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Which would you choose?



Given the choice which would you include in your template for your paladin character?

Set up A

Resisting Spells

or the alternative

Set up B

Resisting Spells

Which would suit your fancy and why? Which would be best for both PvP and PvM, tia.


Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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If you're going PvM, ditch the Magic resist in favor of both Bush and Chiv... but that's just me

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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I use something that looks like setup B but includes healing and not a lot of focus. I use it for PvM and for a bit of faction PvP. I like having Resisting Spells but wish it was effective against necro spells. I have trained bushido on a couple of characters but have never liked playing those characters. I think I have a mental block that makes it impossible. Got my pally characters down pat and the old brain said it refused to allocate any more space for UO macros. So at this point I'm stuck with not being able to play samurais, ninjas, necros, spellweavers, or mystics until I get a brain transplant.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Well if your wanting to be a Paladin, you'll need to have Chivalry.
1, Paladins wern't or arn't Archers (would you use a bow whilst wearing heavy chain or platemail)
2, It adds the Title of Paladin to your paperdoll
3, No Chivalry and your not a Paladin your just a warrior or a jumped up knight however you look at it. :thumbsup:

If this isn't for RP though, just look at the warrior forum and copy the gimp template for this month.....


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I tend to avoid resist spells too.

Slightly off-topic ... but does it ever feel to anyone else that archery gets a free skill (since they don't need to take parry like an equivalent melee character needs)?


Always Present
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Given that specific choice, considering that A doesn't have any chivalry and so isn't a paladin at all, it would have to be B :D

Although as has already been implied if not explicitly stated, you don't need 120 chiv to be effective.


Anatomy 120
Archery 120
Bushido 120
Tactics 120
Healing 90
chiv 70
55 necro (very usefull for peerless to go in wraith form)
rest focus or med

next -->


Given that specific choice, considering that A doesn't have any chivalry and so isn't a paladin at all, it would have to be B :D

Although as has already been implied if not explicitly stated, you don't need 120 chiv to be effective.
My apologies for the confusion.

You are right just as Slayvite also mentioned that Paladins are not meant to be archers as well.

Reason I got specific is that I have noticed that some templates are being used with a Paladin without the Chiv and heavy armor to accommodate archery as well.

I am going a bit against the grain here right now as this character I got fits the bill for a Paladin if he were on Mace or Fencer Mode.

Now getting him on archery requires a bit of adjustments hence the query. Now throw in Necro which is the opposite of Chiv in terms of Karma would seem to open the door to new possibilities.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Folks,

Given the narrow choices, B is the only reasonable answer.

What I say next is my own personal view. No one need agree, all may disagree.

"Paladin" may have different meanings in different context and world settings. In Dungeons and Dragons Paladins are required to be lawful-good humans. Some genres prohibit Paladins from using bladed weapons or poisons. Others do not permit Paladins to use any bows, and still others allow them only use of the long bow among archery weapons.

My UO Paladins are given special abilities which are conferred upon them by their diety. They retain these abilities based upon their adherence to a code of conduct for their lives. One does not become a Paladin based upon the material their armor is made of.

Some take all the skill possibilities and item possibilities, special moves, etc., and design a template solely to maximize their ability to kill while avoiding death themselves. This path has never appealed to me personally.

Elladan is a Legendary Paladin and Legendary Armsman with complimentary skill in Healing, Anatomy, Tactics, Meditation, and an ongoing tug between Parry and Resisting Spells.

Beyond all this however, is his code for living. The life of a Paladin is not a life of ease, nor easy to roleplay with fidelity. Elladan began life following a different path. In time however he gained wisdom and maturity and finally chose to walk the higher, harder, path of the Paladin.

I thank the OP for this thread. For Elladan remains my oldest, favorite, character.


Slightly off-topic ... but does it ever feel to anyone else that archery gets a free skill (since they don't need to take parry like an equivalent melee character needs)?
Equivalent? Are you sure? How do you chug pots with a bow?
And concept of ranged character with a melee character equivalent is hard to grasp.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Points to Warrior forum*

There's alot of good information about templates there.

Regardless, here's my favorite 720 point Paladin Template:

120 Sword
120 Parry
100 Resist
100 Tactics
100 Anatomy
90 Chivalry
90 Healing

I almost exclusively use him in PvM now (though he lives in Fel), but when AoS came out, he did well in PvP as well.

For PvP, I dropped anatomy, lowered Chiv to 70 and added 120 Bushido.


Seasoned Veteran
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Set up B

Resisting Spells
Ditch Resist and take Alchemy. Get a balanced bow and thow explosion pots. I just made this character and its fun as hell! Plus the damage is awesome!


Ditch Resist and take Alchemy. Get a balanced bow and thow explosion pots. I just made this character and its fun as hell! Plus the damage is awesome!
Interesting! Is getting Alchemy for me to make the potions and be self sufficient in supply? Pots and kegs are readily available anyways a reason to keep resists maybe? :)



Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Having the alchemy skill augments the effect of the potions you use. By a lot. Its totally worth it. If you aren't going to do PVP then you have no reason to take resist.
Plus get yourself a Ecru Citrine Ring with Enhance Potions 50% to further augment the potions effects! It's freakin awesome! lol


Having the alchemy skill augments the effect of the potions you use. By a lot. Its totally worth it. If you aren't going to do PVP then you have no reason to take resist.
Plus get yourself a Ecru Citrine Ring with Enhance Potions 50% to further augment the potions effects! It's freakin awesome! lol
Thanks for the tip kinney this will be in my list, I think I have that tali to go with it too somewhere if I can find it in my hoarded crib ;-)



120 archery
120 resist
120 bush
100 anat
100 tact
80 healing
60 chiv

And if you have older acc then 1 year (Which you prolly do) take more chiv or tact.

Ur welcome.

Edit: And make you character HUMAN. So if you need extra mana you can use items to go into wraith form and then drop the items and human 20 is enough to keep you in form.