Mixed feeling on this.
On the one hand, it makes it easy for the GM to setup a guild house.
On the other hand, it makes it easy for a guild infiltrator to get into such a house and loot.
This idea is not about secures, Its about just allowing Access into a house from the house menu like a little tab that you check "allow guildmates and alliance members access inside" They would not be able to open containers unless they are CO owners, Friends, or if the secure was set to guildmembers, Note: Ronins do not have access to guild chests only members up.Yes, if you could set your containers to Guild Emmy Access, so that only your Emmys could get into certain containers like weapon/armor stashes to help suit up other members.
And make it so that Ronins can only come into the house, not open anything. That way you can wait until you trust and know someone before promoting them to Member, and therefore give them access to some containers... like a stepping stone process based on rank and trust placed in the member.