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UO should make a repond champ spawn

Do you think there should be a Repond champ spawn?

  • Total voters


UO should make a repond champ spawn starting with ettins and trolls,
then going onto cyclopean warriors and ogres,
then Ogre Lords and Titans,
with maybe a mix between a titan and an ogre lord for a champ

This would be a great champ spawn and would stop people who have made someone great at killing reponds from missing out.
because there isn't really anything special reponds do- no repond quests or champs, and this would give reponds their chance to shine!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I just realized after this post, that there isn't one like that!
We also got arctic ogre lords that need spawning too.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ummmm...almost everything in Barracoon champ spawn is repond. :) Think that would qualify as a repond spawn no?

1st Level - Rats and Slimes. Rats repond
Second Level - Rat Men and Direwolves. Ratmen Repond
Third Level - Rat mages and hellhounds. Mages Repond
Fourth Level - Rat Archers and serpants. Archers Repond.

Then champ after morphs to rat is repond. Now not all is a repond, but its good enough.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Should really make an Elemental Champ spawn.

Besides 4th level on spider spawn with Poisons, there's nothing else...would be fun seeing all the air/water/fire/poison/blood/ice/efreet/ore elementals in one spot! And the champ would be a blackrock ele :)


While Ratmen count as repond being monsterous humanoids, I believe Rats fall under the vermin category.

I think its a good idea. A spawn with all those repond mobs you never fight anymore.


black... I think u are slightly confused. Repond is a creature that stands on 2 legs and walks like a human. Rats are 4 legged creatures and thus not reponds. All the others are tho. I think u may have had repond and vermin confused.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually I beleive that prior to ML...repond slayer was the only slayer too do double damage to Ratmen. I would more than love for you too prove me wrong, but being I have been doing champ spawns for 4+ years and have ran well over 2k rat spawns...think I might know a thing or two about repond slaying and ratmen. But be my guest too prove me wrong.

Kensai Tsunami

ratmen are repond vulnerable. they are also affected by the vermin slayer talismans. so both are correct. still not sure if the 2 combine tho, but i suspect not just from fartin around with it a lil bit. didnt seem to.


UO should make a repond champ spawn starting with ettins and trolls,
then going onto cyclopean warriors and ogres,
then Ogre Lords and Titans,
with maybe a mix between a titan and an ogre lord for a champ

This would be a great champ spawn and would stop people who have made someone great at killing reponds from missing out.
because there isn't really anything special reponds do- no repond quests or champs, and this would give reponds their chance to shine!

You could maybe put arctic ogre lords in instead of ogres, since arctics are so easy to kill if you have a fire weapon or consecrate weapon
Also, although ratmen are reponds, a few ratmen dosn't cover the vast range of reponds that have been ignored for so long, and they are only the weakest ones who couldn't hope to even kill an ettin


I always thought it would be neat to fight an Orc champ spawn.



I think it would be great if they took the existing champs and just changed the spawn up from time to time, preferably without telling us.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I saw in draconies interview thread that there gona do a water champ so i guessing that'll be like pirates on boats or something, that sound like itll be repond :)

Zyon Rockler

I voted yes but I think NPCs need a good working over. My image of a perfect repond spawn would be to take and create player like NPCs and include them in the spawn. Starting with weaker NPCs, working up to very complex templates.

I would begin by using Bucs Den in Trammel and Felucca and making it into a Champion Spawn.

First you would have a few brigands with alterations to their weapons, so the brigand would use the weapon that was found on his loot, as well as the armour that decided what his resistances were. So, if the NPC had low cold resis on, that would be his weakness.

Also, NPCs would interact with each other, even though an NPC Mage with a low skill of say 80 would still be hard to beat because the NPCs would heal each other and target weaker players. For example: If your life is low, the NPCs would turn their efforts towards you.

The second wave might include Bushido and Ninjitzu along with a bit of Necromancy.

The third wave would include Archers and Tamers and very powerful skills.

And, the last wave would include Artifacts. They could be cursed artifacts and very high spell damage and hit chance. This would all be done very realistically. Almost as if they were actual players just starting with newer and less aggressive templates, moving up to very intelligent and advanced players using potions, bandages, healing with magic, helping each other, etc...

And, then, The Champion who could control the elements and time. Of course, I don't know what his loot would be but maybe something good in Trammel and something very, very bad in Felucca. Maybe, only a Dread Lord could only use the Felucca item and only a Glorious Lord could use the Trammel item, Karma based items basically.

In Felucca of course the spawns would be Blue and in Trammel they would be Red. The Red NPCS would not attacks reds and if they were grey NPCs they would not attack thieves, being their karma would be negative, similar to pixies.

The Red NPCs could make rude comments and laugh alot, where the Blue NPCs could make positive remarks.

I would also like to see the NPC camps reworked, so some of them show these different level types. This would give players the opportunity to continue working their character templates without having to actually fight another player.


I think the repond champ that the op described would be awesome. Some other cool repond creatures could be orc mages and lords and an orc brute; though, I suppose this sounds more like an orc champ than a generic repond one. Still, orc brutes would be fun.

I also second the nomination for an Elemental champ spawn. This would be insanely fun. (Blood elementals on the last phase?)


Actually I beleive that prior to ML...repond slayer was the only slayer too do double damage to Ratmen. I would more than love for you too prove me wrong, but being I have been doing champ spawns for 4+ years and have ran well over 2k rat spawns...think I might know a thing or two about repond slaying and ratmen. But be my guest too prove me wrong.
While Ratmen count as repond being monsterous humanoids, I believe Rats fall under the vermin category.
That ^

Two different mobs.