Is it some people must continually accuse people who recieved something from a event of cheating or arse-kissing the GM?
Sis and I were visiting with some folks at Loonie(Luna) Bank, Legends. We were talking about past events and neat things and having a pleasant conversation. The topic of the V-day event came up and we were ask if we got a robe or the red lantern.
I said yes, I got a red lantern. I was asked how I got so lucky, I told them because I always loot my kills, a goofy habit I guess. A individual who'd be interjecting comments through out our conversation, remarked "Gee, loot scripts must be real nice!" and recalled away.
I have NEVER EVER used a cheat, hack, or script in my entire 8 years of playing UO! I would be willing to bet my REAL LIFE 66 Mustang convertible that you can scan both my home computers and find NOTHING!
It is dishearting and upsetting that 2 months later I'm still getting accused of this. It makes me wish I'd never gotten the lantern. I'm tempted to toss it in the auto delete box at the bank. This was the first time I ever got a rare event item at a event. It makes me wish they'd never brought back the EM program, too.
Don't get me wrong I love events, but its seems like we have too many immature, greedy people that can not handle it if they don't get one of EVERYTHING. Maybe EA should raise the age rating from Teen to Mature and get rid of the kiddos. I don't think there is a real solution to the problem, and that is the most disheartening thing of all.
Please, please, please don't take this as a rant it isn't meant to be one. I just want people to understand how their nasty words can hurt and affect others, not that I really believe the accusers will care. I hope I can at least reach one or two people so they think before they go accusing others of things they did not do.
Sis and I were visiting with some folks at Loonie(Luna) Bank, Legends. We were talking about past events and neat things and having a pleasant conversation. The topic of the V-day event came up and we were ask if we got a robe or the red lantern.
I said yes, I got a red lantern. I was asked how I got so lucky, I told them because I always loot my kills, a goofy habit I guess. A individual who'd be interjecting comments through out our conversation, remarked "Gee, loot scripts must be real nice!" and recalled away.
I have NEVER EVER used a cheat, hack, or script in my entire 8 years of playing UO! I would be willing to bet my REAL LIFE 66 Mustang convertible that you can scan both my home computers and find NOTHING!
It is dishearting and upsetting that 2 months later I'm still getting accused of this. It makes me wish I'd never gotten the lantern. I'm tempted to toss it in the auto delete box at the bank. This was the first time I ever got a rare event item at a event. It makes me wish they'd never brought back the EM program, too.
Don't get me wrong I love events, but its seems like we have too many immature, greedy people that can not handle it if they don't get one of EVERYTHING. Maybe EA should raise the age rating from Teen to Mature and get rid of the kiddos. I don't think there is a real solution to the problem, and that is the most disheartening thing of all.
Please, please, please don't take this as a rant it isn't meant to be one. I just want people to understand how their nasty words can hurt and affect others, not that I really believe the accusers will care. I hope I can at least reach one or two people so they think before they go accusing others of things they did not do.