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Lore Master
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If there was an option in the housing menu that allowed automatic access to guild/alliance members?


Mixed feeling on this.

On the one hand, it makes it easy for the GM to setup a guild house.

On the other hand, it makes it easy for a guild infiltrator to get into such a house and loot.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mixed feeling on this.

On the one hand, it makes it easy for the GM to setup a guild house.

On the other hand, it makes it easy for a guild infiltrator to get into such a house and loot.

It would be just access into the house not secures that would have to be set the normal way.

I just thought about it when i was talking to someone about them havein to redo their access list due to someone they kicked from guild. I thought it would help keep from havin to change access from a house once a player is kicked or leaves a guild and happens right away not when the home owner logs on and sorts it.

Witch brings up lol: Should guild access secures be based on rank? Ronin, Members, Emins, WL, GM each lvl above has access to the secures below rank?


There is that point.

On secure access, to me the ideal would be to allow any guild member to set access on their stuff to guild access. I don't care for the current system of GM only being able to set it:sad4:

Not sure there is any need to granulate the guild access beyond just an all or nothing approach. GM and related high end guild people should be few and far between so setting them on a friend list isn't too painful :D

Green Meanie

only if it was a new lowest level of access so they couldnt get in any secure not not set to this New low level of access


Site Support
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I'd be more interested in seeing an alliance access setting...


Lore Keeper
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Yes, if you could set your containers to Guild Emmy Access, so that only your Emmys could get into certain containers like weapon/armor stashes to help suit up other members.

And make it so that Ronins can only come into the house, not open anything. That way you can wait until you trust and know someone before promoting them to Member, and therefore give them access to some containers... like a stepping stone process based on rank and trust placed in the member.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, if you could set your containers to Guild Emmy Access, so that only your Emmys could get into certain containers like weapon/armor stashes to help suit up other members.

And make it so that Ronins can only come into the house, not open anything. That way you can wait until you trust and know someone before promoting them to Member, and therefore give them access to some containers... like a stepping stone process based on rank and trust placed in the member.
This idea is not about secures, Its about just allowing Access into a house from the house menu like a little tab that you check "allow guildmates and alliance members access inside" They would not be able to open containers unless they are CO owners, Friends, or if the secure was set to guildmembers, Note: Ronins do not have access to guild chests only members up.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I'd like to see a bunch of changes to the housing menu.... Including this one.... because I belong in an alliance I'd really like to have them granted access...

Though this is silly in my opinion since well..... all my homes are public anyway.

Though at the Jail house it would be much better to allow access on the doors to alliance members and some to just guild only... infact I'd prefer officer only... Warlord or Emissary.