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What Determines...



what an Imbuer can and cannot unravel? My Tamer collects bags of magical stuff from Swoops, Baks, Tsukis, etc. but my Imbuer can only unravel about half of the stuff. I am assuming my Imbuer will be able to unravel the rest of the stuff as he gains Imbuing skill?

But, what determines what can be unraveled?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you've looted it off a monster and you can't unravel it, either you don't have enough skill or its a musical instrument :)

minimum skill:

0 residue
50.1 essence
95.1 relic fragment

Note that the thresholds for whether something will unravel to be residue or essence are not a constant: which soulforge you use (and possibly what race you are?) will affect the outcome.

(you can check what something will become without destroying it by using the item ID skill on it)


One question here: Will items wich can become a relic refuse to be unraveld with about 70 skill? Or will i get essence and loose a possible relic?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They will refuse to be unraveled.

I had it happen to me once with a random "junk" sword from a Ter Mur critter before I hit 95 imbuing that happened to have 3 "all or nothing mods" (SC, FC, mix of damage types), and two other mods that happened to be high, putting the total intensity at around 468.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A tip:

You can't unravel items with more than 400% intensity with less than 95.1 skill.

You can unravel all other items with 50.1 skill.

That means that if you have a second imbuer with 50.1 skill, you can loot everything and use your secondary unraveller (50.1 imbuing) to sort through the junk. Everything left over will be the high intensity loot, which you may not be able to improve by imbuing.

It saves a lot of time searching through every piece of loot.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ive also found that sometimes you have to select the Unravel all (including arties) option to get some items to unravel, even if they are not arties. like the invasion weapons from the last war. they give me essence mostly so far, couple gave a frag


I had an otherwise poor verite weapon I wanted to unravel. Had to use 'unravel all' to do so, so special materials look like they're considered artifacts by the unravel bag.

I just toss everything into one bag and unravel it. Still cant get relic fragments, but why does it matter what the intensity is if you're unraveling it anyway? Which is why I don't see the point of item ID.


but why does it matter what the intensity is if you're unraveling it anyway? Which is why I don't see the point of item ID.
If an item is close to the borderline, you could imbue a cheap property onto it to raise it over the bar and get a relic frag back instead of essence.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If your imbueing isn't high enough to get essence to relic fragments and you try to use item id on an item that would produce those, you will get a message stating that your skill isn't high enough to determine what you would receive or something of that nature. I know at around 85 imbueing I went around item identifing alot of stuff and it would tell be if I would get residue or essence, but not relic fragments, so when I got the skill not high enough message I would put those items in a bag that would produce fragments.

Item id is good for looking and Tokuno marties since not all of those will produce relic fragments. Not sure if there is a sticky somewhere that has a list of all marties and what you would receive when unraveled.


Didn't think of that. Do you need a certain amount of item ID, or is it purely percentage based?