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What will part 3 of the Abyss quest be?


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
The way I read it on Herald was once someone won Third Tier, the whole tier would end. I honestly never read the RP of the quest threads if I don't have to, lol, so if I missed something there, I missed something there :).

I got both the cloak and the talisman, so I'm not hurting. Four out of five isn't too bad! I think a lot of people got confused by the times though, like, every server up is a new day, but new nodes came out after midnight or something.

Either way, pretty fun event so far. If I get the house, it will be fun to sell. :)


OMG! What shard are you on? I will personally come there, grab your hand and walk you through the quests.. and any future quests till the end of UO if you will please just stop your complaints.

Lord Chaos

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I don't need any walk through. The quest was a good one, but handled poorly some place. I am not complaining for myself, but for UO losing subscribers, which should concern the dev team or there's something seriously wrong with the game.

In the end, they will hopefully improve the next quest that comes out.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Well, people quitting the game, because basically they missed out on a cloak, and a talisman, (which I'm not sure, but I think you can still get them in part 3) are people who are gonna quit over some other little thing anyway.

People that temperamental cannot be catered to.

Lord Chaos

Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Its about principles and not liking to be screwed over, not so much the items.

And considering they played UO loyally for 8 years, they're hardly thin skinned. But they just had enough of it and certainly were not about to spend 300 dollars on SA upgrades to support such a screw-up, especially when its what lured them back in.


There was no screwing in this quest..

.. anyway you cut it, it's a pathetic excuse to quit a game you play 7-8 accounts on because you lost out on a chance to place a house in an area you never played in.... and then to blame the dev's for it.

Lord Chaos

Always Present
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Stratics Legend
And please stop making pathetic posts making up lies. No one quit because of the housing. And at least Mark of Mythic could take the blame, while you guys just rampage blindly on, making up stuff.

None of us even really cared about the house or stage 3 of the quest, so don't several others in game judging by the in game chat.


I dunno. I don't see someone with 7 or 8 accounts quitting over a quest.
If a single person has that many accounts, they are hopelessly addicted.

I could see them quitting if they realized their addiction, and figured they'd
join real life.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was a bit confused by this thread, since I thought I'd missed some NPC, or new quest, or something.... but am I right in gathering that characters who did the Abyss housing quest are getting these 'inks' appear in their packs on login, or is it just folks who did the lantern stage?

None of mine did, as I didn't want the Abyss house so thought I'd not make the lottery even worse for folks who did - and since none of these 'inks' appear for any of my characters, it appears I've missed a chance on something I'd have quite liked to collect for my scribe NPC and as deco, because I didn't try grab something I did not want in the first place.... guess collecting some ink bottle deco would be wildly imbalancing for the game rolleyes:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do not know where to put this so...

Is this correct, yesterday there was a predetermined winner on every shard, two per shard? These winners had to log in and do the ink part? Mark has a numbered list of every player and their character names who participated?

Not one winner on any shard? I did not participate, am just curious is all.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Its about principles and not liking to be screwed over, not so much the items.

And considering they played UO loyally for 8 years, they're hardly thin skinned. But they just had enough of it and certainly were not about to spend 300 dollars on SA upgrades to support such a screw-up, especially when its what lured them back in.
BS. With eight accounts, if they were going to upgrade to SA, they could have done it months ago. Sounds like a cheesy excuse to me, and another chance for Chaos to continue his incessant whining.:drama:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was a bit confused by this thread, since I thought I'd missed some NPC, or new quest, or something.... but am I right in gathering that characters who did the Abyss housing quest are getting these 'inks' appear in their packs on login, or is it just folks who did the lantern stage?

None of mine did, as I didn't want the Abyss house so thought I'd not make the lottery even worse for folks who did - and since none of these 'inks' appear for any of my characters, it appears I've missed a chance on something I'd have quite liked to collect for my scribe NPC and as deco, because I didn't try grab something I did not want in the first place.... guess collecting some ink bottle deco would be wildly imbalancing for the game rolleyes:
You have to go back to Geoffrey each day to do part 3. He will give you the ink and you follow the normal routine of the quest.

Once you've used the ink you get to keep a coloured bottle (just says Bottle and nothing) and its yours forever.

Nothing is given to you at login, you just have to do part 3 as normal.

I have done it three times and got a blue, darkish grey and orange bottle. Nice little mementos.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I do not know where to put this so...

Is this correct, yesterday there was a predetermined winner on every shard, two per shard? These winners had to log in and do the ink part? Mark has a numbered list of every player and their character names who participated?

Not one winner on any shard? I did not participate, am just curious is all.
I couldn't tell if it was pre-determined or not. But that was mostly because I didn't read the math part. *chuckles*

As opposed to 2 winners vs. 1?

One winner for the Britannian spot, one for the Ter'Mur (gargoyle) spot.

-Galen's player


And please stop making pathetic posts making up lies. No one quit because of the housing. And at least Mark of Mythic could take the blame, while you guys just rampage blindly on, making up stuff.

None of us even really cared about the house or stage 3 of the quest, so don't several others in game judging by the in game chat.
This is your post, no? #36? Truly sir, pathetic.

..."Several clannies wanted to do the quest, but couldn't afford that many SA upgrades this week, having to wait until monday (today) to get enough money to upgrade, so instead of the planned hunt together to get everyone through the second quest, they've now been screwed out of the second stage chances.

Both of them have quit in anger over this, in total 15 active accounts and 15 SA upgrades lost. (one had 7, the other had 8) They were really looking forward to this when it was finally figured out how exactly this quest worked and could be worked."...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have to go back to Geoffrey each day to do part 3. He will give you the ink and you follow the normal routine of the quest.

Once you've used the ink you get to keep a coloured bottle (just says Bottle and nothing) and its yours forever.

Nothing is given to you at login, you just have to do part 3 as normal.

I have done it three times and got a blue, darkish grey and orange bottle. Nice little mementos.
True enough - but as I said I have zero interest in a house in the Abyss, to do the stage two quests with Geoffrey I must have first done the stage one which puts me in to the lottery for the housing spot,and apparently I must take part in the lottery for something I do not want, and lower the chances of someone who does want it, in order to try get some deco ink.

Not doing that - to me at any rate, it's a rather poor design decision that means you can only get a deco 'collectable' by reducing other players chances of a thing they want and I don't.


okies thanks, seems i was going to the wrong spot :( got the message
"Not my Lucky Day" so now we know for tomorrow.
No more speed reading for me :):):):):)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
True enough - but as I said I have zero interest in a house in the Abyss, to do the stage two quests with Geoffrey I must have first done the stage one which puts me in to the lottery for the housing spot,and apparently I must take part in the lottery for something I do not want, and lower the chances of someone who does want it, in order to try get some deco ink.

Not doing that - to me at any rate, it's a rather poor design decision that means you can only get a deco 'collectable' by reducing other players chances of a thing they want and I don't.
Hmmm... it is just a bottle. Just a bottle... I'm sure if you look around people will able to sell you one.

Or just do the Part 3 a few times. If you happen to get really lucky and win then sell the ticket (like the DEVs have mentioned is ok) or give it to a friend ingame who will use it. You'd be a really nice friend and you'd get a warmer feeling than you'd get for just receiving a bottle :p.

And no, its not poor design. The bottle is just a nice memory of doing the quest. Seriously, its just a bottle.

It would be poor design if the main focus of this quest was a bottle and the effect of the bottle was mind-blowingly and so mindblowingly awesome that if you didn't see it you'd die a lonely person never to witness the sheer mindblowingness of a bottle...



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And no, its not poor design. The bottle is just a nice memory of doing the quest. Seriously, its just a bottle.
Whereas a simple switch on stage one, to choose 'no, I don't want to go into your lottery, thanks all the same', and then let that character carry on and do the stage two quest for the items, or the ink, would not be a far better design?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Whereas a simple switch on stage one, to choose 'no, I don't want to go into your lottery, thanks all the same', and then let that character carry on and do the stage two quest for the items, or the ink, would not be a far better design?
Not really. The system is fair enough. People were given several days in Part 2 to get the items without winning the house. They can now still win the items but also stand a chance at a house.

I see where you're coming from but I still stand by the fact that this bottle, tiny it is, is just a souvenir.

No one is being deprived for an awesome rare.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was a bit confused by this thread, since I thought I'd missed some NPC, or new quest, or something.... but am I right in gathering that characters who did the Abyss housing quest are getting these 'inks' appear in their packs on login, or is it just folks who did the lantern stage?

None of mine did, as I didn't want the Abyss house so thought I'd not make the lottery even worse for folks who did - and since none of these 'inks' appear for any of my characters, it appears I've missed a chance on something I'd have quite liked to collect for my scribe NPC and as deco, because I didn't try grab something I did not want in the first place.... guess collecting some ink bottle deco would be wildly imbalancing for the game rolleyes:
No - the ink is put in your pack after you go back to Geoffry to get the 3rd quest. You then go to one of the nodes, making sure you have your lantern equipped, double click the ink bottle, target your lantern, click again, and it changes colors.

As far as deco items go, they rate right up there with, oh, toe nail clippings. But to each their own, as the saying goes.


I do not know where to put this so...

Is this correct, yesterday there was a predetermined winner on every shard, two per shard? These winners had to log in and do the ink part? Mark has a numbered list of every player and their character names who participated?

Not one winner on any shard? I did not participate, am just curious is all.

Not exactly. Each day there is a possibility of the system selecting a winner.
The chance of the system selecting a winner grows each day until one is selected and that person logs in and does the quest.

So for a loose example, on Monday there may have been a 10% chance a winner was selected. On Tuesday a 20% chance and so on.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dont know if I missed reading this but FYI....you can still do part one of the quest and get a lantern which then gives you the opportunity for the ink and the house spot. You just dont get the crystal to do the nodes. Ran a char through last night and got the talisman.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hope the winning house tickets are shard specific. I can see the scenario where a player with the winning ticket on shard x transfers to shard y and then tries to redeem the ticket on the new shard.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I hope the winning house tickets are shard specific. I can see the scenario where a player with the winning ticket on shard x transfers to shard y and then tries to redeem the ticket on the new shard.
If I'm understanding the way the info was put out, they already have all the names of each person that participated and on which shard. It would be a safe bet they have this particular scenario snuffed out right from the beginning.



For what it's worth, the chance to win part 3 increases each day you do it and I will be very surprised if anyone wins on any shard until late in the week. I did that to help people have more of a chance to do the first part and participate, without just making the contest feel like it was going on forever.

OK, for the math fans out there, I will just tell you all how it is working under the hood. Basically I built a list of player characters who are eligible by registering them when they complete part 1. In part 3, I take the number of characters in the list and then multiply that number by another number... the first day is 1,000,000. So, if 1000 people are registered, then the first day we roll a number between 1 and 1,000,000,000, if I rolled under 1001 then someone is a winner for that day. If they do the quest on that day, they win and the contest is over. The next day we roll again, but this time the list has 1001 people on it (because someone new did Part 1). Day 2 we multiply the number in the list by 100,000, and roll on 100,100,000. If we roll under 1002 then someone has won... though they won't know it unless they do the quest ***on that day*** with that character. So, any day might be YOUR day. The multiplier is divided by 10 each day till we are just multiplying the list by 1 next Monday. Every day after that we multiply the number in the list by 1 until we have our winners.
First off, very nice job by you and the team - including the EC folks - on the new quest/publish. I particularly appreciate you taking the time to make your posts here on Stratics.

Second, if it is true that 2 Japanese shards have already won the human/elf spot by April 14, I guess you are very surprised. If I understand the math above, if EVERYONE who was on the shard's 1st quest list did the 3rd quest on April 14, the odds that there would be a winner would be 10,000 to one. Yet, 2 shards have supposedly done this with the majority of the North American shards having most of the day left. Just how evil is the RNG?