...because UO's community is soooo great nowadays. 5+ years ago I would have staunchly defended the UO playerbase. Now however, I would get banned if I vented my true feelings about the majority who call Sosaria home.
[/ QUOTE ]
I offer two points here:
1) You must deal with people completely different from those I deal with. Most I've met have been friendly, and if not friendly, appropriately silent and keep to themselves. Even these very forums, for all it's flaws and conflict, is still far and above better than what I've seen in some other online communities. At least for me. But this could be because...
2) You deal with more people than I do. Granted, I'm not a socialite - I'm not out there every day gladhanding everyone I see. I keep to myself, seek company or help when needed or wanted, and I've been fairly happy with what I've found. Also, granted, most of the time I'm in Trammel, so maybe Siege or PvP attitudes differ. I can't really say. But it's almost a virtual guarantee of statistics that the more people you meet, the more likely you are to encounter varying jackoff personalities.
It's unfortunate that your experiences have been so negative. I can only hope they improve for you.
...because UO's community is soooo great nowadays. 5+ years ago I would have staunchly defended the UO playerbase. Now however, I would get banned if I vented my true feelings about the majority who call Sosaria home.
[/ QUOTE ]
I offer two points here:
1) You must deal with people completely different from those I deal with. Most I've met have been friendly, and if not friendly, appropriately silent and keep to themselves. Even these very forums, for all it's flaws and conflict, is still far and above better than what I've seen in some other online communities. At least for me. But this could be because...
2) You deal with more people than I do. Granted, I'm not a socialite - I'm not out there every day gladhanding everyone I see. I keep to myself, seek company or help when needed or wanted, and I've been fairly happy with what I've found. Also, granted, most of the time I'm in Trammel, so maybe Siege or PvP attitudes differ. I can't really say. But it's almost a virtual guarantee of statistics that the more people you meet, the more likely you are to encounter varying jackoff personalities.
It's unfortunate that your experiences have been so negative. I can only hope they improve for you.