Thanks Magneto2272 & Mirage, after seeing some of the reactions to various designs it does make it a bit daunting as to how it will be received. UO players tend to be worse critics than anyone I have met online or in real life for that matter, lol!
I am really happy with all three of my designs, and hope that when the one (3?) is built that it serves the functions that people wanted ie arcane circle, tithing, gate and stable areas as well as improves the overall atmosphere of the bank. I tried to make all 'interiors' very 'bank' like, as to me that was the original 'intent' of the comp.
I like designing public spaces, which is why I guess I tend to design with a 'less is more feel' and tend to 'theme' things. I actually took 'out' more stuff than I left in, but that is the way I tend to do stuff, put it in then decide what stays and what I think 'fits'. It is also why I tended to leave a lot of 'space' around for banksitters to sit against the walls etc as they like to do, while incorporating the 'deco' into 'constrained' things like ponds, garden beds, etc, areas that wouldn't impede public movement or get in the way of those wanting to run quickly around the building. One thing I have learned both here and in real life is that you need to look at 'function' when designing stuff and make sure whatever you build actually 'serves' the function as the first priority. I also tried to be mindful of the surrounding town so kept clear of any glaring color themes or stuff I thought would look 'out of place'. I really did 'try' to keep things in line with what I thought would be acceptable to the 'majority' not just what I liked, as it 'is' a public space'. I guess I can only cross my fingers that it 'does' this rather than cause contention as it appears some others have done.
But as I said above, I think my shard is the 'smallest' so wonder if I will ever get to see how it all actually 'fits' together when it is done. It was actually hard designing this spot as it was all done with 'cut and paste' and you couldn't actually 'see it built' as a whole and walk around it with the ability to 'change' things that perhaps would be changed if you could 'build and test' first.