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[Buying] WTB Basic Imbuing mats for training.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I am trying to get my Imbuing up, but i lost whatever mats i had in an idoc.

I need basic Imbuing mats for training only ( Not to make Money out of ) , and wonder if anyone has alot of extra mats and small gems to sell me for a cheap price. Will repay the favour once im trained with free suits :)

Please dig Deep to see if you have any to sell and get back to me with the price, Thank you!
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Max Blackoak

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
why don't you just go out there and farm up stuff to unravel? it's not like you have to be able to kill anything high end. start by killing ratmen or lizardmen. collect their hides and make leather caps from them, then unravel those which should easily get you to around 40 imbuing, maybe 50 even (don't remember 100%). then go kill more low level monsters to get their lesser and minor magic items to unravel which will take you all the way to 70. put anything you can't unravel yet in a box and unravel when at the appropriate level. keep major magic items and above for when you hit 90+ skill and go all the way to 120 that way.

I remember when you first started training imbuing I kept filling your mailbox with low level stuff to unravel. Until I realized that you didn't even unravel them and eventually let your house fall. So far I have seen you return twice. Why should anyone want to help you out when first of all you can easily do it by yourself and second you have a history of asking for help and then end up leaving? "Please dig deep" ...pfff yeah right!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
why don't you just go out there and farm up stuff to unravel? it's not like you have to be able to kill anything high end. start by killing ratmen or lizardmen. collect their hides and make leather caps from them, then unravel those which should easily get you to around 40 imbuing, maybe 50 even (don't remember 100%). then go kill more low level monsters to get their lesser and minor magic items to unravel which will take you all the way to 70. put anything you can't unravel yet in a box and unravel when at the appropriate level. keep major magic items and above for when you hit 90+ skill and go all the way to 120 that way.

I remember when you first started training imbuing I kept filling your mailbox with low level stuff to unravel. Until I realized that you didn't even unravel them and eventually let your house fall. So far I have seen you return twice. Why should anyone want to help you out when first of all you can easily do it by yourself and second you have a history of asking for help and then end up leaving? "Please dig deep" ...pfff yeah right!
Valid comments, Except im asking to buy, not have anything for free.

There are a ton of reasons why someone would rather buy something than to farm/Craft something themselves, usually the time required - No?

I greatly appreciate the help you gave me, and you got me to high 70's in the skill - So i am very greatful. If you feel i abused your kindness to help, then say so - The attitude i can do without. The reasons for dissappearing can be many, dont assume it was on purpose.

Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
Setting aside past issues, Max has given good advice for anyone training imbuing. The only action necessary to get imbuing to 120 is unraveling items, unless something changes since I did it. Like he suggested, just drop lot in a box, as your skill increases so will your unravel ability.

Max Blackoak

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't notice the "sell me for a cheap price" part in your post and was asuming you were asking for handouts.