to be accommodating to people like this who hate it when people cheat. It takes 1 second to say hi and 5 more seconds to say "i can't im busy" if the person wants something besides testing to see if you're present. OH THE HORROR! YOUR PRECIOUS SIX SECONDS!!! PRECIOUSSSSS!!!
But if they don't want to say anything...well...they wont, they don't have to. As a player you have no authority to make them answer and it doesn't always necessarily mean they are afk macroers if they don't.

I agree it doesn't take much effort for them to simply say "hi" but if they don't want to saying anything they don't have to.

Ultimately if you still want to call a GM then the player will say their one-liner to them.
You're right. And we are often well within our rights to act or be a certain way, but for the ease of everyone around us we bend a little and that makes things go more smoothly. Why make a GM appear and waste resources if you don't have to?

Oh say the roofers came and they left a couple shingles in the backyard. Are you going to phone them and make them come out themselves or pick them up yourself? I'm a pick them up kind of person. Most of the people in this thread seem to be "call them back" kind of people. They don't want to bend to make things easier for other people, maybe because they get their little feelers hurt that a total stranger thinks they are a scripter. Maybe because they are bored crafting and this is a novel new interaction. Maybe because they like to think about the ensuing drama. Whatever, there is no good reason except "It's my right to", which is no reason whatsoever, really.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
..... But nooo, it's my divine gaming right to not have to talk to anyone, so I'll just make things more difficult rather than make the simpler. *rolls eyes*
But but but It is my divine right to not talk to anyone. It is proven by the ignore option.

So show me the option that gives someone the ability to force their communication on someone else ....

Look it is all rhetorical, I get were your coming from. I disagree with the tired old cliche of "It is just a game". A cliche that indicates that it is more than just a game to the person saying it is just a game. Else why did they even bother.

I was just poking you in the ribs, having a little verbal sparing, Peace, be safe and have fun. :pint:

Rand Althor

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That really sucks. What a churl.

I had something similar happen to me when I was mining by my house. An IDOC was getting ready to fall near where I was mining. Every time I would recall into the area, a couple of the IDOCers would place objects where I'd recall. I kept having to run back and move the items so I could recall.

Even after speaking with them - explaining that I was simply mining, not interfering with their IDOC - they accused me of scripting. They paged on me. A GM, via chat, asked me if I was unattended. I responded that I was not. End of story...almost.

I was really annoyed that they'd paged on me, after I'd spoken with them. I went to the Delucia, Luna, and Moonglow mage shops and purchased 50 runes. I marked these 50 runes around their IDOC and deposited said runes in every major city and gate. I also supplied gates to the IDOC from the Luna bank. Eventually, I think the entire Atlantic shard was stationed outside their IDOC.

I know I'm an evil person...and now you all know it, too. Don't page on folks unless they are actually deserving. Remember, the person you're paging might be spiteful, malicious me. :thumbup1:
haha... I love that... they're probably the same people who complain that GM's take too long to respond.. they don't see the irony on paging on people who aren't unattended macroing..


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
You're right. And we are often well within our rights to act or be a certain way, but for the ease of everyone around us we bend a little and that makes things go more smoothly. Why make a GM appear and waste resources if you don't have to?

Oh say the roofers came and they left a couple shingles in the backyard. Are you going to phone them and make them come out themselves or pick them up yourself? I'm a pick them up kind of person. Most of the people in this thread seem to be "call them back" kind of people. They don't want to bend to make things easier for other people, maybe because they get their little feelers hurt that a total stranger thinks they are a scripter. Maybe because they are bored crafting and this is a novel new interaction. Maybe because they like to think about the ensuing drama. Whatever, there is no good reason except "It's my right to", which is no reason whatsoever, really.
Oooor maybe it has nothing to do about their rights or drama, maybe they just don't want to say anything. lol
Everyone has those days when they just don't feel like talking.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
..... But nooo, it's my divine gaming right to not have to talk to anyone, so I'll just make things more difficult rather than make the simpler. *rolls eyes*
But but but It is my divine right to not talk to anyone. It is proven by the ignore option.

So show me the option that gives someone the ability to force their communication on someone else ....

Look it is all rhetorical, I get were your coming from. I disagree with the tired old cliche of "It is just a game". A cliche that indicates that it is more than just a game to the person saying it is just a game. Else why did they even bother.

I was just poking you in the ribs, having a little verbal sparing, Peace, be safe and have fun. :pint:
I say it's just a game to highlight that we can always turn off the computer. It's not some big real life issue. You can always walk away from it and to compare it to real life issues (for example those hearings that ruined people's lives) is quite a stretch.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Oooor maybe it has nothing to do about their rights or drama, maybe they just don't want to say anything. lol
Everyone has those days when they just don't feel like talking.
Right, it's really hard to type two letters and hit enter. I can see how that would be extremely trying.

Torin Galka

I'm sure cheaters HATE tattletales.


Page all you want. I am not saying you shouldn't. You will catch some cheaters.

I am saying comming on the boards and pounding your chest like a 12 year old is just bragging your a tattle tale. My 6 year old son could tell you that.


You said yourself that you would "follow" a "suspect" around for several days. That is stalking. It's also called physical harassment. If I catch you following me around I'll page on your ass and watch you get a 3 day ban.

This entire section is nothing but nonsense, and has nothing to do with anything I said.

So you harass innocent players while on your holy crusade. Yeah, that's got to be good for the community and the game as a whole.

I've already answered this. Did you need to ask the same question twice?

I don't really care who you did or didn't "catch". The point is that you also harass honest players while on this self appointed crusade. But then you don't care about them. You just want to get your daily dose of "Holier Than Thou".

Pass by my house this weekend. You'll hear me filling smith bods while hidden. That doesn't mean a "script operation" is going on. All it means is that I'm hidden while filling bods. Nothing more, nothing less. If you must know, it's an old habit taught to me when I first started playing, dating back to when people could kill you while in your house. Of course just because I'm hidden I must be scripting though, right? I won't answer you if you say "hi" either. I'm hidden for a reason.

Now this is a really stupid question.

I'd like to know who appointed you sheriff of this holy crusade? Wasting GM time harassing honest players because they don't feel you have any right to police them or anyone else. It seems to me you're on a witch hunt, and it doesn't matter if any innocents get burned along the way as long as you get your rocks off by maybe catching a possible scripter, and no, you don't have any way to determine if someone was banned by a GM. It's not hard to not see someone for several days. Your assumptions notwithstanding.

Personally, I think you need a new hobby. You're just as bad for the game as the scripters are. Maybe worse since you're actively harassing honest players, not to mention making accusations against people that you know nothing about. Shoot first, ask questions later isn't a very good mantra to go by.

And just to make this clear again, I don't care who you thought you caught or shut down or got banned, the fact remains that more innocents get caught in your crossfire than you catch scripters.


"Wasting GM time harassing honest players..."

Sorry the way I tell if your 'honest' or not is to test you by saying 'hi' and expecting you to respond,

or by creating a candelabra maze to see if you are attended and can either find your way through or move the item blocking your path,

or in some cases, where I have no way to test you, such as those who tailor WHILE HIDDEN in safe areas, which makes no sense tbh and since I know that script programs ask if you'd like to have your char hidden while performing actions, then I will most likely simply page and the let the GM sort it out.

I'd certainly be interested in learning how to tell if a player is 'honest' though.

Perhaps honest players have halos but my computer can not see them because it needs a better video card?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Right, it's really hard to type two letters and hit enter. I can see how that would be extremely trying.
And as I already said, I agree it isn't much work.
But the fact is some people JUST DON'T WANT to respond. lmao


Page all you want. I am not saying you shouldn't. You will catch some cheaters.

I am saying comming on the boards and pounding your chest like a 12 year old is just bragging your a tattle tale. My 6 year old son could tell you that.

I don't feel I am bragging.

I say: I page on suspected cheaters.

I say: I try to test first, however, before I bother a GM.

Other people say:

I don't have to respond to your tests, nanny nanny boo boo. (I'm sure your 6 year old son knows what that means).

If I mention cheaters that I have caught in then past, it is to demonstrate how many cheaters are in UO, how I test them, results after paging, and how I either know afterwards that they are cheaters or NOT cheaters.

In the end, I have to right to suspect you of being a cheater IF you exhibit signs of cheating, AND EA gives me the right to page on you.

EA does not require that I 'test' suspected cheaters before I page on them, that is a COURTESY that I extend to players AND GMs AND the game of UO AND to myself as well (its not fun watching the 'you are 6th in the queue messages onscreen sometimes for hours').

YOU have the right to call me a 'tattletale' or any other name you like but maybe your 6 year old son might be able to teach you that it's not nice to call people names?



And as I already said, I agree it isn't much work.
But the fact is some people JUST DON'T WANT to respond. lmao

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it's probably a duck?

Little story.

I am really sick with a bad cold, but, I am playing UO.

Casting EVS at swoop, back when people camped swoop.

Sick, so I would cast 2 evs then close my eyes until I thought it was about time to recast them.

I open my eyes at one point theres a dead guy standing beside me.

I say come over here, meaning off swoop hill, so I could rez him.

He says my name, then says: How are you? or something along those lines.

Instead of saying "OMG I'm so sick I should be in bed and NOT playing UO!"

I just said "sleepy" why?

Took me a couple seconds to realize it was a GM. I was not afk so no harm no foul.

The point of this story is that I must have appeared to be afk to the other players at swoop that day, and I understand that I was at fault for them thinking that.

I made myself look like a cheater.

That is what you do when you refuse to say Hi to someone who is testing you before they page on you for suspicious activities.

You make yourself look guilty.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

You ended up talking to a GM then. Those not wanting to respond will end up talking to a GM instead of the player. Whats the problem there? lol