and use a protected modem and/or router
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lol...just lol
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You know what he means. Don't be a mean nerd.
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Quote cause it was the closest and had the word nerd...
Certainly not the richest, but...
In roughly 14 months I am 20 mil GP liquid and who knows what else in stable investments and acquired item garbage that people will pay for...
I did this by competitively(compulsively?) grinding DF, taming animals that people buy, throwing away competitors' vendor runes left on the ground, spamming what I was selling, catering to other spammers, grinding away at monsters, grinding away at buying components, and grinding away at skillgain.
I still don't have the breathing room I require... but I have a system that works for me.
For me and most upstarts, the key is selling to human players. NPCs do not offer what RL players will pay. NPCs are for scripters IMO. RL players are for RL sellers. Especially in terms of you getting their GP pixel for your pixel items.
NEW GENERATION retailers... ask yourself... if a guy just spent $17.50 for 10 million gp, how reluctant will he be to part with 410k to get a relatively common item that he needs? Not very. What is 410k compared to the 10 mil he just bought? Who knows!? It's definitely not your problem though. Sell to RL GP buyers, and just assume everyone is one.
Also, if you are new and want to make money...
You should think hard about what rares are, and why you, a paying subscriber, are not able to have items made available to a handful. You pay the monthly dues, why are you left out? Some of these select few rares owners are not even paying subscribers, but their accounts are able to hold items that you, as a paying subscriber, will never be able to acquire. It's not because you are lazy or new. It is because rares are leftover garbage from a system that is not in existence anymore.
GL, and who is the richest so far???? Is this per account or per individual character???