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UO vs DF



Alright we are almost at the third month of the EU1 server birth of Darkfall. The hype over the game is only getting stronger as they correct mistakes and continually add to the otherwise empty game world.

I'm not about to close the UO door in my life, but how much longer could they possible push SA. By the time DF North America opens up ill have a chance to play it for myself.

Ive been reading over some of the newer features and was surprised that some of them where ideas I submitted to EA in likeness. For instance... Removing guard zones and having Sigil towers that damage gray players... Removing Trammel rule set.... removing item insurance... and finally removing artifacts that cannot be crafted

On top of all those features they use a similar combat engine to Oblivion, with the skills sets of UO going from 0-100 skill. all Darkfall needs is champ spawns and you could call it the UltimaFall.

A lot of people of people are hoping SA is amazing maybe even revolutionary, but in my opinion SA is going to make or break UO and the longer it takes the higher the expectation is going to be.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
SA is going to be a failure, like KR and AoS were failures. I hope Darkfall pulls all the idiots away so we can get back to a pure UO.


DF had a **** poor launch, and their devs are terrible. They don't communicate with the public other than to announce when they're bringing the store up for 10 minutes, which they post 30 minutes prior. Not to mention they open the store when normal people are at their jobs. Hell, they didn't update their website to announce that it was no longer in beta, until earlier this week.

I'm personally waiting anxiously for Mortal Online. Their devs used to play UO back in the pre-trammel ruleset, and they're focusing the game around those times.


SA is going to be a failure, like KR and AoS were failures. I hope Darkfall pulls all the idiots away so we can get back to a pure UO.
The problem with idiots is even if they make UO idiot proof someone will always come along and invent a better idiot lol

I doubt Darkfall will very successful at first, the moment reminds me of Call of Duty 4... the majority of people where skeptical because it released weeks after Halo3, but it sure kicked ass after putting forth honest efforts and advertising superior content.

Its not impossible for a new mmo to quickly destroy competition but the similarity between UO and DF are shocking in terms of development cycles and working systems.


DF had a **** poor launch, and their devs are terrible. They don't communicate with the public other than to announce when they're bringing the store up for 10 minutes, which they post 30 minutes prior. Not to mention they open the store when normal people are at their jobs. Hell, they didn't update their website to announce that it was no longer in beta, until earlier this week.

I'm personally waiting anxiously for Mortal Online. Their devs used to play UO back in the pre-trammel ruleset, and they're focusing the game around those times.

Did you see UO launch? haha, the majority of its success was passing around free "offline" demo games and advertising in magazines. Unfortunately I don't think UO was available for some time in other country. Same reason why DF is "not officially released" yet in North America, they need revenue and investors to expand globally being a small time company.

If anything I wouldn't be surprised if EA games invested in that mmo, unfortunately its not that easy, but at least that is how Origin was able to pull it off.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Electronic Arts bought Origin Systems Incorporated in 1992, five full years before Ultima Online was even released.

EA was part of UO from day one