First off, that was me you were replying to.
Secondly, I would love to see someone with macro's out do the mentioned script. Really.
I'm not sure which type of script you were referring to, so I'll address both the PvM and PvP versions.
Fighting PvP scripters:
I do not claim to be an elite PvPer - far from it.
I have a passing familiarity with the scripts available for the "makes UO less difficult" program, and I can often recognise when one of these is being used.
The majority of scripts seem to work on the pricipal of "if xxx happens, do yyy", so to combat these I use "disprupt the script" tactics.
I know my macro actions will never be as fast as somebodys' CPU, but I get enough kills by doing unexpected stuff to have perma-reds, and a mage who yoyos between red and blue..
There are, however, some people I can never kill... whether that is because they have incredibly complex custom scripts, or whether they are simply better at PvP than me is something I can never know. (I tend to think the second option.)
Competing against PvM scripters:
I have seen the results of someone using a PvM combination script against Swoop. I know they were scripting, as they posted details on a non-Stratics forum.
Neither I, nor the other hunters - all with high-end PvM characters, could compete with this guy.
He couldn't kill us with this Trammel script, but he could outdo our earning by a factor of 10; thus giving him a huge advantage over all the other Trammel PvMers.
Scripting exists on both facets.
In Felucca, PvP scripts can be beaten because no script can truly account for the fact that human intervention can be more random than monster AI can ever be. It is possible to get a minor victory over the scripter by doing something wierd, which kills them or forces their script to recall.
In Trammel, PvM scripts cannot be beaten as monster AI conforms to a set pattern, and combat becomes simply a matter of "can I do this quick enough."
The only way to defeat the Trammel scripter is to page, and hope that a GM actually comes, and that the script doesn't have a player-alert function built in.
It's not the fact that scripts are more or less in fel/tram, it has to do with the fact that they use scripts. And as several people who PvP alot have said to me ingame and have pm'ed me, you have to script to compete in PvP, if you don't want to script, don't come to fel.
I'll leave it to the rest of the Feluccan population to comment on what you have been told ingame: I'm sure that if a PvP muppet like me can get kills against scripters, then the better PvPers (of whom there are many), can certainly do likewise, and maybe you could as well.
If you want to use the "I won't go to Felucca 'cos its full of scripters" argument, that's fine; but perhaps you should then also consider "I won't hunt or collect resources in Trammel 'cos it's full of scripters."