I felt compelled to come out of Retirement to say welcome back.
In order for SA to be successful it MUST:
1. Have good 2D graphics in Legacy Mode
2. Have good 3D (I know its not true 3d) graphicsnot the washed out tough to figure out what something is. I can't tell what is a Kryss, and what is a switch. Make it so that it is readily identifiable what it is.
3. Good tutorial on how to make macros with the hotbars. One shouldn't be a Rocket Scientist to make them. If you have to take a page out of the UO Assist book.
4. Get rid of UO Assist. Its the only way to force the death of 2D. Its really simple how to do it. Give the guy who makes it some buckazoids to not update it, or simply buy it from him, and bury it.
5. Get rid of Easy UO. Sue them, buy them, make it harder for them. Whatever you do get rid of the scripters. (I don't buy this crap about not being able to get rid of them. Make a daily change to the server that encrypts decrypts every day during patch, make it a pain to update and it will go away.)
I am glad you are back. Now get to work. *Cracks the Whip*