Hail Folks,
Given the narrow choices, B is the only reasonable answer.
What I say next is my own personal view. No one need agree, all may disagree.
"Paladin" may have different meanings in different context and world settings. In Dungeons and Dragons Paladins are required to be lawful-good humans. Some genres prohibit Paladins from using bladed weapons or poisons. Others do not permit Paladins to use any bows, and still others allow them only use of the long bow among archery weapons.
My UO Paladins are given special abilities which are conferred upon them by their diety. They retain these abilities based upon their adherence to a code of conduct for their lives. One does not become a Paladin based upon the material their armor is made of.
Some take all the skill possibilities and item possibilities, special moves, etc., and design a template solely to maximize their ability to kill while avoiding death themselves. This path has never appealed to me personally.
Elladan is a Legendary Paladin and Legendary Armsman with complimentary skill in Healing, Anatomy, Tactics, Meditation, and an ongoing tug between Parry and Resisting Spells.
Beyond all this however, is his code for living. The life of a Paladin is not a life of ease, nor easy to roleplay with fidelity. Elladan began life following a different path. In time however he gained wisdom and maturity and finally chose to walk the higher, harder, path of the Paladin.
I thank the OP for this thread. For Elladan remains my oldest, favorite, character.