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Yeah, it was the cheaters that were complaining.
Punk Buster should have been made live regardless of the pancakes. Don't like it? Play something else.
I agree with your statement, punkbuster detects the use of illegal programs listed in it's database that are running whilst you play your game of choice right? I'd hazard a guess it's a secure program that doesn't share information with third parties etc. Y'know perhaps the powers that be should take a look at this option again? x


I also seem to recall that punkbuster has had issues with banning people falsely, as well as causing latency whenever it scans your processes again. I personally would have no issue with them having access to my computer, it's no different from allowing anything else to access it. I would be pissed if it caused me to lag and die, though.

What happened to Ultima Online? It got changed, and lost any customer support about 6-8 years ago (depending on p.o.v), and what's left are the renmants.

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Where has everyone gone, and do you actually think that SA is going to bring back players? I sure hope so because as of right now this game is completely dead. There is no one to play with anymore, more then half the shards are dead? When did this all happen? :cursing:
Well, seeing that you are asking where they went, which would imply that you just joined the game after being gone for a period of time, they may have just did exactly what you did. Makes it ironic that you made this post aye?

P.S. Please don't try to act dumb by stating that you have been here the whole time because then you would know where they went right?


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Where has everyone gone, and do you actually think that SA is going to bring back players? I sure hope so because as of right now this game is completely dead. There is no one to play with anymore, more then half the shards are dead? When did this all happen? :cursing:
are you THE puffy? ex gm of FS! if so lemme know :) and a lot of people left for darkfall, great game, i haven't been on uo much the last few months cause of it


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see more and more old players returning. I don't know why. Probably because Darkfall failed so miserably.

I would not be too surprised if people found out that UO really is the MMORPG with the best content and the best depth on the market, and that nifty graphics may be secondary.
what are u talking about? darkfall is beyond a great game, its like uo with felucca only but a good amount of differences, play the game before u judge


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
what are u talking about? darkfall is beyond a great game, its like uo with felucca only but a good amount of differences, play the game before u judge
It is more like UO without Trammel. It is similar to UO in 1998: Newbie and player griefing without any boundaries. I wouldn't call this an advancement, but it obivously is a matter of taste.

When I play a game, I don't want to aim each swing of my weapon, because this makes combat tedious. I guess I'm not the only one with this opinion.

It also is not a secret that Darkfall has problems keeping players on their server.

Anyway, we will see how it turns out and how popular Darkfall is going to be one year from now. Actually, I do not care much, as I learned much about this game and it did not at all meet my expectations and hopes. I just see a lot of people, who've been waiting for Darkfall's release for more than a year, finally turning away from Darkfall, disappointed about gameplay and game content.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
everyone that tried it should have known that it was like uo with felucca only... also many more people play df than uo currently


Pepsi Co now has WoW themed Mountain Dew. It is called, I think, Game Fuel.

Stanton Of Pac

Wander around the woods and notice all the empty housing spots. There are very few 1-story houses left and quite a few 2-story houses have gone away. Most of the 3-story plots are taken but in front of my house there was a one that went vacant for 5-6 months before someone placed there a couple of weeks back.

In its heyday, even after Malas opened, even after they put in the 1-house per shard limit, UO was packed full of houses. If you had a house you were lucky. They were selling houses on Ebay (at least until EA asked Ebay to take down the auctions). Now it seems like everyone has left or moved up to a McMansion. It's nice in some ways because the shards aren't crowded but sometimes I miss the crowds, even the lag from all the bank sitters.
But how many of those houses should have been gone a long time ago but never fell because of some kind of bug?
House decay has been turned on and off a few times to fix one bug or another but today the houses are all owned by active accounts. Anyone who wants a house (and that's about 90% of the playerbase) has one and there are still lots of 1-story and 2-story spots open on most shards. Almost all of the illegally placed houses on Felucca have fallen and every house on Trammel is of the "1-house-per-shard-per-account" variety. Some players maintain multiple accounts or still have classic accounts w/more than 1 house but if you count the # of houses you're in the ballpark for the total # of players on that shard. Some of the players rarely log in even though they keep their accounts open (it stings to let all those rares disappear) but they still count as active players.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
also many more people play df than uo currently
I hate using acronyms like ROFL... but, seriously... ROFL!

Has DF posted their subscription numbers? Has UO posted their subscription numbers? No? So, you are just pulling things out of your rear. I guess you are going by your gut feeling of how it feels like in the ONE server that DF has compared to the dozens of servers that UO has.

This thread is an epic ...

Haddy G

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When you can find six 18x18 spots open at one time (Pacific). The pop has dropped :p

Four of them have been claimed now. I've not check the others so...



I think most of the former Ultima Online players are now playing World of Warcraft.

I think Age of Shadows is the reason most people left Ultima Online.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hate using acronyms like ROFL... but, seriously... ROFL!

Has DF posted their subscription numbers? Has UO posted their subscription numbers? No? So, you are just pulling things out of your rear. I guess you are going by your gut feeling of how it feels like in the ONE server that DF has compared to the dozens of servers that UO has.

This thread is an epic ...
when large batles in uo consist of 30-50 people fighting at one area and battles on darkfall include 2000 + people at one time, u tend to believe that darkfall has a larger population

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hate using acronyms like ROFL... but, seriously... ROFL!

Has DF posted their subscription numbers? Has UO posted their subscription numbers? No? So, you are just pulling things out of your rear. I guess you are going by your gut feeling of how it feels like in the ONE server that DF has compared to the dozens of servers that UO has.

This thread is an epic ...
when large batles in uo consist of 30-50 people fighting at one area and battles on darkfall include 2000 + people at one time, u tend to believe that darkfall has a larger population
This quote is kind of like a complete disregard to the quote you quoted followed by a responce of some kind.

DF 1 server
UO **** tons
2000/50 is 40

tho one might feel that way. its because of the different allocation of players each game has, followed by un-thorough assesment. which was stated above.

In Flames

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wonder what the player base would do if given the option to stay on dying servers, or consolidate and get things like Seer's and community back.

Would you trade your castle or keep, or whatever is keeping you from switching shards to return some form of life to this game?

To consolidate the RPers, the PvPers, the PvMers, the crafters, the towns, the factions and everything else into a smaller group of servers.

*wanders off*


battles on darkfall include 2000 + people at one time, u tend to believe that darkfall has a larger population
I am sorry, I cry Shenanigans on that. I had a friend that was trying to play that game and they said more than a few people fighting would crash the server, and if you could get more than a few people it was a miracle anyway.


Threads like these are hilarious with the delusions that die hard UO'rs have. Yeah Atlantic is always busy, with the same 50-75 people. Every shard that claims to still have a population needs to realize those are the same people you always see. The people that don't work for a living, they play UO for a living. Just because your local bank is full of players, doesn't mean your population is fine....


Posts like this are always funny because they always turn into "everyone left because of the hacks/cheats/programs/etc":coco:

Personally, I'd love it if all the canceled subscriptions gave reasons for why they quit and those reasons were available. I highly doubt if "all those external programs" is very high on the list:coco: Odds are one of the top reasons would be "slow to never fixing game stopping issues". Sadly, this information will never be made available and all people have to provide reasons is the rabid vocal minority of Stratics.

I doubt if UO mysteriously got rid of every hack, cheat, program, etc that there would suddenly be a HUGE surge of people coming back. I'd venture that it is doubtful there would be enough people coming back to replace the people banned rightfully or wrongly over cheats.

Lately, I've been largely inactive with UO because of the dev teams lack of timely fixes or updates. I'm sorry but one publish every 3-4 months is horrid. If they devoted ONE guy to fixing bugs, I'm sure EA could knock out one bug a week at the absolute worse... especially given the fact that some people on stratics have given complete walkthroughs on some of them:coco:

I've also quit UO for a couple months twice due to EA's super poor customer service(nice way of putting it):loser: