Explain: WHY WAS IT HAPPENING IN FELUCCA? I was in FELUCCA when I LOST CONNECTIONS. Working on Named Skeletons in Cemetaries. They only have 2500 HP and aren't good to be around on either facet if connection is being lost.
Corpin did you have to make such a snarky post?
CovenantX you must have thought I meant to ask if it was happening in Felucca too.
If I had meant that, I would have written it like this:
"WHY, was it happening in felucca too?"
Not sure if you are replying to my post
IanJames, but I didn't do tracework to the server because I was able to access the internet to post on UHall. Google Earth worked for me and many other sites.
Only the AutoPatch to UO would not co-operate.