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Word on Tyball


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Did a search but it didn't turn up much.
Is there any way to get a Shroud of Condemned anymore?
I read in one post that they changed it to one per character so I went on a new char killed two and didn't get one. (trying to get one for one of my reds)

So do I keep trying? Is it just a "Rare" drop now or did they discontinue them completely?
Or is it bugged?



Order | Chaos
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As far as I know, they simply just decreased the drop rate, as well as made the creature tougher to kill.


Always Present
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Welp I killed 8 now and still none. Guess I'll just buy one from the ppl that farmed them so hard they got the change put in in the first place.


Always Present
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As far as I know, they simply just decreased the drop rate, as well as made the creature tougher to kill.

This is something that often happens and I find it extremely disappointing.

Some players find a way to squeeze an item and hoarde it a go-go.

Then the Developers come and make that item much harder to get but do not touch those who already hoarded that item thus making the hoarded quantities significantly more valuable as the other players, frustrated by the newer scarcer drop rates, eventually turn to buying them.

This way of doing basically favours them who actually created the problem in the first place, the hoarders and I find it totally wrong.

I would much appreciate the Developers to deal with these situations with a MUCH DIFFERENT type of approach that would NOT favour those hoarders who actually created the problem that prompted their action to make that item scarcer and that monster harder to be killed.

Tina Small

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Flutter, I have a feeling that the drop rate's been drastically reduced. I did the quest for the first time on Origin a few days ago and got nothing even after killing Tyball's Shadow multiple times. I'm with you in saying WTG to all the hoarders that screwed it up for everyone else so that only a few could get the cloaks and do the quest properly on each shard. But are ya really surprised? I know I'm not. Greed trumps all, once again.

Hopefully the developers learn a good lesson out of this and design future items so it's very clear from the beginning that you get one per character and there's no advantage to farming something.


This is something that often happens and I find it extremely disappointing.

Some players find a way to squeeze an item and hoarde it a go-go.

Then the Developers come and make that item much harder to get but do not touch those who already hoarded that item thus making the hoarded quantities significantly more valuable as the other players, frustrated by the newer scarcer drop rates, eventually turn to buying them.

This way of doing basically favours them who actually created the problem in the first place, the hoarders and I find it totally wrong.

I would much appreciate the Developers to deal with these situations with a MUCH DIFFERENT type of approach that would NOT favour those hoarders who actually created the problem that prompted their action to make that item scarcer and that monster harder to be killed.
Thats what happens when players say make it rarer or make him harder. Those players already have a house full of them now they need the drops to become harder to sell them. It's very smart then you have others agreeing with them and then the dev get around to fixing it. Then Finaly they get there wish and able to sell there hoard at much higher prices. Simple economics. After the first week what they should of done is just move the key to a different creature and leave it alone like that it wouldn't make a difference anymore.

Tina Small

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It's irritating, but not at all surprising. I ran a bunch of my characters on three shards through the Naxatilor quest just so they could get in the Abyss and start hunting there. Yeah, I'm kind of pissed because now they'll never get the robes, but at this point I'm just chalking it up to one more thing in UO that is ruined by player greed. I gave up on the idea of getting one of the +stealth cloaks this summer too even though they were the only cloaks I cared about because it sounded like getting one of those had also turned into a fiasco. Decided I'd be better off just doing stuff on test shard than wasting time on EM events that favor the rude, pushy, and greedy.

Oh well. So goes UO, year in and year out. I guess I'll shut up for today before my cold-induced grumpiness makes me something else I'd probably better not say. And then I'll go kick myself around the block for providing any kind of assistance in the way of directions to the people that created this mess.


Slightly Crazed
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Tina, if I recall correctly you play on GL, correct? If so, PM me and I will give you a cloak. I had a few extras from playing early morning at server up when no one was on. I gave all but two to guildies, but for all your efforts on these forums I'll happily give you one of them. Just give me a shout via PM.

As far as the cloak and greed, don't just blame the players for this. How about the the developer(s) who had the BRILLIANT idea to create a bottleneck by placing this item on a quest character that only spawned every fifteen minutes AND provided one key each time to someone who needed access to the abyss. I swear to God Dumb and Dumber were on that subcommittee.


Eh... I don't think its so much greed as it is people saw an opportunity and took it. It happens in the game all the time. It does stink for people now, but at the same time the devs can't punish people for farming a mob. They didn't break any rules.

Hopefully the devs did learn a lesson. Hopefully they learned a lesson with the 3.SoTs also.


I took an archer in there yesterday and got one after his 2nd kill.. took my tamer and killed 30 with no drops.. love this rng