My main reason for bumping this was a discussion in general chat. Some people thought it was done, what we had, was what was submitted. Some thought no one ever submitted a design for our bank.
We were talking about how pretty the other shards were, Luna and Brit banks in particular. We love Legends but we feel like we get left out of a lot of stuff.
I would have liked Dev to make a new design with craftable items. Have the people of Legends donate something a chair or table with their crafters name. If you don't craft then a flower planted in new magencia with your name. Have Dev gather them up, lay them out per her new design and have someone lock them down. That way Brit bank got finished by the people of legends. I would even donate crystal and corrupted portals since we don't have a gate at Brit bank like almost every other shard does.
EM Miko said no

. But he did say he is still working on getting mesanna to come finish the original design, so there's still hope.