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West Brit Bank Designs

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Okay so maybe this is a little silly for me to write and yes I really want to see my design but I also want to see the other shards designs in game as well. Anyone have an idea of when the rest of us will be getting the West brit bank done?

I honestly do wake up daily and run to the WBB on Chesapeake heh.

And is their a list of shards who already have theirs done anywhere?


Lore Keeper
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signed... i go every day to the bank on LA to see if it has changed.:sad4: and didn't even design it. But it looked sooo cool much better than the orginal.


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Agreed. Now that we are required to start in New Haven, it is a PITA to create a char on a new shard just to check the brit bank.

Flora Green

Origin is done. Beyond there and Atlantic I don't know of any other designs up.


Babbling Loonie
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Origin is done. Beyond there and Atlantic I don't know of any other designs up.
Baja's is started but not finished. It seems Draconi is doing this kind of on his own time. So may take a while.


Babbling Loonie
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Me too, I go to my bank to see if it is done pretty much every day, however, I worked out that even if they do one per week, seeing as they seem to be going from largest down, it will be 26 weeks before they get to mine on poor little Oceania that is at the bottom of the list so maybe September or October :(

But at the going rate where it isn't even one per week I think it could be late 2010 before I see mine, if it ever gets there. As with a lot of things in UO, things start and never get completed so I worry I will never see it :(


Hmmmm.... maybe cap'n Draconi and friends should put up "construction equipment" around each bank until it is finished. Then we at least would know they working away...


be careful what you wish for all... you could wind up with a behemoth like the bank on Atlantic. wow i wish we had a bank like the ones proposed for oceania... they're georgeous.

just sayin'


WoW! I agree....everyone of those themes are awesome!!! Most of the design is "around" the bank...after seeing them...OMG. Fantastic.


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Heh, I was wondering if Draconi needed help figuring out exactly how many objects were used on my design or anybody else's. Coz I know mine used up quite Alot of objects :lick: teehee..

(*psst* Draconi, I'd be more than glad to hand u over my UFO.file since I worked with PhotoImpact. Anything to help speed up the bank constructions.:D)



Babbling Loonie
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Thanks Magneto2272 & Mirage, after seeing some of the reactions to various designs it does make it a bit daunting as to how it will be received. UO players tend to be worse critics than anyone I have met online or in real life for that matter, lol!

I am really happy with all three of my designs, and hope that when the one (3?) is built that it serves the functions that people wanted ie arcane circle, tithing, gate and stable areas as well as improves the overall atmosphere of the bank. I tried to make all 'interiors' very 'bank' like, as to me that was the original 'intent' of the comp.

I like designing public spaces, which is why I guess I tend to design with a 'less is more feel' and tend to 'theme' things. I actually took 'out' more stuff than I left in, but that is the way I tend to do stuff, put it in then decide what stays and what I think 'fits'. It is also why I tended to leave a lot of 'space' around for banksitters to sit against the walls etc as they like to do, while incorporating the 'deco' into 'constrained' things like ponds, garden beds, etc, areas that wouldn't impede public movement or get in the way of those wanting to run quickly around the building. One thing I have learned both here and in real life is that you need to look at 'function' when designing stuff and make sure whatever you build actually 'serves' the function as the first priority. I also tried to be mindful of the surrounding town so kept clear of any glaring color themes or stuff I thought would look 'out of place'. I really did 'try' to keep things in line with what I thought would be acceptable to the 'majority' not just what I liked, as it 'is' a public space'. I guess I can only cross my fingers that it 'does' this rather than cause contention as it appears some others have done.

But as I said above, I think my shard is the 'smallest' so wonder if I will ever get to see how it all actually 'fits' together when it is done. It was actually hard designing this spot as it was all done with 'cut and paste' and you couldn't actually 'see it built' as a whole and walk around it with the ability to 'change' things that perhaps would be changed if you could 'build and test' first.


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Agreed! I did not enter but I also want to see them! I go and look a lot too.

I just think our UO people are forced to work on other games, that is why things just do not get done. :( Ok, ok I make a reason why is all.

Please finish all banks Devs. Thank you. :)

Flora Green

I cannot wait to see your design implemented, MissEcho. :) Now I'm going to hop over to Baja and sneak a peek before I start washing windows irl.


Always Present
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hah, I sorta forgot about it...
Not me. :)

I figure Gareth will clue me/us in when it is on Chesapeake which I play upon since he won there...and I been checkin on Siege which I also play upon it...wasn't there yet on Siege.. I rechecked today Uvtha. :)


Babbling Loonie
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Bump - any comments from a dev as to progress on this issue?


Lore Master
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sees your design wish it had happened origin self!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay so maybe this is a little silly for me to write and yes I really want to see my design but I also want to see the other shards designs in game as well. Anyone have an idea of when the rest of us will be getting the West brit bank done?

I honestly do wake up daily and run to the WBB on Chesapeake heh.

And is their a list of shards who already have theirs done anywhere?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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Bump, so what is actually happening? Any feedback?

Seems so far Origin, Atlantic, Baja, not fully 'completed' and the others 'forgotten'?


Babbling Loonie
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Well guess I need stop holding my breath, seems not even any 'feedback' now. We are into mid april, they haven't done one in ages. 2.5 out of hmm 16 ish?


Grand Poobah
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I wish they would finish them so all of your 15 minutes of Fame would end already. Damn you winners are arrogant.

Bomb Bloke

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Yeah, tell people they'll get to see their designs implemented as the bank, and suddenly they start expecting crazy stuff, like seeing their designs implemented as the bank. Sheesh.


Is there a place where I can see the designs that were submitted or picked?


I just logged on after about a month break and was disappointed to see that nothing else has been done with the banks :(


Stratics Veteran
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I just logged on after about a month break and was disappointed to see that nothing else has been done with the banks :(
I am not sure no more have been done because the Dev team has gotten to busy with other things, or because so many players cried about the Atlantic bank. (In my opinion they have no reason to whine. The contest was open to everyone and was even extended at one point. So if they wanted something else from their bank they should of entered themselves.) I really do hope that all the banks do get finished, and the Dev team just ignore those who love to complain about everything. I know I look forward to our new Catskills bank.


Stratics Legend
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I am not sure no more have been done because the Dev team has gotten to busy with other things, or because so many players cried about the Atlantic bank. (In my opinion they have no reason to whine. The contest was open to everyone and was even extended at one point. So if they wanted something else from their bank they should of entered themselves.) I really do hope that all the banks do get finished, and the Dev team just ignore those who love to complain about everything. I know I look forward to our new Catskills bank.
I really doubt it has anything to do with complaining. If they dev team had any brains (which I know it collectively has) they would have known from the onset that there would be endless crying and complaining over it. That's just how these things go.

I'm just guessing they have better things to do. But I do think that if they bother to make up these events for people, they should have a more solid implementation time, simply to avoid these sorts of posts/feelings from the masses.


I just logged on after about a month break and was disappointed to see that nothing else has been done with the banks :(
I am not sure no more have been done because the Dev team has gotten to busy with other things, or because so many players cried about the Atlantic bank. (In my opinion they have no reason to whine. The contest was open to everyone and was even extended at one point. So if they wanted something else from their bank they should of entered themselves.) I really do hope that all the banks do get finished, and the Dev team just ignore those who love to complain about everything. I know I look forward to our new Catskills bank.
Why can't we whine? We get opinions too. Maybe we didn't submit anything cuz we aren't very good at designing, but we still can have an opinion.

I only stated I didn't like it much... I know the guy who designed it, and he is a very friendly, likable person. I just don't care for the design. I still sit there though..

And, I hope you don't get a bank on Catskills!! I hope they take away the one you have even now! :p



Grand Poobah
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I'd originally wanted to see the designs implemented after the Warriors of Destiny event cycle was concluded.

The idea was that, if Casca proves to not be evil and remains in control, it was his gift to usher in a new age of peace and prosperity (before, of course, we discover the gate to the Abyss).

If Casca proves to be evil and is ousted, it would be a way of the new government showing that things were moving on, and ushering in a few age of peace and prosperity (before, of course, we discover the gate to the Abyss).

And if Casca is evil and remains in power, it would be a way of his putting a shiny coating on his evil tyranny.

However, once some shards saw the design put up, I think ALL of the shards should see the designs put up. Have fiction wherein Casca announces that the invasions are over and a new age of peace and prosperity has begun.

Then follow it up, a few short days later, with the next event in the cycle.

-Galen's player

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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I think the Devs were doing this in spare time and with Abyss and such perhaps they just dont have the time right now.

Also I know someone is doing all the fairgrounds on the shards for the EMs so that as well may be taking some time.


Babbling Loonie
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so any further progress since Cats? ............... Looks down the list to the letter O. I think my guess for maybe in six months will need to be re assessed. At this rate I am starting to get a touch upset. Well over 3 months is already enough time to wait for an advertised prize, come on guys, if you weren't prepared to come through on the prize why did you advertise it to start with?


At this rate of progress the banks will be due for renovations and teller machines!


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I will take a cash prize rather than the design being implemented if that would be easier for the dev team! ;D