Well I get you saying its just a search feature.
But what good is searching if you cant get to it.
Are you saying there would be coordinates.
The problem is then people would want to recall to it directly, not much different then buying from it.
The problem with a search function is...
When the Fallen Warriors appeared...
I could have searched and bought all the pixie swatters for 50k or so.
No one really new they would work on them. I found out that day.
I bought 5 or 6 swatters. Sold them for yep 500k each. On vendors in LUNA.
If i had a search function I would have bought everyone. Is that fair? Yes. But is it good for the game. NO.
That is the problem I have with a search function.
And to answer your question. I was wrong in saying it would put vendors out of business. I should have said it would end the players experience of shopping vendors and building runes to out of the way vendor places. Because players like me would buy up all the pixie swatters using a legal game mechanic.
Now I would be open to this.
A search feature. That charges 250k a pop usuage. You put in the jewelry piece you want. Hit enter and 250k is deducted from your bank.
You get to find that hard to find item. The item appears on screen. If there are 10 items you get 10 lines. But there is no vendor attached to the items. You get one free click to get the coordinates. Not all 10 coordinates. That would cost you further.
Now I cant go and scarf up all the pixie swatters without paying.
Just an example of an idea.
[/ QUOTE ]
I understand your concerns, and while the actual $ figure isn't important here... charging for searching is not going to help the above scenario. It would actually make it worse. The rich would get richer, the poor would be left out in the cold. You see... in your pixie swatter situation - you personally could afford to do the search. You could then record all the coordinates, and go buy them up. A newer player who figures out that a pixie swatter is good wouldn't be able to find them for sale, short of today's methods of physically double clicking hundreds of vendors / backpacks across the server... and thus, the people who have money win.
The main point of this idea is simply to provide the ability for players to find the things they need in a short period of time. This is VERY important for new players, (and new subscriber retention) as there is quite a few more items in the game these days (think back to how many items were in the game in 1998, and how many there are now... TOUGH to be a new player these days)
Well I get you saying its just a search feature.
But what good is searching if you cant get to it.
Are you saying there would be coordinates.
The problem is then people would want to recall to it directly, not much different then buying from it.
The problem with a search function is...
When the Fallen Warriors appeared...
I could have searched and bought all the pixie swatters for 50k or so.
No one really new they would work on them. I found out that day.
I bought 5 or 6 swatters. Sold them for yep 500k each. On vendors in LUNA.
If i had a search function I would have bought everyone. Is that fair? Yes. But is it good for the game. NO.
That is the problem I have with a search function.
And to answer your question. I was wrong in saying it would put vendors out of business. I should have said it would end the players experience of shopping vendors and building runes to out of the way vendor places. Because players like me would buy up all the pixie swatters using a legal game mechanic.
Now I would be open to this.
A search feature. That charges 250k a pop usuage. You put in the jewelry piece you want. Hit enter and 250k is deducted from your bank.
You get to find that hard to find item. The item appears on screen. If there are 10 items you get 10 lines. But there is no vendor attached to the items. You get one free click to get the coordinates. Not all 10 coordinates. That would cost you further.
Now I cant go and scarf up all the pixie swatters without paying.
Just an example of an idea.
[/ QUOTE ]
I understand your concerns, and while the actual $ figure isn't important here... charging for searching is not going to help the above scenario. It would actually make it worse. The rich would get richer, the poor would be left out in the cold. You see... in your pixie swatter situation - you personally could afford to do the search. You could then record all the coordinates, and go buy them up. A newer player who figures out that a pixie swatter is good wouldn't be able to find them for sale, short of today's methods of physically double clicking hundreds of vendors / backpacks across the server... and thus, the people who have money win.
The main point of this idea is simply to provide the ability for players to find the things they need in a short period of time. This is VERY important for new players, (and new subscriber retention) as there is quite a few more items in the game these days (think back to how many items were in the game in 1998, and how many there are now... TOUGH to be a new player these days)