Uhm... gonna sound stupid, but the ability to price items and place them on your vendor's paperdoll (an exploit) was removed some time ago yes? I ask as I see a vendor on LS that has such an item again, selling an "ethereal kilt" from a vendor's paperdoll at a vendor just east of the Luna moongate.
If i'm right in remembering it was removed, can we get some action on this vendor/item as well as getting that ability removed again since its obviously back?
Would be nice to shut the death maze puzzle boxes down like the Asian shards did while you're at it, at least until you actually decide to fix that problem as well.
If i'm right in remembering it was removed, can we get some action on this vendor/item as well as getting that ability removed again since its obviously back?
Would be nice to shut the death maze puzzle boxes down like the Asian shards did while you're at it, at least until you actually decide to fix that problem as well.