Amathist of PoC
This event is still going ahead I have just not finalized anything yet due to illness. But I will make the event for some time in September.
I think there used to be whales.. long time ago? My memory's a bit foggy..
Loan Sharks work too?Why do we not have sharks? I mean we have dolphins you said we had wales were the flippin sharks....how are us pirates supposed to instill fear in our crew if we cant feed them to some sharks.
aye not denying your tail one bit my friend..for all fisherman are friends when it comes to our tails....I saw a big fish caught by Salty that was 216
Which Hayden? Immortal cheerleader Hayden or ecstatic facial scrub user Hayden?Hayden Panettiere will get you Fink![]()
Uproar-schmuproar, I want to be a whaler of yore..although killing whales could cause some up roar I guess.