As some of you have noticed, there is a short write-up and link posted on the Community News of UO Stratics. Thank you, Lady Malynn /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif
Thanks Nadia also, for making this thread sticky for the outing.
In relation to EA Singapore, I have sent to them the following e-mail (addressed to Chris Ng and Diana of EA Singapore, copied to Sunsword, Wilki and Binky) :
<blockquote>Dear Chris and Diana,
I refer to my e-mail of 16 Nov 2004 to Diana below.
As you are aware, Adrian (another UO Player) and myself organised and sponsered a Singapore UO Players Gathering on 20 November 2004. You may read more about the gather posted on the Community News section of UO Stratics - (,78395,). A fuller report and the comments from some of the attendees may be found at this link at the UO Asia forum of UO Stratics - (;sb=5&o=0&fpart=11&what2=postlist).
We were disappointed that either of you turned up at the gathering, even to say "hi" to the subscribers to UO who attended the gathering.
As you are aware, one of hall marks of running a successful online game (as opposed to selling stand alone games) is the cultivation of a community. If a subscriber feels that he/she is part of a community - and a community that is supported by the distributor of the online game, it is much more likely that the subscriber will continue to play (and pay for) the online game.
It is in this spirit - that EA Singapore will support and cultivate the UO Community in Singapore - that we ask EA Singapore to consider sponsering (in whole or in part) the next Singapore UO Players gathering (tentatively schedule in June 2005). It would be tremendously disappointing if EA Singapore does not live up to the standards set by EA divisions in other jurisdictions (eg EA Japan) and actively support the UO community in Singapore.
An online game community that is not actively supported by the distributor may well be influenced to seek out other alternatives, which are actively supported.
I look forward to hearing from you in the near future and I hope to hear a response that will complement the hard work that has been put into UO by the developers in the USA.
Christopher Tan (CitizenKane2 on UO Stratics)</blockquote>
If I receive any response from EA Singapore, I'll let you guys know.