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Wrath, Love, and Redemption

  • Thread starter Morgana LeFay (PoV)
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  • Watchers 0

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I knew that I had to end things with her...because I could not continue to deceive my friends. I was supposed to be this virtuous leader...the Glorious Lady Morgana LeFay. Instead, I was a liar, and a hypocrite.

So I began to avoid her. I stopped meeting her, and I stuck to travelling with the guild. We had begun recruiting new members, as we were having some problems with the AoD. I never cared much about the AoD back in those days, they were more annoying to me than anything else...but I knew that Clean and Evets were developing a strong dislike for them.

I was in Trinsic one day, and I overheard three men arguing...and I looked over, and I saw three members of the AoD standing there, shouting at one another. I was curious, so I made my way over there...but kept my distance. This one warrior was being essentially dismissed from the AoD...I never really heard them say why, but I later would figure it out.

He was still yelling at them as they walked away, and he took his sash and threw it to the ground. I walked up to him, and said "Hey!"

He turned around, and looked me up and down...and said "What do you want?"

"Just wanted to see if there was anything I could do...it seems that your guildmates were not exactly fair to you" I said.

"*******s!" he yelled back over his shoulder at them.

And a friendship was forged.

His name was Sexecutioner, and he became a member of the PoV that day. I never told the rest of the guild that he was former AoD...I figured that was a part of his past, and it was for him to reveal if he so decided.

I don't think he ever told anyone about that day. He was always the kind of man that put up a very aggressive front, but in private, he was a sweet and kind man...that knew he was not very well liked. He was very embarrassed about being thrown out of AoD...and he sort of covered that fact up by exhibiting an outward hatred for them the like of which I never saw. And I think he really did hate them.

I could understand.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Concerning Dalamar:

Evets had met Dalamar while hunting elementals in the dungeon Shame. They had been killing Fire Elementals, and Evets had saved Dalamar's life with a last minute heal (sometimes, I really thought Evets liked to see just how close he could time his heals to his target's death...it was like a game or something to him).

After some hours of hunting, Dalamar had asked Evets about our guild, and Evets told him that we were recruiting. Dalamar brought with him Lord Byron...a man that would do much to shape the direction and principles of our guild.

Many that know me, think that since my father was the former Warden of Skara, and that my sister Abigail is a Holy Avenger, that I was the one that chose our pseudo-righteous path, and came up with many of the ideals that we held so tightly to, but for me to claim that...would be a lie.

It was Lord Byron, a very wise and virtuous man, that guided our principles. In many ways, I would have preferred that he had been the Guildmaster...I think he would have done a better job.

Dalamar would have preferred that Dalamar was the Guildmaster...and that was something that Lord Byron had cautioned me be about early on. I never fully understood Dalamar, I still don't. He joined our guild, but from the very first day...he did everything he could to try and get himself expelled from it. Except when we faced a foe in battle...and then he was a tenacious ally.

Dalamar tried on more than one occassion to wrestle control of the guild from me. The first such incident was during the first guild meeting.

We had arranged our guild room carefully, with the guild council seated across the front of the room. There were 5 thrones, the one in the middle being the largest. I had argued that they should all be equal, but at the last minute Bill Blas had decided that the other configuration looked better...and changed them out. No matter, we had discussed it, and the Guildmistress was supposed to preside over the meeting from the center seat. The other members of the Council were to sit in the chairs on either side. The non-council guild members where seated in chairs that faced the council with an isle that went down the middle.

It literally took hours to set that up...and I really didn't want to have to do it again.

The room was only about half full, and as I recall, the member seating sat 32, with standing room (later wooden benches) all along the back wall to increase our seating to 50 plus the council.

There were times, few of them, that the every seat was full.

Anyway, the call was given to take seats by Lord Byron, an the guild took their chairs...and then the council. Dalamar plopped down in in the center seat...I just looked at him, expecting to move. He told me to just sit on the end. A small disagreement broke out, right there in front of the rest of the guild...and I was really not happy about him challenging me like that in front of the Protectors.

Later, he and I would discuss this as he spent almost 2 hours putting my chairs back in order after he rearranged them in some kind of childish outburst after the meeting.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

The first time that found myself outside of Sosaria was a very interesting story.

As Mr Clean related in his tale, the Zog Cabal was attempting to gain access to the scroll of Armageddon. The PoV, like many guilds in the land, had voluteered to assist the Royal Guards wherever we could.

We had taken up a position around the trunk that contained the scroll. Kendrexil, a tamer like myself, had brought 3 great dragons. And the rest of guild, including Sexecutioner, Byron, Dalamar, Abigail, Evets, Xabolix, Silverthorne, Clean, Bill Blas, along with several new members...watched the trunk round the clock. We took it in shifts.

The Cabal would attack, and they would be driven back. This went on, and on...until one day, Sexecutioner, Kendrexil, Xabolix, and I were guarding the trunk...and a god appeared. We were all taken to strange place. A dungeon, or jail of sorts. He told us that we had broken some ancient law, and that we had interfered with the plans of the gods, and that we would be banished from the land. We were stunned. We had done nothing except what had been asked of us by the King himself!

We tried to explain, but before we could...we were banished. I didn't even have time to send word to Clean or Evets or anyone.

We entered the Void.

The Void is much like the Abyss, in that it is a place of infinity. It stretches on forever, and is infinitly cold. In the Void, your spirit is frozen...and you drift. It is not painful per se, but it is an existance of nothingness. You are left to ponder...endlessly, and most that have gone to the Void, never return...or they return and are insane.

I have no idea how long I was in the Void. In the Void you know nothing...yet you exist...so time has no meaning.

I was eventually pulled from the Void by the gods...and was allowed to return to Sosaria. At first, I did not want to go, but I could not remain in the Void, so I wandered the plane in between the Void and Sosaria...Limbo.

In Limbo, you are free to dream, and free to speak with others that find themselves there. And I did wander the plane...until a day came that I met Lord British himself. In Limbo, he seems more like a regular man than he does in Sosaria. He was still a handsom man, and he seemed shocked to meet a Sosarian in the Void. I asked him if he remembered me, and he said that my name was familiar, but that he did not know me. I decided not to remind him about my father and my sister...this would have probably only complicated things for the PoV, considering the things we had been accused of. So I changed the subject to the future of Sosaria...and I asked him where the world was going.

And he told me that a Great Renaissance, an Age of Enlightment, was to come...and that the citizens of Sosaria would finally have a haven from the murderers and thieves that had invaded our fair land.

I took from this that Sosaria would find balance.

Had I known what would really transpire...I would have remained in Limbo.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

When I returned to Sosaria, things had changed.

Kendrexil and Xabolix never returned from the Void...or perhaps they remained in Limbo. Sexecutioner returned, but would eventually depart from Sosaria. Evets became so angry with the gods and the King over what happened that he too would depart Sosaria.

And Lord Byron came to me, and told me that he could no longer serve the King, and that he could no longer serve the gods...and so, he departed as well.

When one departs Sosaria, it is different than when one is banished, or does what I did...and commits suicide. When one departs Sosaria, they simply decide not to be resurrected...or in some very rare cases, they cannot be resurrected. In my tale, and that of Mr. Clean...we make it sound like these souls would end up in the Abyss...but that is not necessarily the case.

A spirit that enters the Spirit World, the Ethereal Plane...is bound to Sosaria by their spiritual energy. If that spirit is not resurrected after a time, or if there is not enough remaining spiritual energy...then the spirit is taken by the Collector of Souls. The Collector does not judge. The Collector brings the spirit into the afterlife, where the spirit dies, and only the soul remains. This is what is known as permanent death...for a soul cannot be resurrected unless it is released from the afterlife.

Once the spirit dies, the soul is judged...and is either sent into what is called Heaven, or Eternal Bliss...or it is sent to the vile Abyss.

I would like to think that the souls of Sexecutioner, Byron, Evets, Kendrexil, Xabolix, Silverthorne, and Gwendamere found their way to Heaven...and I hope they did not witness my selfish and destructive behavior that would come.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

With Evets gone, and the guild greatly reduced...we had to begin recruiting once more. The Guild Tower was a quiet place in those days. Abigail would come around...she was done with her education in Britain, and she had joined the PoV full time. She was a very effective archer, and an equally skilled bard. She was proving to be quite the young woman.

Her long red hair was striking, and she had started to draw the attention of several suiters. Abigail was going through a time of her life when she was exploring what it meant to be an adult, and she was around less and less...and she was usually seeing some young gentleman. I was getting a little concerned for her, because she had taken to drinking, and staying out all night.

In our lands, that behavior was not terribly safe...but I knew that she could take care of herself.

Clean was doing well, he had gone through a bout of depression when Evets left, but he had rebounded, and ... at least I thought so at the time ... he had developed a romance with a girl named Erika. She was around his house a lot back then, and would visit with Clean and Anasazi. Clean had invited her to join our guild...and I was hesitant at first. She turned out to be a great friend, and a fine addition to our guild, but I was not terribly thrilled with the amount of time that she was spending with Clean. I guess you could say I was jealous...and so I stopped going to the beach house very often. Somewhere inside me, I wanted to go over there and throw myself at Clean, and shoot that little blonde tart through the heart with my bow...but I wasn't sure how he felt about me. I knew that we were close, but I had been close with many people in our Guild. Evets and I were as close as two friends could be, and even though I had a little school girl crush on him, I knew that he didn't feel that way at all. He was a confirmed bachelor for life, a partier. I was close with Lord Byron, but more in a mentor sort of way. I was close with Bill Blas, but let's just say...I was not Bill's type ;) I was close with Sir Robin, but he was like my older brother. And of course, Sexecutioner and I were friends...but PLEASE!

The only real romance I had ever known was Moon. And I guess I should have talked to Clean before I sought her out, but I was all alone in the tower that day, and it was rainy...and I was depressed. So I set out to Trinsic, to find MoonlightMyst.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

It didn't take much to find her...she was riding with Burr when I saw them. I followed along behind them, keeping out of sight. They arrived at Burr's house, and he bade her farewell, and she turned and started walking back toward me.

I knew it was not a good idea to startle her, unless I wanted to go and find a healer...so I just rode out on to the path and let her see me.

At first, she just stopped in her tracks...and stared at me. I gave her a smile, and she just lowered he eyes and walked toward me. She reached me, but kept on walking by. I rode next to her, and said..."Hey you.."

"Hey." she said, in an icy tone.

"What's wrong?" I asked. And she stopped.

"So you avoid me for months, even when we pass one another in town, and you expect me to just be happy to see you?"

I tried to explain that Abigail had found us out, and that I just needed to lay low for a while.

"And you couldn't bother to let me in on that?" was her response.

She was right. I felt awful. I apologized. And, I suppose, I did the same thing I do when I tame an animal...I coaxed her, and I soothed her, and I finally got the smile I was looking for. She climbed up onto Rayder behind me, and we rode off to Serpent's Hold.

Travelling with Moon was like travelling with a target on your back, but at the same time, an unbreakable shield.

The murderers of the land would not dare attack the Dread Lady, and they all wanted the head of the Glorious Lady...mine! The opposite was true, the virtuous Guilds, like the Syndicate, would have loved to have brought the infamous MoonlightMyst to justice, and they respected me enough to allow us to pass. So we pretty much could go wherever we needed to go.

The only exception to that was AoD. They, for some reason, had no respect for MoonlightMyst...and they hated me with a passion...I think it had something to do with the Conscript War. Or it could have been one of the dozens and dozens of times that we killed them only to give thier possessions to new citizens, or freshly resurrected victims.

Either way, Moon and I had rekindled our romance, and we saw one another as often as we could.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I had just returned from a trip on my boat with Moon, and decided to pull into Clean's beach house. I was feeling better about things between him and I. If I was seeing Moon, and he was seeing Erika, we were both happy...I needed to let that go, and be the friend to him that I should have been. As I approached the coast, I pull out my spy glass...and scanned the scene.

There was clean, sitting out on the beach behind his house with no shirt, and wearing just some short pants. He had a line in the water, and Anasazi was there...he was unpacking something...and Erika was there, as well as this other woman I had never seen before.

Erika was what men referred to as a knock out. Long blonde hair, full red lips, curvy, but still slender...and she knew how to dress. Being that she was not a warrior, but rather a fletcher, she did not wear armor, so she was free to wear things that were more revealing. I looked at her through the glass, and looked down at my own body, all clad with clunky armor, and dirty from pushing the boat back into the water where I had dropped Moon off...and I just decided to turn the tiller and keep going.

The other woman would turn out to be the Lady Jade...a fierce warrior, a great friend, and one of the most remarkable ArchProtectors our guild would ever know. I would meet here the next day at the guild meeting.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

The Guild was more or less returning to its former strength.

We had met a man named Anasazi Valotte, and he would become a great ArchProtector as well. He was often quiet about matters that were terribly important, but he was a joy to be around. No matter how down I was, he could always find a way to pull me out of it. He always had a certain charisma about him, that would put anyone at ease.

He would go on to be a great friend, and one of the most important members our guild would ever know.

I mentioned the Lady Jade earlier...but I have to expand upon that.

At that time, I had begun to allow my archery skills to wane. I had discovered that magic was more effective, or so I thought, but I would never forget the skills my father had shown me.

Jade was a true master of the art of bow fighting. I have never seen an archer with more prowess than her. My sister Abigail might disagree, but I think that Jade had a battle sense that Abi had never developed. Jade was not only skilled, but wise. She was straight forward, and to the point...and if things were not going the way she thought that they should go, she would let me know it!

I was glad to have her in the Guild, not just because of her friendship, but also because of the cohesion she brought to things.

When she joined, she brought with her man named Sheol.

Sheol was one of the most talented mages I have ever encountered. He had a vast library of ancient tomes, and studied the Mystic Arts constantly. Many mages, such as myself, were more battlefield mages. We learned what we needed, and used our magic to fight our foes...but Sheol was different. He truly explored the Mystic Arts...and had an understanding of the Universe that none of the rest of us did.

If it had not been for Sheol, I imagine that Mr Clean would never have been able to do what he did for me.

I owe my very existance in Sosaria to these people...and I would do anything for them.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I was meeting Moon that day at the Crossroads. It was late in the day, and it was cold outside. Unusually cold for a late autumn day I thought. I got to the crossroads, and no one was there, so...per the plan...I cast invisibility on myself.

I waited there for a few minutes, and I saw a couple of horses approaching. I figured it was highwaymen, or someone patrolling the area. I stayed still, and waited. They approached.

I was just about to reveal myself once I recognized them, when I overheard them talking.

It was Clean and Erika.

And she said to him "...so where are we going to have wedding? I love the spot outside Britain that a lot of people use, it is beautiful!"

"Not as beautiful as you" he said, and they road toward Britain.

I don't know why, but I suddenly couldn't breathe. I just sat there on Rayder...had I just heard that? Clean was marrying Erika?!

About that time, Moon got there, and I revealed myself.

She immediately picked up on the fact that something was wrong and said "What is it babe? You look like you just saw a ghost".

I told her "No...I'm fine...I just...realized I was wrong about something".

"Oh? Anything I should know about?" she replied.

"No, I am okay. Let's ride" I said.

And so we rode off together, but my heart was not in it that night. In fact, I could barely keep from crying all evening. And the next morning, when I got home to the Guild Tower...there was much going on.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Anasazi and Sheol were in the main entrance hall, with books spread all over. As I entered...they greeted me.

"Morg! Come and look at this!" Anasazi said.

"Guys, not now...okay?" I was choking back the tears as it was, and I was exhausted.

"Morgana, this is very important...and you we need your attention on this" Sheol said.

About that time, Jade arrived...and said "What is going on out there? I was just in Yew and the place is going insane. Everyone is leaving".

"Leaving?" I said, my mind begining to come around..."Leaving for where?"

Sheol spoke "Morgana, you told me once that you met Lord British, and that he mentioned a New Age that was coming...right?"

"I do remember that, yes." I said.

"Well, I was speaking to a member of the Mages Council in Britain...and they were telling me of something that they were working on...take a look at this" he said, and he showed me some scrolls.

They explained that the Great Shards that our world existed in could be "viewed" from different facets. To illustrate, Sheol took a crystal fragment out of his robe and held it up. "You see, as I rotate the crystal, the formations in the center take on different appearances. This is essentially what we have discovered about our world...and the mages have discovered a way to reach these other facets, using Moonstones!"

"Great. I am going to get some sleep..." I responded.

"No, Morgana, you don't understand...this ties in with an ancient prophecy. The New Age that Lord British told you about, it has been referred to before! Look, here..."

And I read the pages that Sheol had given me.

And as I read...I realized what was about to happen.

It was the end of our world.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Clean came in...and I wanted to cry so badly, but this was not the time.

Some of the younger guild members had arrived at the tower, and they were full of questions.

Anaszi just calmed them down, and told them to ride quickly, and gather the guild, that we needed to meet as quickly as possible.

I told him..."Good thinking. We need to send someone into either Britain or Moonglow, and confirm all this."

Sheol agreed to go, and Clean insisted on accompanying him.

I really wanted to talk to Clean, and I remember telling him so, but he said that he was not sure it was safe out there, and that we would talk later...that he wanted to talk to me as well.

I knew what that meant.

As they left, Erika arrived at the Tower...I just went upstairs, to my bed room, and fell fast asleep.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Jade woke me, and gave me one of her pieces of advice..."It's time for the guild meeting. You have to stop burning the candle at both ends."

Did she know about me and Moon? Had Abigail blabbed?

I didn't have time to worry about it. Clean was marrying Erika, the world was coming apart, and I felt like I was going to die. So I got up, and threw on my armor...and went downstairs, to the second floor...most everyone was already there, and Clean was in the hall. He took one look at me and asked if I was okay. I told him that I was not okay, but we needed to get through that meeting.

Anasazi called the guild to order, and we despensed with the role and minutes.

I told everyone that we had a major announcement, and turned the meeting over to Sheol.

Sheol explained everything to the others. And I just sat, and listened, I watched Clean, and looked at Erika, and she looked upset...they all did. I knew the world was coming to an end...and that we were going to have to leave our Guild Hall, and everything we had built, behind.

I knew that Clean and Erika would not be married in that spot near Britain.

I knew that when we left, that they would eventually find a new spot though.

I knew that Moon would not be able to follow me where we were going.

And I knew that all of the people that had homes here, shops, castles, guild halls, and even small towns...would eventually have to leave them behind as well, because I knew what this world was going to become.

Sheol was done speaking, and I stood up to address the guild. I was going to tell them that we were going to orderly gather our things, and prepare to leave that world behind, but as I stood there...looking out across the guild, I could see the faces of Sexecutioner, Evets, Byron, Dalamar, and all of the other former Protectors of Valor...and I suddenly couldn't speak. I looked around the room, and every brick, every crack, every little spot on the walls...were suddenly reminders. This was my home...this was our world.

And everything was gone.

I did not want the guild to see me break down and cry as it all came rushing to the surface...so I just left the room. I originally intented to go downstairs, and out the front door, but by the time I hit the door, I was already in tears, and without thinking I was going up stairs...and I just kept going, until I was on the roof of the tower, were the conjuring circle was. I looked up at the sky, and it was begining to rain...and the wind was howling. I fell to my knees, and just stared up at the sky.

How could they do it? How could this have been what Lord British had promised us?

The PoV had spent so many years making that world a better place, and suddenly, it was about to be destroyed...left in darkness.

But more than that, my heart was broken. I had lost Clean, and now I had to choose between my guild, who were like my family, and Moon. How could I choose one and not the other? I was torn...

...and I was angry.

I started screaming at the gods.

And then Clean came up the stairs...

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

He tried to get me to come inside, but by that time...it was all coming out...all of it, and I didn't want to go back in and let the others see me like that, and I didn't want Clean to see me like that. I just needed time to think.

The next thing I know, Abigail had persuaded me to come inside, and we were headed down the stairs, and I heard Moon's voice.

She had come to me. At least I still had her.

And as we embraced, those left in the guild gathered around. They seemed shocked. I don't know if it was Moon, or if it was the events that were transpiring...but they were looking at me as if I was some sort of monster.

Suddenly, Clean came in, and said that we had leave...so I opened a gate to Nujel'm...it was our safety rune. Nujel'm was completely under the protection of the Guards. One by one, they stepped into the gate, and aleady I could hear them trying to break down the doors to the Tower. Clean was half way in the gate, and Erika had just stepped through. I could see her on the other side, waiting for him...so I kissed him goodbye, and turned away.

The gate closed, and Moon and I just held one another as they broke into the tower.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

The AoD slayed us quickly. This was not a kindness I would be shown later.

We stood and watched, from the ethereal plane, as they ransacked the Tower...they took everything they could carry, and the killed Rayder.

The one thing that I did right that evening was to walk over to Rayder's corpse, and I shared with him a small amount of my spirit. Like I said before, there was special bond between Rayder and I, I knew that once I was resurrected, I would want to find a way to resurrect him as well.

And then we walked to the closest moongate...we headed to Trinsic.

At that time, no one was really sure what would await in the other facet, or if those that had gone there would ever be able to come back. I knew that there was a way to get there using Moonstones. I wanted to get resurrected, and I wanted to see if I could persuade MoonlightMyst to come with me.

We were resurrected, and Moon grabbed me in her arms, and looked deep into my eyes...and told me she loved me. And that she wanted to be with me always. She told me that she wanted to come with me to the new facet, and to become a part of my Guild. That she wanted to build a new life together.

I believed her.

I told her that I wanted to go back to our Tower. I was pretty sure I knew a way to resurrect Rayder. She agreed. We went to the bank in Trinsic, and it was chaos. The looters had taken everything, and the guards had lost all control.

We split up, we needed supplies and some clothes. I told Moon to find some reagents, and I went to get the rune to our tower I kept hidden in Trinsic, near Trinsic Arms, just in case something like this happened.

We both recalled on the rune, and we arrived at the tower.

AoD was gone, and no one was around. We entered the Guild Tower...

The place was a mess. I knew that AoD had taken pretty much everything, but had some supplies hidden in the Tower. Armor, weapons, reagents...etc.

I ran up the stairs to retrive the pack. I moved the loose stone at the base the 2nd stair case...and it was still there.

I came down the stairs, and I felt my heart sink. Vader, Burr, and two other men I did not know were standing there...and Moon was dead.

I tried to run back up the stairs, but one of them shot me with a crossbow bolt in the back of my left leg. I felt to my knees, and then they threw a rope around me...and dragged me back down the stairs.

What happened next was something I would really rather not talk about...but they beat me, they cut me with daggers, and they ****d me...repeatedly. I had no reagents, no weapons, and was completely alone...there was nothing I could do.

Eventually, one of them knocked me unconcious.

I woke to find Moon dragging me out of the burning remains of our Guild Tower. She helped me to my feet, and covered me with a cloak. We recalled to Trinsic. She cast a healing spell on me, and put her arms around me. She told me that she was sorry, that Vader had discovered that she was leaving him for me, and that we needed to get out of Trinsic.

She asked me if there was anywhere safe that we could go. She seemed genuinely frightened. I thought of the beach house. We ran to my little hidding spot in Trinsic, and there was a rune to Clean's house, and a spare key.

I dropped the rune, and we recalled there.

I ran to the door first, with the key, and I felt something sting me in the stomach, and then something wet...

...I had been stabbed.

I turned, and looked at Moon holding the sword. And she just smiled at me, and twisted the blade.

And I felt myself slip into the ethereal world.

And I watched as she opened a gate, and Vader, Burr, and the other two step out. They were all laughing...and Moon was doing some kind of little wiggle dance. They actually spoke to me using Spirit Speak, and told me to go find a healer, and that when I came back...we could do it all again. And then they set fire to Clean's house.

Now, the beach house was gone as well.

I took my time, and walked back to Trinsic. I didn't have anywhere to go.

I got resurrected, and I just sort of wandered the streets. The only thing I could find was a broken, rusty, kryss. I picked it up, and I carried it with me back to the beach.

When I arrived, I saw that Clean's house was destroyed...and so was Anasazi's.

I wandered up the beach a bit in a daze...and I knew it was all over.

I thought back to the time that I was outside Sosaria...in the Void. That seemed like a welcome release at the time...to feel nothing. I wanted nothing more than to feel nothing.

So I knelt, and I thrust the kryss into my stomach...and I died watching the sea.

Of course, as usual...I slipped into the ethereal plane. I had never waited for permanent death before...so I didn't know how long it would take. So I decided to walk to the cabin that I grew up in, and wait there.

I was on my way to the Skara forest, when I saw Moon talking to Lice on the road. I figured that she was gloating, and I didn't want hear it, but the expression on Lice's face was one I had never seen from her before...genuine shock, so I walked closer...and then I heard it.

MoonlightMyst was bragging to Lice that Burr and Vader had tricked me into thinking that Clean was marrying Erika using the incognito spell.

I felt a wave of relief and joy I cannot describe...I ran, as fast as I could...to find a wandering healer.

But I discovered something...those that commit suicide, with the true wish to die...cannot be resurrected.

And I saw a terrible black gate open before me.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I would discover that there was a great difference between the Void, and the Abyss.

I think Clean's description of the Abyss was adequate. But I was not as lucky as he was. They never took my eyes...and they never removed my tounge. Now, on the suface, that might sound like a blessing...but during my time there, I witnessed more horrors than my mind would be able to deal with.

In the Abyss, a minute is a day, a day is a week, a week is a month...and yet, just like in the Void, a week is a second. A month is day. Time looses all meaning. So I have no idea how long I was actually there. Sheol and Clean have some formula that is supposed to measure the time in Sosaria time as to that of time in the Abyss based on Clean's time there...but I do not think it is correct. Time bends, it speeds up, and slows down...and sometimes, it goes backward in the Abyss. The concept of time as we understand it, simply does not apply.

Sheol has taken a great interest in this subject...but I would rather not think about it.

The pain and torture I endured in the Abyss was my existance for that time. The only thought, outside of the horror and pain, that I had...was that of complete and utter loss. But I think the thing that made it the worst, was that I truly did never give up hope. I knew that someday, I would be released...I would be saved...and I knew it would be the PoV that would come for me.

And when I saw Clean on the raft that day in Doom...I knew that I was right, and that my faith was placed correctly...for once in my life.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

After I was rescued from the Abyss...I spent a great deal of time lost within myself. I could not get beyond the horrors of the Abyss.

But one day, Anasazi came to me, where I was sitting alone, and told me that Clean was going to return himself to the Abyss...and that I was the only one that could save him.

And with that, nothing else mattered in this world to me. I went to him, and I stopped him from going back to the Abyss.

We had to go through hell together, only to have to go through hell apart...there was no way we were going to be apart again. Ever.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I would like to thank Mr Clean for bringing all of these old memories back!!

And I would like to thank each of you for reading all of this. I hope that its lessons are not lost on you, and I hope that you do not make the same mistakes that I made.

I hope to see you all in Sosaria, because even though much has changed...this is still OUR WORLD!!!


stranger diamond
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Not that its my intention to step in between you two, but I was whom inspired you two to come forward it seems.

I now remember very clearly, thanks to you both many of the events that took place in those days.

Interfered with the plans of the gods ? Haha let me laugh... what is most funny is that I didn't need any scroll to cast the abominous spell on our shard. Anyways I even doubt any mage in our realm had the knowledge necessary to cast it... not any necromancer of the FoA, not Dalamar and certainly not Vader !


I was there, I can confirm that all that is said here is also true, I have seen the horrible treason with my own eyes, helped with the ring of invisibility I have also seen the lie they put up with incognito, I hope you can both forgive me for standing by, but at that point my perspective was broadned by the events and I felt like some alien that could not interfere.

As to why I did observe you amonst all, its because I felt it would be the only time that some of my favorite spells would be used in a meaningful way ; I admit my equal pleasure in seeing your companions perseverance as to the using of incognito. It was all so intense I could relate, because I had been living like this since before the world was even born.

You did leave out many details you said you would come back to, like what would happen to the ring you talked about... There is still a grand mystery about all this for me, I hope you have read my thread because it should make some things much clearer to you !

I sure hope you will be there as I venture there starting today, I also have the joyous power to marry anyone for an eternity, which is quite a longtime... no it is not actually, eternally... but since all things must eventually come to an end, I guess that would be when ! :hahaha:

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Ah...you ask about the ring.

Believe me, I did what I could to present as many of the details of those long gone days here, but I will be more than happy to answer any of the questions anyone has...as well as I can.

The ring was a gift, handed down through many generations. It was a beautiful band of gold, ladden with several small gems. The craftmanship was like something not of the age. Not of any age really. It was said that it was forged by an ancient race, that no longer dwelt within Sosaria. Today, we know that race to be the race of Elves. But when the ring came to me, I had no knowledge of the Elves...beyond legends.

The ring first came into my father's line as a wedding gift for my great great great grandmother, presented to her on the day of her wedding by the Duke of Ashbury (a provence long since forgotten that had risen between Yew and Skara...that would later be consumed by a swamp). It was said that the ring was given to his bride on the day of his coronation by her mother, whom it had been given to by her mother, and so on and so on, as far back as anyone could remember.

The Duke's wife had passed away, and he was left childless. My ancestor was his cousin...and he had always thought of her as a daughter.

My father presenting to my mother, with the two of them not even engaged was a scandalous deed that would alienate him from his father for a time...but after the wedding, all was forgiven.

As for the whereabouts of the ring today...I could only guess that it fell into the hands of one of the AoD, or perhaps it was stolen by one of Vader's clan. I lost everything that night, including the clothes I was wearing...so of course I have none of the keepsakes, trinkets, or treasures, such as my family's ring, today.

Please, if there are any parts of the story that I did not cover well, feel free to ask...I will do my best to provide answers!


stranger diamond
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I remember the day Sexecutioner left the "guild"... he was so frustrated. AoD was always a pretty much disorganised guild, they were acting mostly like kids exept those who were gms that I befriended.

When I came in very early into the guild we had maybe 10 members tops, and I came into the house and they told me , here we trust you. I checked around and asked : Is that really a pile of 56k regs of each ?

They said yes, and told me about the bugs...

I didn't quite understand what it meant when they said at first ; OSI knows of those bugs but they can't fix them, so we aint going to stand around and be abused by those players who don't care and will kick our ass because of it. So AoD began to abuse the same bugs in order to remain able to defend themselves, because beleive it or not, AoD had always had a virtuous background deep withing its structure.

We never made allies, we were challenged everyday by wannabe pk guilds since everyone knew it was us that had all the riches, eventually the whole concept would become corrupt, and I would leave when I saw them bother your guild like they would a thousand strong LLTS.

And I still found it amazing, how much you guys killed us easily to this day, I always suspected Dalamar and your other friends that "disapeared" also used bugs.

It would later turn out that those bugs were not bugs per se... they were tears in the fabric of sosaria left intentionally which hosted the darkest magic, a kind of connection to our "white" outwardly bound sacrificial nature (not to confuse with the virtue) through space and time. I learned to study it and I would later master it so well that not even the gods would challenge me.

And now look how they have protected themselves from my scrutiny, a free trial that requires one to create karma in subscribing to a credit card. Maybe some people can afford to create karma for themselves with the usury of those companies, but I certainly cannot, and it certainly looks like I have knocked a foul homerun if they would permit me to use their expression.

Now I would like to know if you were present during the beta, and if you really were separated from your sister physically in the release or if it was part of your permadeath times experience. The timeline is what matters here, any clue as to what Lord Brittish and Blackthorne planned during those times is of great importance if we are ever to releive humanity of this blatant mystery !

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

**** Out of Character Post Here***

No member of PoV, at least that I was ever aware of, exploited any bugs of any kind.

The reason we (Sexi, Kendrexil, Xabolix, and I) were banned for a short time was not because we were duping or anything of that sort...but because Sexicutioner was not the kind of person that could keep his freakin' mouth shut, and provoked the GM into banning us...when in truth, he had only come there to tell us to leave so that they could get the event underway on Atlantic.

So it was not that we were cheaters, or anything of that sort.

We just had an obnoxious loud-mouth in the guild that got us in trouble.


Yes, I was present in the beta, and the events that surrounded the Death of Lord British are exactly as I described them. Any story you here about that event that claims otherwise is false. It was quick, and the lag was horrible when they unleashed the demons.

As for Abigail (the person that actually played her character), she was not in the beta...and joined Atlantic on the 1st day of the shard's existance.

***Resumes in character posting***

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

***One more out of character post...for clarity***

The story of Morgana LeFay meeting Lord British in "Limbo" is a true story as well.

It was during the T2A launch, just after the "casting of Armageddon", and I was fresh back off the ban.

I was working for a video game retailer at the time, who shall remain nameless, and I was sent to a convention. When I arrived, I saw on the vendor display map that Origin/EA had a booth...so I naturally had to see that. On the list of scheduled speakers was Richard Garriott, aka...Lord British.

Needless to say, I had to meet him. So I went right up to him, and introduced myself as Morgana LeFay, of Atlantic...and the Protectors of Virtue, and I gave him my best curtsey!

He was amused, and thought it was cute (am I sure he thought I was going to turn out to be some raging psycho stalker type). He asked if I was playing UO, and I told him of course...since the beta, and I told him that I was there when he was killed. He found that funny, and I asked him if he had heard of me, or my guild. He told me that the name was familiar (well, duh...King Aurthur legend and all that)...that that he didnt know us. I told him about being banned for no reason, and he was actually pretty cool about it. He gave me an Ultima Online hint book, the original one with the UO symbol on the front, and he autographed it for me. I will see what I can do about scanning it in and posting it here once I am out of the office for the day and back at home.

He also gave me a free month of UO ;)

It's good to know the King!

***okay, done with that***


stranger diamond
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**** Out of Character Post Here***

No member of PoV, at least that I was ever aware of, exploited any bugs of any kind.

The reason we (Sexi, Kendrexil, Xabolix, and I) were banned for a short time was not because we were duping or anything of that sort...but because Sexicutioner was not the kind of person that could keep his freakin' mouth shut, and provoked the GM into banning us...when in truth, he had only come there to tell us to leave so that they could get the event underway on Atlantic.

So it was not that we were cheaters, or anything of that sort.

We just had an obnoxious loud-mouth in the guild that got us in trouble.

Of course as you were aware, people don't get banned because some stranger shouted his disagreement to a completely meaningful aberration.

Gods come in and tell you to move your ass because they want to get the event on ? That sounds completely wrong to me, anti-virtuous and I would have stood up against it had I seen it.

And your friends would have ICQed you or SOMETHING to tell you what happened, don't you think this was a bit eerie ?

I'm puzzled by your use of the word obnoxious... did you read my thread ? Your friend was not obnoxious...


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I too have met our King. Many years ago at Dragon*Con. I was working on panels and had the chance to spend sometime chatting with him. It one of those moments that I'll always remember.

Out of all the people I've met in the gaming industry (and I've met more than my fair share) he is one of the nicest, most down to earth people I've had the pleasure of meeting.

Not only that, he has a rather good sense of humor.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Of course as you were aware, people don't get banned because some stranger shouted his disagreement to a completely meaningful aberration.

Gods come in and tell you to move your ass because they want to get the event on ? That sounds completely wrong to me, anti-virtuous and I would have stood up against it had I seen it.

And your friends would have ICQed you or SOMETHING to tell you what happened, don't you think this was a bit eerie ?

I'm puzzled by your use of the word obnoxious... did you read my thread ? Your friend was not obnoxious...

***More out of character posting***

Sexecutioner was indeed obnoxious. I know him in real life, and he is equally infuriating in person, and he knows it! In fact, he thrives on it!

Of course they contacted me and let me know they were quitting. Evets was a good friend IRL, and he told me in person. The only one I didn't hear from was Dalamar...but he left the guild after he had the fight with Clean and I never heard from, nor saw him again.

The circumstances surrounding our ban was certainly due to Sexecutioner having some choice words for the GM in question. He would later apologize to me.

Kendrexil and Xabolix were playing from Sweden. I did not know them in real life, and I did not hear from them, but Sexecutioner did...and they both quit because of the ban and did not come back.

I didn't even come back right away. I was not going to come back, but I met Lord British, and he gave me a free month, and was so excited about meeting him, that I had to come back. I stayed in the game until my account was hacked...at that time, I left for about 2 years.

***End of Out of Character Posting?***


stranger diamond
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Don't worry, when our mystery will be unmystified, the moderators will be sure to filter out those stories and preserve them in an integral way.

What I am challenging here is not your perception of events, or even you or your group ; it's how you have been completely and utterly abandoned.

You are saying you had the most important mission of all times trusted to your group ; you took 24 hour shifts to guard the armageddon scroll, and a Gm just comes by to tell you you did all this for nothing, and that the gods had planned it.

I mean they could have sent one of their Seer boosted FoA's and gave you a good fight, force you to retreat but leaving you some good loot to enjoy. But no , they come by and tell you it's over...

Obnoxious character or not, I would have been infuriated as well !

And you still didn't answer my question about your sister... ?

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

And you still didn't answer my question about your sister... ?
I did answer it.

Abigail (the person that was/is playing the character Abigail LeFay) was not in the game for the beta, but joined on day 1 of the Atlantic shard.


stranger diamond
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I am a very good reader, and my memory is phenomenal. I have probably memorised more books than you know exist !

My question if you recall was, did you get separated by Lord British before or after release ? I'm having trouble discerning the timeline and this is a very important clue.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

It was before Lord British was killed.

If that helps you to understand the timeline.

***Out of character hint***

Abigail LeFay was one of my characters in the beta test. If you remember, there was a character purge in the beta at one point. When that happened, I did not recreate Abigail (she was seperated from me). And when the game launched, someone else, a friend IRL, took the Abigail character (Lord British was done with her).

You may have memorized many books, but you are not really very good at picking up on allegory! :D

(Just kidding with you!)

Many points of my story are based an allegorical representations of actual events.

It would be interesting to see how many of those you can figure out on your own...

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Not that its my intention to step in between you two, but I was whom inspired you two to come forward it seems.
And thank you! For I know that Mr Clean began his thread as a result of your "Old Timers" thread.

It just goes to show you...there are more of us "Old Timers" left out there than people realize...and we have not forgotten the glory that was Ultima Online.

Now you need to find a way to pull yourself up by your boot straps...and find a way out of the 'Abyss' yourself!!!

Or do you need someone to sacrifice their soul to retrive you as well?


stranger diamond
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Stratics Legend
Now you need to find a way to pull yourself up by your boot straps...and find a way out of the 'Abyss' yourself!!!

Or do you need someone to sacrifice their soul to retrive you as well?
Oh you're welcome ! Indeed I was asking the time because I wasn't sure about allegories, alas I am french in the soul and sometimes I'm slow to catch...

If you were to take me in character I would say that there is no way I can pull myself up anymore, since I have made it into the abyss's sky, just like the dark queen forever torturing my memories, just like the magical sister of Arthur's laugh echoing in my mind, just like the glimpse of Luthien freezing my soul.

No soul can redeem me since I am soul. But my magic is gone, and I am no hero to celebrate, your care warms my heart and you sure made me laugh !

Maybe you know maybe you do not, but Morgana LeFay actually is La Fée which means the faerie, and her story has often been mistaken with Morgause whom is the mother of Mordred. Morgana was a savant, not a witch, well which is witch now thats another question ! Not only in Sosaria the manipulation has extended, but also in the realm of dreams, where the stories which are dear to our heart have been somewhat twisted to fit archetypal macros.

Now you are right about my giddyness, but I cannot join you all. I'm stucked in no uo account land ! :sad4:

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

That's just it...none of us ever were "heroes".

We may have thought we were, but the real heroes were the Sosarians that lived their lives, and remained in our lands...and did not give themselves over to the Abyss, or even to Heaven, because our world needs them...and our world needs you, even if you know it not.

I will add a sprig of ivy to the Unity Arch for you...something never done for anyone outside the PoV, save one. And we shall watch for your return...for that would be a glorious day.

The gods are nothing to fear, for their power has waned.

And you may simply retire your soul if you choose, and perhaps this time, a better fate than the Great Abyss will await you...

...but that is something you have to choose for yourself.


stranger diamond
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Stratics Legend
Indeed it shall be a great day for unity and also fun , since for the first time in a long while we have a true mystery on our hands with in-game clues to find !

I look forward to remember, because I must face it, I might have memorised many books but I don't remember most of my time in sosaria still. I think if I was a normal being I would have pretty much forgotten and moved on. But the love, the curses and the sickness due to mercury poisoning in some of the experimentations I have preformed ; has turned me into a little bit of an autistic mind. Happily since I have been a god myself, I cannot fall in narcissic loops about my own fate, it had been written and now that the tobril is no more, we can look forward to more dynamic endeavors.

I have so many things to share that for me are very self-evident right now, but might seem rather puzzling with perspective... and the ground is laid to share those insights that apply equally to Sosaria and the earth realm.

So yes once again the gods have taken my magical powers from me, but they left me with an even greater power, the power to make the people see what unites them in truth, what makes us dream. I have all those answers now that the ourouboros has eaten its tail in digital space ; but I will not dwell in symbolism and that is why I look forward to explore Sosaria once again with the PoV. This time we will have community, action, dream and friendship !

The times of global time reckoning have begun !

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

And yet, there is more to my story...

...for as I stand beneath the Unity Arch, I seek Redemption.

My wrath had served me, and my love had cursed me...and then saved me...but there is yet an untold chapter that I shall tell, when it is complete.

I stand here, beneath the remnant of our glorious past, and I think back to days long ago. My soul cries out for peace, but my mind is full of strife. I cannot allow it to end this way!

Today, I embark on a journey. I seek the redemption of the Protectors. I seek the redemption of myself...and I seek the redemption of Clean.

I go forth into this land...

The Glorious Lady shall rise once more...and I shall cast off this curse of Dread!

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

It would seem that my spirit seeks redemption in many ways.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Foul Treason!!!

They appoint a new "king"??!!

Lord British promised the throne to my sister, Abigail LeFay, daughter of Greyson LeFay...the Warden of Skara!

This shall not stand!!

Citizens of Sosaria, I call to you...do not align yourself with this usurper!! He is not the true king! He is not even of the bloodline!

The time has come.

I know what must be done.

Casca must die.


Morgana, no offense is intended with this question but was anyone else present when this so called "promise" was made that your sister, Abigail, would sit upon the throne?

Whats more this promise was made by a "king" who simply "sold" his kingdom and disappeared. A King in my eyes is a title reserved for one who is a leader, one to be both feared and respected.

Morgana LeFay you seem to be unable to accept the fact that Lord British long ago left the Citizens of Sosaria to basically rot and die on the vine. Lord British a KING? I think not.

Your "true king" tainted his own bloodline and deserves to live in shame.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Your "true king" tainted his own bloodline and deserves to live in shame.
I was never made aware of the circumstances around our Lord's departure. Unfortunately, at that time, I was a prisoner in the Great Abyss, and suffering untold horrors.

But I do know this, my sister Abigail was taken from me when our father died by Lord British, at the promise that she would one day succeed him. He made public speeches to this effect. Then, when he had gained all the political mileage he could from her, he sent her away.

I ask you, as a fellow Sosarian...is this fair? Is this just?

Abigail should ascend the throne...not this usurper!


stranger diamond
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The holographic potentials your mother passed over to you and your sister were much more important than the bloodline of your father.

Lord British has not sold his kingdom, if you guys would have actually read me you would know he did not have any choice to leave, or he would have been killed as above so below.

See how easy it is to forget me ?

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

The holographic potentials your mother passed over to you and your sister were much more important than the bloodline of your father.

I now wonder the significance of the Elven ring I lost that was handed down through my family for so long. Our father was only of local nobility, so in retrospect, it does seem odd that the King would make so much of Abigail. And then to send her away the way he did. That never sat well with me. I never bought Abi's explanation of that. If he had been in danger, mortal danger, perhaps his true intent was to make certain that she survived.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

if you guys would have actually read me you would know he did not have any choice to leave, or he would have been killed as above so below.

See how easy it is to forget me ?
A riddle. Intriguing.

What is in a name?

I wonder...


stranger diamond
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Stratics Legend
It is a highly complex subject, even to the grandmaster.

Indeed I would be inclined to think that he sent her away to keep her safe, you can be certain that Magnus has casted his most powerful guardians upon her as well, because the cabal desperately wanted to sacrifice her, as they suceeded with you unwittingly. They realised too late that potentials split between offsprings, getting just you was not enough for their goals, it eventually turned back against them as your emotional coherence grew stronger.

If only I could recall well... but so far noone has been willing to explore those holographic records with me, I am simply not healthy enough to do it on my own.

I do not want anything to do with "Dragons" however, they have been extremely deceptive and misleading since the last turning of the tides. I will also distrust anyone who introduces them to me. The only exeption is Cear Dallben (the proclaimed dragon), but only if he tags along with Nick (the conscious avatar) and they swear the oath of the Wyin Idjee Mitkcx (the infinite wisp) at once ; for I have been subconsciously living those days. I will also only aprehend the Atlantic shard as it is the root and the only shard to hold significance.

The ring obviously contained magical information about the line of your mother, those very ancient magical rings leave shadows in the biology of those who have worn it for a long enough, I can easily acess the information in that way. You have worn it, have you ?

There is the name of the body, the name of the star and the name of the soul. The name of the body holds meaning in childhood, the name of the star holds meaning in adolescence, and the name of the soul holds meaning to the adult.

That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet !
That which we call a star, by any other name would not shine as meaningfully !
That which we call a soul, by any other name would not be !

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually I think it counts as thread necromancy.

I'll have to take it on trust that the link is relevant. All I get is:
This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
Sorry about that.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)


Okay...one more try...

...and I promise, this is not to bring back an old thread. Well, it is, but just to tie up loose ends...and to give some perspective into why I did all of this.

I hope that you, and the other mods, will respect me...and my father...and my past, enough to let things stand as they are.

I know that I have offended many regarding a Classic Shard, but believe me, this has NOTHING to do with that.'

YouTube - Tori Amos - Winter

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hope that you, and the other mods, will respect me...and my father...and my past, enough to let things stand as they are.
Morgana, if I hadn't been prepared to do this, I would not have posted that I would take it on trust that the link was relevant even though I couldn't see it. The new link works :)

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Thank you Petra.

Not many understand how much a part of my life UO was. And even fewer understand how much of my life my father was...and even fewer understand how I feel about both.

Thank you for not deleting/locking this thread, as it is indeed dedicated to my father.


stranger diamond
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Unfortunately I am one of the few mentally and spiritually equipped to aprehend your soulfulness.

I do not think you are a vain woman Morgana, what you will find on the event horizon is....

*please insert 25 cents to continue playing*