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Whammy or Sampire Tamer.. thoughts?



What do you think of these for spawning, peerless, etc...?

Sampire Tamer Hybrid:

120 Archery (100 trained, 20 from Hunters')
100 Tactics (74 trained, +26 from jewels)
120 Taming (89 trained, +31 in items)
110 Lore (105 trained, +5 talisman)
80 Vet (54 trained, +26 jewels)
99 Necro
75 Chiv
104 Bush

The +vet would be on a different set of jewels I would swap in ONLY to res my pet.

Alternately i could go 120 mace/sword/fencing but I would need to drop bush to 84, less crits.

I will have 115 Taming/105 Lore which is enough for 99% Greater Dragon control, but I have the option of temporarily swapping in the Birds of Britannia to obtain 120 for taming purposes.

I could rock a Cu and an armored swamp dragon for 20% absorb, and the Cu could do damage and heal me while I tanked.

Or I could go gargoyle and rock a Greater Dragon.

The whammy tamer hybrid is below:

120 Weapon
100 Tactics (74 trained, +26 jewels)
120 Taming (89 trained, +31 in items)
110 Lore (105 trained, +5 talisman)
80 Vet (54 trained, +26 jewels)
JOAT NECRO - See Below
75 Chiv
120 Bush
63 SS

As a human you can hold wraith form with only JOAT, so I would swap items with +Necro on, and go wraith mode, then swap back to normal gear.

Endless AI's with wraith leech, Curse weapon..

The Whammy Tamer seems way more solid but I hate being on foot!

Would I be better off makin a normal sampire/whammy or would either of these be as powerful and fun to boot...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tactics and Taming are both in the same group, so it wouldn't be possible to get +26 to both on your jewels afaik. You could shift the +26 tactics to archery, bushido, chiv, lore, or necro instead though.

I think these are the groups:
Group 1 Archery Peace Healing Resist Ninja Chiv
Group 2 Bush Vet Anat Eval Necro Steal
Group 3 Disco Parry Stealth Med Focus Lore
Group 4 Provo Taming Tactics Spirit Wrestle
Group 5 Mage Music Swords Fence Macing


good point thanks, hadn't gotten as far as designing the jewelry. the +26taming on the jewels is mandatory, but the other +26 can pretty much go anywhere. so yeah you can kinda consider the +26 to be 26 extra pts on one of the skills, but not the same skill grp

just wonderin what the forum thinks of a sampire or whammy which trades anat/healing/parry for the power of a Cu, GD, Nightmare+Beetle, or bake kitsune+dread warhorse (if I ever find one)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Id say jump on test and give it a go see if the damage your loosing and extra your taking makes up for the damage of a pet and the healing of a cu.
Sounds intresting new take on a necro "mage" tame, a necro "bush" tamer :)

Iv got a feeling you'll loose more than you gain from less damage and less damage mittigation. Intrested to see how it pans out, i hate skills on items as it leaves less room for things like di/hci/dci/str/dex/hld and so on.


Garm The Green

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What do you think of these for spawning, peerless, etc...?

I could rock a Cu and an armored swamp dragon for 20% absorb, and the Cu could do damage and heal me while I tanked.

Or I could go gargoyle and rock a Greater Dragon.
Dude, CU's won't heal you much/often/reliably fro my experience with my tamers at least, though I'll do a little test later.

Archer tamer is cool, but i don't see that you have enough bushi to make it worth being a samurai at all...

TBH i'd rather have something like mage/med, music/disco, focus/myst, spellweave if you want companions/extra damage dealers/buffs for EV/eles/Natures F/Rising C/disco etc etc etc..

If u really fancy the taming part... dont! just get some vet and lore, enough to res and heal a lesser hiryu? They're a bit weak, but the lower phys attacks may help your leaching, and their extra damage is pretty good when they're trained... and you could still have your swampy (and res it too)

The delay for healing a pet with the Veterinary skill is 2 seconds, regardless of a player's dexterity.
You need a minimum of
60.0 skill points in Animal Lore and Veterinary to be able to cure poison
80.0 skill points in Animal Lore and Veterinary to be able to resurrect a bonded pet.

so 160 points and you are a basic tamer, sort of :p But if you're tanking why vet at all? and if you're tanking surely u need the points to keep you alive? I guess it depends what you think will work best...?

I think your idea is prolly fun, not entirely practical as your trying to do much in a high level pvm setting - u need to focus on you, or the pet... that said, go for it!

i love it when people have cooky builds like this.
My peace disco bard archer mage was great fun for champs and effective, and shouldn't have been!


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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I'd love to have a melee/sampire/tamer - but alas, I cannot make the template and suit work. Perhaps a mystic/sampire, who can cast rising colossus . . .

Instead of the above template, however, I'd prefer something a little more straightforward:

120 archery
120 tactics
115 lore
110 taming
110 vet
80 chivalry
60 meditation


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
This is what happened with my vampire-tamer tests:

My pets were: Rune beetle, nightmare, pack of 5 frenzied ostards, pack of 5 hell hounds.

If I did it today, I'd add in a boura combination.

The point is, if you are in vampire form, especially if you have slayer weapons, you don't need the big, lower damage pets like the greater dragon. Even the cu does little damage when compared to the chainsaw that is a pack of frenzied ostards.

The only thing you'd ever have to worry about is the monsters retargetting your pets, and anything short of peerless, that's a non issue since monsters die so quickly that they can't kill one of your pets (I got as high as a hell hound pack to Bedlam with no issues).

So feel free to drop taming and lore in order to make your pets more effective offensively and your tank more effective defensively.

Stupid Miner

This is what happened with my vampire-tamer tests:

My pets were: Rune beetle, nightmare, pack of 5 frenzied ostards, pack of 5 hell hounds.

If I did it today, I'd add in a boura combination.

The point is, if you are in vampire form, especially if you have slayer weapons, you don't need the big, lower damage pets like the greater dragon. Even the cu does little damage when compared to the chainsaw that is a pack of frenzied ostards.

The only thing you'd ever have to worry about is the monsters retargetting your pets, and anything short of peerless, that's a non issue since monsters die so quickly that they can't kill one of your pets (I got as high as a hell hound pack to Bedlam with no issues).

So feel free to drop taming and lore in order to make your pets more effective offensively and your tank more effective defensively.
True, but controlling them is terribly tricky, especially when there is a good amount of spawn in the area.

Oh, @ the OP: You don't tank with an archer, you'll want a melee skill.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
This is what happened with my vampire-tamer tests:

My pets were: Rune beetle, nightmare, pack of 5 frenzied ostards, pack of 5 hell hounds.

If I did it today, I'd add in a boura combination.

The point is, if you are in vampire form, especially if you have slayer weapons, you don't need the big, lower damage pets like the greater dragon. Even the cu does little damage when compared to the chainsaw that is a pack of frenzied ostards.

The only thing you'd ever have to worry about is the monsters retargetting your pets, and anything short of peerless, that's a non issue since monsters die so quickly that they can't kill one of your pets (I got as high as a hell hound pack to Bedlam with no issues).

So feel free to drop taming and lore in order to make your pets more effective offensively and your tank more effective defensively.

Solid advice. Before Imbuing came out I had a tamer/wammy but I couldn't get the jewels that I wanted so the gear was never that great.

Frenzied Ostards were just sick for damage output, i mean incredible. The only time they don't work that well is when the boss has area effect damage. Frenzied ostards have low HP and low resists.

I wasn't able to get enough skill points on my jewels to make it work with a rune beetle, but I imagine that would be pretty sweet with the armor corrupt.


Other less expensive (pointwise) options:

2 Lowland Boura - Human JOAT controllable
2 Bake Kitsune - Dark Wolf controllable
1 Lesser Hiryu + (1 Bake Kitsune or 1 Lowland Boura)

Lowland Boura/Bake - 2 control slots ea
Lesser Hiryu - 3 control slots
Dark Wolf - 1 control slot

These would all pretty much cost nothing and would be damage adds to a sampire...

The 2 Bake Kitsune combo would do the best DPS out of all options, but since you'd be on foot it'd be better tailored for a Human/Elf Whammy, or Gargoyle sampire.


Stratics Veteran
I'd love to have a melee/sampire/tamer - but alas, I cannot make the template and suit work. Perhaps a mystic/sampire, who can cast rising colossus . . .

Instead of the above template, however, I'd prefer something a little more straightforward:

120 archery
120 tactics
115 lore
110 taming
110 vet
80 chivalry
60 meditation
I run a very similar template with success:

120 archery
120 tactics
120 lore
100 vet
100 chivalry
40 necro

I have 45 hci, 100 dmg, 4/6 cast rate 40-50 SSI.

Possibilities are endless with magical short bow and comp bow. HLA/HLD, Velocity and Mana Leech.

I can run consume without issue, spam Armor Ignore with comp bow while pet attacks. Pet combos can maximize your damage while attacking or serve as tank. Whichever your play style.

I clear destard of Greater Drags and other monsters easily with my Discord/Armor Pierce Cu.

Even for champ spawns, you can do a lot with magical short bow spamming lightning while pet gathers and attacks spawn. When boss pops, just switch to Composite Bow and spam AI.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I must thank the OP for advertising Bake Kitsunes.

For those pets tamed back then can be turned into this now:


But only on the highest intensity ones. FWW coats 600 more points total than AI.
Before Tritons this is one of the few pets that could get Chiv and FWW and have some HP.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
for the mix + keeping the post up

Can drop Archery, pick up Magery and use the Mage Weapon bow :p Now ya have access to heals, cures, teleport, invis, resurrection and gates. *chuckles*


Or you can swap a skill for 100 Spirt speak n use necro mastery control undead get 2 skeleton dragons remove spirt speak “ soul stone” n bam you have 2 decent pets that you can control without taming n lore. Yea you lose the bush mastery but you got 2 dragons lol use to be fun in the past idk if you can still do it with the necromancy revamp.

Dark wolf familiar use to be fun too can run around with 2 pp Bakes just gotta trap the wolf in your house n get far enough so it won’t follow you when you recall.